Thanks for all the info guys.
Didn't mean to give you a hard time Quicksilver, I am well aware that many of you guys know more than I, which is one of the reasons I really thought
you were messing with me alittle(I was not upset by it though). You say you may of had a senior moment, I had you pegged as a smart younger adult, not
a smart older adult(I assume you are implying that you are older with the senior moment thing). I'm not a kid, but I'm not old either, young adult I
guess. As you can see I do have an adolescent enthusiasm for anything related to fire.
I made what I think is Basic Lead Picrate with the method in "the preparatory manual of explosives", I know it is not the best reference but it does
have some interesting things in it. First put TNP in solution, use NaOH to convert to sodium picrate in basic solution, then add Pb(NO3)2 solution
gradually+heat and stir, filter, wash, etc.(general summary I think) I wonder what I may have done wrong, mine is explosive as hell to a flame, but
pretty damn insensitive to percussion. Maybe being the monohydrate makes it alot more insensitive? What would be the result if my TNP was alittle less
than pure? I thought(not knowing for sure) that I might have been giving the impurities the slip when making the Picrate, but maybe not.