Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Diphoronepentaperoxide (DPPP)

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Rosco Bodine - 1-1-2005 at 23:55

I suppose the loose definition of a shaped charge is those charges which
are not shapeless charges , but exist
in some form ;)

Better for a charge to have some shape
and not just be a globlike amoeba :D

[Edited on 2-1-2005 by Rosco Bodine]

Please look at defintion of shaped charge

Matsumoto_Hideki - 1-1-2005 at 23:57

Forget it... this is a hopless forum...

I post good material, I told it is bullshit like my pics and movies.
I post slightly incorrect info and it is also just as bad.
What type of idiotic forum is this?


Rosco Bodine - 2-1-2005 at 00:06

Nobody is dismissing *all* that you have shared ....just some of what you say that stretches credulity and leaves you deserving of some heat for it . Now I still
say the impact welding of the brass fragments *is* still evidence of brisance beyond AP , regardless of the gauge of the sheet metal , or did you miss that I was vouching for you in that much ?

mr.pyro - 2-1-2005 at 00:08

Slightly Incorrect Info in this hobby will get you killed. Doesn't matter that its just some measely metal, its the credibility at stake for your future statements. Its not hard, just dont exaggerate, your not here to impress anyone.

But if THe_Rsert, posts here, or anyone that has tried his method, could you please try and get pictures of the "black crystals" precipitating out of the Black Oily Liquid.

Bullshit! Vouching WTF?

Matsumoto_Hideki - 2-1-2005 at 00:11

Brass will if projected and high speed will score sheet metal (steel) in this case. those grooves are surface scratches, nothing more. That is if you saw the attached jpg
I don't know were you got that info about AP and brass from? cause it is just WRONG.

DPPP will score sheet steel obviously since the dvol is way beyond AP's , and yes some of those grooves ARE all the way through the metal! I still can't beleive it myself!

[Edited on 2-1-2005 by Matsumoto_Hideki]

Rosco Bodine - 2-1-2005 at 00:23

What are you talking about ? I am talking about the DPPP charge starburst and embedded particles at the ends of the gouges that look like the little micrometeorite at the end of its journey
stuck to the steel and reflecting yellow in the light . I am not arguing against you .

Is English a second language for you ?

Nope, you saw correctly.. sorry.

Matsumoto_Hideki - 2-1-2005 at 00:47

English is a second language for me. However I don't type all that well in either language as I am not fast think in compairison to hands. I speak Japanese as well as english.
ore wa nikagokugo ga shiyodekite, eigo to nippongo mo ryouho perapera tsukaeru!

Rosco Bodine - 2-1-2005 at 01:14

No problem . It explains a lot about the difficulties in pinning down some of the details and the misunderstandings .
I am actually doing some experimenting
concerning DPPP , but trying to identify
many technical aspects which have bearing on the process . I am not hiding
behind any desk , but have three different
projects going on . DPPP is only one of them , but seems to be making progress .

Chris The Great - 2-1-2005 at 01:21

OK, calm down people. Hideki, I understnad your excitement, but it would really improve matters, as well as cut down useless stuff in this thread, if you double check all your measurements and such, as well as describe some things a little clearer. I can see alot of anger that has come out because of a slight mistake or a misinterpretation. You've done some great work, but try being more accurate in the future, it will greatly add to your reputation and help everyone, as they will get good accurate results.
Also, I would suggest taking pictures of the setup and explosives before detonation. I would definatly find that useful in addition to the pictures of the aftermath.

Pyroz - 2-1-2005 at 01:39

I have tried the same "DPPP" substance in a larger shell casing. In this test I packed a .308 shell 3/4 full and then crimped the end with a small diameter visco fuse. I made 2 blasting caps-- the other cap was filled with standard acetone peroxide, again 3/4 full. All caps were subjected to 2 kG worth of compression in a controlled environment using hand tools.

Test 1: Acetone Peroxide cap: The cap exploded on 2mm steel sheeting and a few deep groves appeared. Shrapnel was chunky and was collected easily. A deep impression formed on the surface but the primer base could not perforate the plate. The primer nippled and the base of the casing was multilated--fused together.

Test2: "DPPP" cap: The cap exploded on the 2mm steel sheeting and extremely small bits of brass shrapnel had punctured the steel in several areas. The pieces were to small to recover. The plate was completely blown through at the focal point directly below the primer. From examing the evidence it would appear that the primer actually perforated the plate--cleanly I might add.

---I ask you all to attempt the same tests and see what you come up with.

I will be uploading photos tomorrow

[Edited on 2-1-2005 by Pyroz]

chemoleo - 2-1-2005 at 04:56

OK, calm down people. Hideki, I understnad your excitement, but it would really improve matters, as well as cut down useless stuff in this thread, if you double check all your measurements and such, as well as describe some things a little clearer. I can see alot of anger that has come out because of a slight mistake or a misinterpretation. You've done some great work, but try being more accurate in the future, it will greatly add to your reputation and help everyone, as they will get good accurate results.
Also, I would suggest taking pictures of the setup and explosives before detonation. I would definatly find that useful in addition to the pictures of the aftermath.

