for PETN synth
Verified efficient method of preparing PETN from diluted HNO3
32,7 ml of 70% HNO3 (75% excess)
18,9 ml of 96% H2SO4
10,0 g of Pentaerythrite
34,0 ml of 65% HNO3 (66% excess)
24,8 ml of 96% H2SO4
10,0 g of Pentaerythrite
34,8 ml of 58% HNO3 (48% excess)
36,3 ml of 96% H2SO4
10,0 g of Pentaerythrite
Let me say this; it does need to be monitored to a get degree. Temp must not exceed 15-20C or else it may run and spew NOx.