Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Hot Plate - Stirrer Repair guide

AvBaeyer - 3-11-2018 at 15:49

Every now and then there are questions regarding how to fix hot plates and stirrers. I just came across this article which may of use in some cases. I hope that it can be of some use. The article and its supplementary section are provided


Attachment: How To Troubleshoot, Repair, and Maintain Mag Stir Hotplates.pdf (1.7MB)
This file has been downloaded 393 times

Attachment: HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT Supp Info.pdf (537kB)
This file has been downloaded 273 times

Heptylene - 4-11-2018 at 01:01

Great find, thanks for sharing!

Sulaiman - 4-11-2018 at 01:42

The guide looks useful for an academic environment,
but amateur Variac owners probably do not need this guide,
amateurs that would benefit from this guide probably do not own a variac.

To reduce the frequency of explosions in the electronic repair factory where I work/worked,
it is common for us to put a 100W filament lamp in series with power lines
(one in 'live' line if 240 Vac, two in series per line if 415 Vac))
if there is a short circuit or fault, the lamp is fully illuminated and the power stays on.
low power equipment can run with the lamp(s) in place, brightness indicating current.
Most equipment will need the lamps to be bypassed to operate once it has been tested for short-circuits etc.

Especially for smps repair I prefer using a lamp to a variac.