I second that, and I should think most people would. And please, STOP diluting this thread with NEEDLESS flaming. Criticism is ok, but keep it to the point. And Matsumo, the criticism you receive doesn't give you a licence to swear at everyone at this board regardless how injust it may feel to you.
Take it, and do it better next time.

On the note of constructive advice- Matsumo it also might be wise to weigh each amount of explosive rather than counting the number of grains?!? Or did I misunderstand?

flaming.. I am pissed off!

Matsumoto_Hideki - 2-1-2005 at 08:26

Hey, first of all i don't like being called a lier, secondly
the number of grains was measured via a rifle powder measurement this is accurate for explosives other than NG/NC/ Pyrodex..... and the like.
In both tests 21 grains eqivalent were used. 1 grain = 0.06479891grams. so in total ~1.2g were used each. This is the same gauge that is used to measure explosives.
3rdly ... If you still are having trouble believing me go ask R_Sert as he has actually done tests that just prove what I claimed on this forum is 100% true. R_Sert claims that DPPP has roughly 5x the brissiliance of TCAP. I for one think he is close to being dead on. Not only are we on to something here this just may be a break through. NEXT project for me is making DPPP detchord.

[Edited on 2-1-2005 by Matsumoto_Hideki]

Jome - 2-1-2005 at 09:31

Has anyone tried this substance with a 2kg fallhammer?

Pyroz - 2-1-2005 at 10:51

Hideki will NO longer be posting on this board. You may revoke his membership Chemoleo or whomever. I have asked him post somewhere else or I will boot him off of the LAN server. I do not want my IP to banned again.. thank you.
I will be taking a video clip of a few different charges today. I'm not sure how large these videos will be and I will apologize in advance for the low quality.

I will do a few more steel plate tests----- AP vs DPPP and try a lead block test if I can get around to it.

[Edited on 2-1-2005 by Pyroz]

Rosco Bodine - 2-1-2005 at 12:01

Please , if you are not doing so already , when you do a plate test support the plate near the edges with open space underneath , or place it on a thick sheet of styrofoam , so that the plate deformation or puncturing is not interfered with by the supporting surface ,
which otherwise will make that part of the test meaningless .

second test plate

Pyroz - 2-1-2005 at 17:56

--- I have a word document (2.4 mB) which explains the process that used and aftermath of each test. This my clear up a few questions. I can email this to anyone who wants to view it.

[Edited on 3-1-2005 by Pyroz]

100_2617.jpg - 202kB

The_Davster - 2-1-2005 at 18:19

Why not just post it as an attachment?

Anyway, send it to the email addy in my profile please.

My file as a compressed PDF

Pyroz - 2-1-2005 at 18:23

here we are... better yet you can download it in a compressed file format

Attachment: test.pdf (220kB)
This file has been downloaded 1407 times

DPPP detcord?

Matsumoto_Hideki - 2-1-2005 at 23:39

Just pondering the possiblities with DPPP, do you think detcord is able to be made with an explosive (stable) binder? If the DoV is as high as the patent claims someone here needs to try making Detcord and make a video detonating it.

It's a thought but....

Joeychemist - 2-1-2005 at 23:57

Detcord is only an option if you co-precipitated, re-crystallized or mixed DPPP with some sort of putty, solid or liquid explosives. Simply packing DPPP crystals into rope, cord or tubing cannot achieve and maintain a consistent density.

Possibly a mixture of MHN and DPPP will achieve a very nice thick syrup like compound, or as Rosco has mentioned a mixture of MEKP and DPPP sounds very interesting. Anyways the point is that packing crystals into det-cord will work but not as good or reliable as one would expect from the performance of ones det-cord.

[Edited on 3-1-2005 by Joeychemist]

Ok, heres where i am in the synth...

Mickhael - 3-1-2005 at 00:33

I mixed:
100ml Acetone
105ml HCl Aprox. 31.5 conc

Heated at 75c for 2, 1/2 hours, liquid turned from clear to deep red, lost about 125ml of liquid volume.

Now my questions are:

Q: #1
I can put the solution in ice water at -10c outside, now how much HCl should I add just before the H2O2 to the solution?

Q: #2
Do I add double the first liquid volume (= 410ml of h2o2) or just double the current volume (= 190ml h2o2) ?

Q: #3
I've read that adding to much bi-carb or not enough will both destroy the batch, one by overheating, the other by to extreme a PH, so how much and how fast should I add the bi-carb, and can I just add the powder, or should it be in a water solution?

Thankyou for any help...I'm hoping to have some good results with the fresh Phorone :)

Edit: Light does pass through, but the red liquid is cloudy. I have the container sitting open on a shelf in a warm lit place. And so 5% HCl just before h2o2? ok.

[Edited on 3-1-2005 by Mickhael]

Joeychemist - 3-1-2005 at 01:13

Originally posted by Mickhael
I mixed:
100ml Acetone
105ml HCl Aprox.

Heated at 75c for 2, 1/2 hours, liquid turned from clear to deep red, lost about 125ml of liquid volume.

