Fitz - 24-3-2008 at 08:22
Does anyone here know of any patents or has any experience replacing Hg with Gallium in an Al/Hg reduction. Gallium prevents Al from forming an oxide
layer and can reduce water to form hydrogen, but would it work in the same fasion as Al/Hg and if so, why is it not more widespread since Gallium is
much safer to handle then Hg?
bio2 - 24-3-2008 at 08:48
The mercury salt must dissolve the adhering Al oxide as well as inhibit reformation.
Metallic Hg works also albeit very, very slowly.
Will Gallium salts dissolve Al Oxide?
Fleaker - 24-3-2008 at 11:21
Yes, there is a paper on this effect already. I don't have it handy, but it will work for reductions of -NO2 to NH2 and for several other things.