You lost that much of the original solution????
You should cover you’re reaction vessel or use a closed or sealed vessel of some form. Anyway add two parts 30% H2O2 to what you currently have.;)

You’re other questions have already been answered in this thread and the other related threads plus you don’t even mention the specifics like acid concentration, (not that it will affect much).

As for adding the sodium bi-carb, well I think it’s pretty much a given that it should be added in the form of a bi-carb/water solution.

Mickhael, I sent you a U2U message.;)

Pyroz - 3-1-2005 at 01:21

Dark red? Can light easily pass through the liquid?

If so..
keep the reaction going until the liquid becomes black. If I would keep it warm for another 24 hours with the lid off. You will have phorone dihydrogen chloride left over.

Once your solution is black and has chilled for several hours at -5C. In order to make DPPP the temperature must be as low as possiable to prevent a secondary reaction from occuring ---- acetone formation. Acetone formation seems to occur greatest when the temperture go above 5C . I froze my glass jar with 1 litre of phorone dihydrogen chloride in a water bath and added 50 mls of concentrated muriatic acid. Then I slowly added chilled 35% H202--- 150ml's at a time and carefully monitored the reaction temperature.

Ok, that makes sense...

Mickhael - 3-1-2005 at 01:37

I'm just double checking here, i have read hundreds of posts...but done very little of my own synths, so i want to get it right.

Also, that still didn't answer my question about how much bi-carb (water + powder) to use, and if the speed is you need to add it withen 5 seconds, that i've read...that makes timing very crucial! I may have missed it in reading, but i didn't notice anyone who gave conclusive amounts...or timing.

[Edited on 3-1-2005 by Mickhael]

Rosco Bodine - 3-1-2005 at 02:04

Joeychemist ,

You asked earlier in the thread for me to share any ideas I thought may be worth trying so here goes .

A summary of my present thoughts .
From what I observed in my sealed bottle experiment , using a sealed container is a good idea for preventing the acetone from escaping as vapor . Let the reaction proceed for the first 45 minutes from its own heat , and then use a hot water bath at about 70 C , and six hours from the first mixing and sealing of the container is about when you should see a mixture worth an attempt at peroxidation after it stands and cools for awhile . The color of the mixture should be extremely dark red orange like concentrated freshly brewed tea appears in a glass teakettle , so dark that light just barely passes through it , but it is not cloudy or opaque . I have some ideas for trying experiments at peroxidation of the mixture at several different points in the progress of the reaction , according to a general timeline for various markers I observed showing different changes in the mixture , and the time range of 6 to 7 hours appears to be a promising reaction time for testing .
Also I would use cooling during the peroxidation step , but not cool the mixture quite so cold as some , maybe try to maintain a reaction temperature of about 15 C during the peroxidation . Getting the mixture too cold is likely to
cause the precursor solution or fine emulsion to separate and be much less susceptible to peroxidation , than if it remains in a solution or finely dispersed emulsion . The patents ratios would seem about right for acetone with 31.45% pool grade muriatic HCl , and 27% pool grade peroxide . The peroxide would need to be very cold in advance , and added dropwise with good stirring to the precursor solution , sitting in a cold water bath . The reverse order of addition may or may not work , but if attempted I would add maybe 20 ml extra HCl to the peroxide before proceeding .
If the reverse order of addition did work and provided adequate yields , the purity of the product would likely be improved by that change . I have not tested this but am planning on trying it and making any adjustments subsequently which may be needed as refinements .
This regards 200 ml acetone , 200 ml HCl 31.45% and 400 ml H2O2 27% .

[Edited on 3-1-2005 by Rosco Bodine]

Pyroz - 3-1-2005 at 02:20

Originally posted by Mickhael
I'm just double checking here, i have read hundreds of posts...but done very little of my own synths, so i want to get it right.

Also, that still didn't answer my question about how much bi-carb (water + powder) to use, and if the speed is you need to add it withen 5 seconds, that i've read...that makes timing very crucial! I may have missed it in reading, but i didn't notice anyone who gave conclusive amounts...or timing.

[Edited on 3-1-2005 by Mickhael]

I didn't add in any base to my DPPP synth. I tested the acidity before I started my reaction and it was really mild.

I don't think you have read the recent posts

Matsumoto_Hideki - 3-1-2005 at 10:52

The current method of DPPP production is dropping the temperature down as cold as possible (-25c to -30c) in a freezer then slowly adding the H2O2 over the course of several hrs. This method yeilds the most amount of DPPP per ml. Heating is a nonissue with this current method.:)

Rosco Bodine - 3-1-2005 at 11:56

Yes with enough cooling , reaction heating is a non-issue . But doesn't a very low temperature also complicate things by introducing a miscibility issue , which itself can cause surges in temperature that may not occur for a more dispersed mixture at a slightly warmer temperature ?
That has been my line of thinking on this , but I can tell more when I observe the temperatures on a peroxidation in progress , and actually see better the
effect of temperature and rate of stirring and rate of addition , knowing such things all work together harmoniously within a range that will give good results . Then you sort of choose the median values for those variables as your "target" reaction condition , which allows your control error some space to vary a bit up or down , while still giving good results . Maybe the reaction does work best working with the highly viscous precursor at very low temperature for this particular case , but generally it would be worth investigating whether this is certain , since the physical
considerations suggest a more moderate
reaction condition may work also with certain benefits , from the milder conditions . Of course the milder conditions may not work at all , but it seems probable it would do okay . How you go about this reaction may be influenced also by what equipment you use and how closely you can control the reaction .

too cold--- no good

Pyroz - 3-1-2005 at 12:11

I'd say if you were to keep the temperature somewhere in the neighbourhood between -5C to 1C this would be optimal. I get the best crystal growth at 1C.

Rosco Bodine - 3-1-2005 at 12:54

"Thinking outside the box" is something I deliberately do when trying to analyze a complex reaction . And in that spirit , there is one thing that I must say I have wondered about all along concerning this reaction , with specific regard to the conversion of the phorone dihydrochloride to pentachlorophorone , I have wondered if perhaps this first part of the reaction using hydrogen peroxide sufficient to accomplish the chlorination , should be a reaction run *hot* , and then the actual
peroxidation reaction run at room temperature or just slightly cooler . There is no reaction condition specified by the patent , so
it is only guessing how the inventor performed the synthesis , and there may even be different ways of performing the synthesis which will work equally well , or some better than others , or only one way which works at all . I do not dispute the findings of others experiments , but only have some uncertainty that their conclusions are entirely correct , when such conclusions may be premature . I wish to not leave a stone unturned in considering what possible experiments with variations on the methods may shed light on the details not disclosed by the patent .

Pyroz - 3-1-2005 at 13:16

Originally posted by Rosco Bodine
"Thinking outside the box" is something I deliberately do when trying to analyze a complex reaction . And in that spirit , there is one thing that I must say I have wondered about all along concerning this reaction , with specific regard to the conversion of the phorone dihydrochloride to pentachlorophorone , I have wondered if perhaps this first part of the reaction using hydrogen peroxide sufficient to accomplish the chlorination , should be a reaction run *hot* , and then the actual
peroxidation reaction run at room temperature or just slightly cooler . There is no reaction condition specified by the patent , so
it is only guessing how the inventor performed the synthesis , and there may even be different ways of performing the synthesis which will work equally well , or some better than others , or only one way which works at all . I do not dispute the findings of others experiments , but only have some uncertainty that their conclusions are entirely correct , when such conclusions may be premature . I wish to not leave a stone unturned in considering what possible experiments with variations on the methods may shed light on the details not disclosed by the patent .

I was having a similar discussion with several chem grads over the weekend. H202 may infact create a phorone of sorts when heated.--- never tried it though.

Mickhael - 3-1-2005 at 13:22

Ok, I did miss some posts...sorry, I must have been trying to speed-read and skipped them :( Anywho's I'm going to try re-heating and bringing my remaining liquid (and covering the flask) down to the dark, thick quaility needed. I have noticed the sheeting of the liquid on the glass as I swirl it as well rosco, I can't see any seperation as of yet however...more results when I've completed them.

I might not be doing anything today, as its my 21st birthday :D wohoo!

Pyroz - 3-1-2005 at 14:37

Originally posted by Mickhael
Ok, I did miss some posts...sorry, I must have been trying to speed-read and skipped them :( Anywho's I'm going to try re-heating and bringing my remaining liquid (and covering the flask) down to the dark, thick quaility needed....

Thats the idea Mickhael. If you do this and you get a very thick liquid that is nearly black--- then I'd say cool it off to -3C and add HCL and H2O2--- make sure the reaction temperature doesn't go above 5C or you'll get TCAP forming with DPPP.
I froze my canning jar with phorone into a block of ice to keep the temperture cool while i began the peroxidation process.

Rosco Bodine - 3-1-2005 at 15:13

Originally posted by Pyroz
--- make sure the reaction temperature doesn't go above 5C or you'll get TCAP forming with DPPP.
I froze my canning jar with phorone into a block of ice to keep the temperture cool while i began the peroxidation process.
This is one of those matters about which I have uncertainty , as I can see no
reason why AP should be produced at all at any moderate temperature in such a mixture . It is a long way back to acetone from the precursor being peroxidized , and difficult to see that such a hydrolysis would be favored by the mild temperatures . I could see it easier if someone said that extended boiling with NaOH causes the precursor to revert to acetone . But it just seems unlikely under the conditions described . If you got AP forming simultaneously with DPPP , then the first idea I would have is that you have free acetone mixed in with the precursor , rather than the precursor would be reverting back into acetone at 5 C . It just seems unlikely and very strange .

Pyroz - 3-1-2005 at 15:52

When i first tried making this material--- I tried keeping the tempertaure at 5C--- and it ran away on me. I got lots of white crystalline precip HCL gas which was quite nasty--- i could NOT keep the reaction under control.

in a cold environment thing seem to work better.

DPPP reaction is very odd...

Rosco Bodine - 3-1-2005 at 16:10

Agreed it is a strange synthesis , peculiar solubilities and generally wierd stuff .

What conditions of agitation were you using , hand stirring or magnetic , ect . ?

And what rate of addition is best for the H2O2 , also was that rate limited by temperature rise from reaction , or was it limited because of other reasons like miscibility , gas evolution , or some combination ?

Do you think perhaps it was actually DPPP that was the crystals you were getting , and that more efficient stirring and close control of the addition rate could control the exotherm , preventing runaway , or was the product itself decomposing after it precipitated at above 5 C ?

[Edited on 4-1-2005 by Rosco Bodine]

freezing phorone in ice brick works the best!

Matsumoto_Hideki - 3-1-2005 at 18:03

I just tried to make another very tiny batch of DPPP without ice and it seems to really not work very well. I do think heating occurs either way but, the heating is able to be dissipated into the ice than say water at above 5c.

However I just use a 450ml container ultra pure Phorone HCl and made cold formed DPPP with it.. My yeild is in excess of 300g and is right now drying as we speak. Yay.. I am going to attempt to make DPPP detcord as soon as all my DPPP has fully dried. I am still thinking what I need to make an explosive past from it... hmm... I think MEKP is out of the question as it is a bit too toxic and reactive to vinyl plastics..
hmm, any ideas?


Mickhael - 3-1-2005 at 19:06

Whats the recamended method of drying Peroxide crystals? any suggestions? I would tend to think that as soon as they are dry, making a slush solution, by mixing them with Acetone or even possibly MEKP would make the movement and storage much safer...any thoughts?

Joeychemist - 3-1-2005 at 19:06

IMO, I don't think temperature will affect the amount of formation of AP but it will affect the type of AP formed. The patent says 90% yield so we figure the other 10% has some amount of AP forming and the rest is waste, but since we and I don't think even the inventor even knows the exact reaction which is happening or how to separate and purify all the active chemicals from the waste, I don’t really have a solid basis for my conclusions or anything else to really back this up, as I see it there are two possibilities which I have derived from my experiments and observations.

We cannot achieve anything greater than a 90%DPPP yield, no matter what, so we can either control the temperature to control the amount of trimer vs. dimer AP forming with our DPPP. And again, just because the temperature might not affect the amount of AP formed it obviously does affect the amount of DPPP formed and the time it takes to form it.

Or option two, we more than likely have to continue to conduct the necessary tests to understand the reaction fully and the exact chemicals involved and can find a way to purify and separate the active and waste chemicals. Then try to achieve a better than 90% total DPPP yield. Tracking down and making contact with Wolfgang Mackowiak still sounds like something that has to be done.

Rosco, the gas evolution is a problem with most reactions but it is only minimal, the only really visible gas evolution I notice during the procedure is during the initial mixing of HCl and Acetone and the peroxidation step, and the only gas I can really smell is chlorine, but that is what one would expect when attempting this reaction. The only other gases produced IMO is H, O, Cl, and these occurred only as a result of being lighter than the solution there in. therefore during the reaction the molecules split and the oxygen and hydrogen starts into accent and some of these gas molecules escape the solution taking some additional chlorine and *possibly* something else with them too.

Hideki, I now believe you when you say you and pyroz are two different people, it is quite obvious when reading you’re posts. You might want to try making a putty or paste by adding and kneading together 1 part NC (smokeless powder) with 1 part acetone and 2 parts DPPP. You can use a slight excess of acetone, as it will evaporate. And you might want to watch freezing you’re reaction vessel in ice, have you no idea how much pressure that puts on you’re beaker?:o

And pyroz, please note that Hydrochloric acid is spelled HCl, notice the lower case l.

Hey joey...

Matsumoto_Hideki - 3-1-2005 at 19:51

Well I know it took long enough for people to start to understand that 2 people can infact share the same IP address via the "magic router" ...... Vulture is a prime example of this.

Yes it is possible to get a 90% yeild, I have got this on several occasions only when I concentrated the solution at 30c for 1 week. patent says nothing about a yeild greater than 90% being possible.

Anyway, I agree that high temperatures affect the kind of AP if at all that co-form with the DPPP. So far I can tell you that concentrating your Phorone HCl at 30c or better for 1 week results in no AP being co-formed when using the cold formation method. All that forms as a result of this is pure brilliant sulphur yellow crystalline DPPP.
I think for safety's sake cold formed DPPP method is best since it decreases the risk of a caustic boil over or steam explosion, i think this is due inpart by too much Cl2 being given off at one time in the reaction.. I have seen a couple nasty ones
, I will tell you! :(

[Edited on 4-1-2005 by Matsumoto_Hideki]

Rosco Bodine - 3-1-2005 at 19:53

Is it possible that when you see white crystals , you are influenced by the assumption this must be AP , for believing that DPPP is yellow ? What I have been thinking is that the white crystals are possibly not AP at all , but simply DPPP which is precipitating in purer form above a certain temperature , but perhaps too close for comfort to the temperature where you are having problems with temperature . In remedy for that , you are running the reaction colder which solves the instability ,
but perhaps at the expense of purity of the DPPP precipitate , which is tinted with some precursor at the lower temperature .
Does this scenario seem possible ?

Also when you have seen a runaway , exactly what happens ? Have you had a thermometer immersed in the reaction mixture itself to observe at what temperature where the reaction sours ?

Matsumoto_Hideki - 3-1-2005 at 20:11

Originally posted by Rosco Bodine
Is it possible that when you see white crystals , you are influenced by the assumption this must be AP , for believing that DPPP is yellow ? What I have been thinking is that the white crystals are possibly not AP at all , but simply DPPP which is precipitating in purer form above a certain temperature , but perhaps too close for comfort to the temperature where you are having problems with temperature . In remedy for that , you are running the reaction colder which solves the instability ,
but perhaps at the expense of purity of the DPPP precipitate , which is tinted with some precursor at the lower temperature .
Does this scenario seem possible ?

Also when you have seen a runaway , exactly what happens ? Have you had a thermometer immersed in the reaction mixture itself to observe at what temperature where the reaction sours ?

first of all the white crystals have got to be AP as they sublime after 10-15min in near boiling water 70-80c
were as the yellow material WILL not sublime at all.

secondly a boil over seems to occur when the liquid Phorone HCl is above 5c. The moment H2O2 is added the solution immediatly heats up +30c than liquid temp, there is an instant smell of chlorine and the bottom of the container vessel turns clear and a black oil appears at the bottom of the flask. Is this a phorone derivative? After this you a have a few seconds before the temperature jumps to beyond boiling point. I have measured the temp in just about every instance, and in one such occasion the temp whent from 32c to a full out steam explosion (reminded me of a geyser) in mere seconds. I guess we are dealing with too much chlorine too fast being released at a single moment which = BIG HEATING.?
This make sense to you? Yet the same amount if chilled into the -30c range refuses to get above -15c and has a much better amount of product.

Rosco Bodine - 3-1-2005 at 20:17

Does the runaway you describe happen even when the H2O2 is being added dropwise to the rapidly stirred precursor at 5 C ? Or is it something that occurs when a large amount of peroxide is added in one portion ?

BTW the molecular weight of DPPP is about 434.50 and for 100% yield based on acetone , that works out to .98486 grams of DPPP from each 1 ml of acetone .

The 90% yield reported for the patent works out to .8864 grams of DPPP from each 1 ml acetone .

[Edited on 4-1-2005 by Rosco Bodine]

Finally a mole weight.

Matsumoto_Hideki - 3-1-2005 at 22:05

Ok what you describe for %iles makes sense and explains the monsterous yeilds I have been getting.
My 250ml jar yeilded me 156g total when it was dry of course.

My most recent 450ml yeilded me 400g but it is still wet so i am guessing more like 300-350g? Still this is quite a bit product.

next thing... about runaways happening above +5c .. these seem to start when
a) too much H2O2 is added at once
b) too much unreacted HCl is present in the Phorone HCl.
c) too little H2O2 is added and allowed to form a bottom layer which then encourages the rest of the material to decompose from the heating.

[Edited on 4-1-2005 by Matsumoto_Hideki]

mr.pyro - 3-1-2005 at 22:27

To get these huge yields, your just using Rserts Synthesis, but just very cold and slow H202 addition? How much H2O2 do you recommend I add for the first peroxidation, I have about 400 Ml of Black Phorone? And the second? I really would like to get a good yield out of this batch, because I am running down my Hydrogen Peroxide supply.

Rosco Bodine - 3-1-2005 at 23:11

Originally posted by Matsumoto_Hideki
Ok what you describe for %iles makes sense and explains the monsterous yeilds I have been getting.
The acetone is the starting material , from which all the intermediate precursors form , and therefore on which the final yield is based . So every milliliter of acetone that escapes as vapor is lost to the reaction , and makes for less DPPP in the filter at the end . That's why the good yields will require preventing the loss of acetone , especially during the first couple of hours until it is polymerized to a less volatile form . Very little pressure is produced if the mixture is incubated below 70 C , so about any sort of lightly sealed container could be used to prevent evaporation loss of acetone while the mixture is gently heated .

My 250ml jar yeilded me 156g total when it was dry of course.

My most recent 450ml yeilded me 400g but it is still wet so i am guessing more like 300-350g? Still this is quite a bit product.
Multiply the amount of acetone in milliliters by .9849 to see what 100% yield would be . Measure your actual weight in grams of dried crystals and divide that by the first number you got for what would be 100% yield and the number you get will be your actual yield based on acetone .

next thing... about runaways happening above +5c .. these seem to start when
a) too much H2O2 is added at once
breaking the law of mass action gets everybody busted every time:D

b) too much unreacted HCl is present in the Phorone HCl.
catalytic and then autocatalytic action to make matters worse , yes I saw that one coming , and that agrees with the reaction theory .

c) too little H2O2 is added and allowed to form a bottom layer which then encourages the rest of the material to decompose from the heating.
stratification , insufficient mixing , until it mixes itself by decompositon from "hot spots" which churns the mixture and then geometrically progresses , "the avalanche effect" or "snowball effect" , classics all which can be managed with good technique .
This reaction behaves a lot like nitrations of an easily oxidized material , touchy about temps and addition rates and agitation , but probably the usual strategies would keep it controllable .
There is probably a "smooth reaction temperature" at which the reaction will proceed at a rate controlled by rate of addition of the peroxide , and in keeping with the cooling capacity a steady reaction at a steady temperature will yield crystals of uniform size in predictable yield . Nothing so far there looks insurmountable in regards to scaleup concerns , or repeatability . The next free time I get , I'm going to run this reaction a few different ways and see what develops . There are likely some small improvements that will get discovered and refinements added to the process as many people experiment and track the results .

That sounds a bit better,,

Matsumoto_Hideki - 3-1-2005 at 23:50

1# 250ml x .9849 = 246.225g
250ml x _____ = 156g (.624) - .0151= 60.89%

2# 450ml x.9849 = 393.96g
450ml x ____ = 350g (est) (.780) -.0151=76.49%

?? this right?

Swedish Chef - 4-1-2005 at 05:09

Can anyone try the following test?

Try heating some crude DPPP with 1% CuCl in 5% HCl for 2 hours at 80 °C. After cooling extract any remaining DPPP with ether (or something else that doesn't mix with H2O) and crystallize. If the product is still explosive, you can be sure it's not AP!

This should decompose any RCOH(OOH)R type compound, like AP and AP-isomers. ROOR type compounds like DPPP should not be affected. :cool:

Jome - 4-1-2005 at 06:32

AP is a "ROOR" compound... Its composed of three C(CH3)2 connencted in a ring with -O-O-'s between. Or what do you mean?

Dodoman - 4-1-2005 at 07:44

Just until I have some time to do my own experiments. But why not instead of purifying the product from AP, eliminate the possiblelity of it forming in the first place by removing the excess acetone if there is any.

I think this could be done by adding water to the water insoluble dark oil. You could add NaHCO3 to the water to neutralize the excess HCl. Use a separetory funnel to separate the two liquid repeat the process several times. Discard the aqueous layer and save the organic for peroxidation.

If you add sod. Bicarbonate to the water you would need to add HCl again before the peroxidation.

Please correct me if this sounds like a stupid thing to do.

Rosco Bodine - 4-1-2005 at 07:51

Originally posted by Matsumoto_Hideki
1# 250ml x .9849 = 246.225g
250ml x _____ = 156g (.624) - .0151= 60.89%

2# 450ml x.9849 = 393.96g
450ml x ____ = 350g (est) (.780) -.0151=76.49%

?? this right?

The yield is a fraction expressed as a decimal equivalent , then read as a percentage . ( move decimal 2 places to the right to express answer as percentage )

The numerator of the fraction is your actual actual dry weight of crystals in grams .

The denominator is the raw number of ( milliliters of acetone used ) , multiplied by .9849

Usually the denominator would be some weight in grams , but I have already adjusted the equation to be based on milliliters of acetone for convenience , since it is a liquid volume measure .

For example , let's say you used 250 ml acetone and your end product was 175 grams of dried DPPP crystals .

You used 250 ml of acetone , so 100% yield would be 250 X .9849 = 246.225 grams DPPP

175 / 246.225 = .7107 = 71.07% yield
( based on acetone )

Atom - 4-1-2005 at 08:47

This may sound, stupid but are there any toxic gasses involved during the formation of diphorone?

Swedish Chef - 4-1-2005 at 08:52


AP has several isomers, like the halfacetal CH3COH(OOH)CH3 (monomer) and cyclic acetal structures like [(CH3)2C(OO)]x, where x = 2 - 4.

On heating with catalytic amounts of Cupric salts in diluted HCl, AP and isomers are converted to aceton, H2O and O2.

AP and AP-isomers are (half)acetals of aceton and H2O2, while DPPP should only have peroxyether bonds (ROOR) which are not affected by Cu/H2O/H+.

thank you rosco

Matsumoto_Hideki - 4-1-2005 at 09:30

Ok, now one other thing I have been noticing about "DPPP" is that is doesn't react with metals very well unlike AP and others.
Anyone else see this?

Mickhael - 4-1-2005 at 13:18

Ok, after heating at 70c for another 6 hours or so, I have a dark green...semi-transparent fluid which is reasonably thick...which I assume contains at least some amount of transformed Phorone...however should I continue heating until its even darker? I could detect no change from the dark green even after a couple hours of more heating.

There is no green during the Phorone production

Matsumoto_Hideki - 4-1-2005 at 15:04

Hey, mike please see my webshots account here:
Please look a the photos as they will guide you through the steps of production.

--- Yes you keep heating the liquid until it becomes very dark red to almost black. Keep the reaction with a partially covered with a lid to keep the acetone and HCl vapours recycling untill they have fully reacted.
The optimum colour of the liquid is Black and will not llet any light through. This Colouration must be obtained before you can start any peroxidation.

[Edited on 4-1-2005 by Matsumoto_Hideki]

Green! well that's great!

Joeychemist - 4-1-2005 at 15:40


Hold on there, pure phorone can be any color between yellow and dark green, so surly its precursors can be green?
How can you be so sure he's doing it wrong? I am actually interested to hear his findings and results. What did you do different then the rest of us Mickhael? Just because you're reaction seems different from ours DOES NOT mean you have done it wrong, it may just actually provide us with important information crucial to this thread, please share you're experiment results and conclusions in details:)

Ok, well heres what I did...

Mickhael - 4-1-2005 at 16:03

Sorry for deleting the previous post, it wouldn't let me add the file I wanted so just decided to repost rather then double post :P

Maybe I wrecked the batch...but here's what happened:

I started out with aprox. 100ml 31.45% HCl and 100ml of acetone. The liquids were at room temp. and I put them in a 500ml flask, and heated that in 1/2" of water in a metal pot, to a temp. of about 70C, and held it there for 2 1/2 hours...without a cover on. In about 1 1/2 hours, there was a loss of 100ml of liquid, and a transition from clear - yellow - orange - red, at which point it stopped changing over the course of the next hour. I removed it from the heat and sat it on a shelf over-night, no change was observed except that I was down to about 75ml liquid by then. Upon hearing that more heating was likely needed I proceeded to heat some more, at this point I put it back in the same pot, covered in saran wrap at the same 70c and left it there for about 5 hours, it then changed to the dark green...which is semi-transparent, that happened in about 2 hours, and after that no more changes could be observed, however when swirled it does exibit oily quailties (light oil) and light does pass through...but only as a lighter haze...not like like through water clearness at all. I hope thats all the details...

I might try cooling the liquid and then adding the h2o2 tonight...what say?

Ps: Just as one of my first test videos, here is 3 drops of MEKP in a tiny christmas light bulb, ignited by a 12v battery.

[Edited on 5-1-2005 by Mickhael]

Attachment: !3 Drops of MEKP.wmv (612kB)
This file has been downloaded 1382 times

mr.pyro - 4-1-2005 at 17:36

Let me say, I have just tried the same procedure, with the phorone reaction covered.
I am slowly adding the H2O2 5 Ml at a time and this yield is amazing. It's not like a precipatate, its just like all the liquid in the beaker transformed into DPPP, and I still have to add 150 more Ml of H2O2!! Ill post some pics and my synth later tonight.

[Edited on 5-1-2005 by mr.pyro]

Confusion Mickheal?

Matsumoto_Hideki - 4-1-2005 at 18:07

Alright, just to clear things up we are NOT making phorone here rather Phorone HCl which is DARK RED, Black oily liquid with a very punjent metallic smell ... yes the initial stages of the reaction are yellowish idicating the acetone is changing to Phorone but the phorone produced becomes phorone HCl in a matter of seconds while steeping the reaction at or near boiling point. (60-90c)

Mr. Pyroz I am glad you have discovered the high yeild DPPP synth produces. :) I have got up 75-80% without trying too hard and a couple times 90% when the solution is completely concentrated.
By the way you should get at least 760g - 900g from a 1L jug of Phorone HCL.
Are you cold forming your DPPP in an Iceblock ?

test the green stuff

Joeychemist - 4-1-2005 at 18:28

Yes please try to "peroxidize" the green solution, it could produce some very interesting results:), or none.:(

Try cooling a few ml in a test tube and add H2O2 drop by drop until the reaction seems to stop, then right down everything you observe and report you’re findings. You say you’re left with less than half of the original volume of the starting reactant chemicals, so I am wondering what exactly you are left with???

Hideki, since you are reporting such LARGE yields, why not do some major blasting and testing to prove the VoD is 9000m/sec?

mr.pyro - 4-1-2005 at 18:37

Well I am not using any iceblocks, but I wrote up a little synthesis, and added some pics.
56k warning on the pics, they have big filesize.

Well I just updated this with more pics and final filteration. I got about 200g of DPPP out of this. This really is a great yeild and easy to make. Now what to do with 200g of a sensitve primary?

[Edited on 5-1-2005 by mr.pyro]

[Edited on 5-1-2005 by mr.pyro]

Pyroz - 4-1-2005 at 18:43

Haven't weighed the material yet. I think the reaction gave something like 80% yeild--possiably more.

Hey--- I tested this material Mr.Pyro, and I have come to the following conclusion that 100 grams of DPPP will outdo a 250gram AP charge packed at the same density.

Its so bloodly clear its scary!

[Edited on 5-1-2005 by Pyroz]

Rosco Bodine - 4-1-2005 at 21:21

I have some further information to share on my sealed bottle experiment involving slow heating 225ml acetone / 225 ml HCl for an extended period of time . By the end of 96 hours the upper oily layer of yellow brown liquid which was slowly separating from the more reddish colored emulsion below , had grown in thickness to about 10 mm , but did not increase in volume during the next 24 hours so the heating was discontinued at the end of 5 days of heating the mixture at 66 C .

The mixture was allowed to stand idle the sixth day without any heating . No further changes were observed on either day 5 of heating or day 6 as the mixture was allowed to stand at room temperature .

The mixture has been transferred from the bottle to a jar sitting atop an efficient magnetic stirrer driving a rare earth stirbar and having sufficient stirring capability for emulsifying viscous mixtures .

The stirrer was started and the mixture stirred rapidly to form an emulsion from the two liquid phases . Then to the rapidly stirred mixture at room temperature was added in 5 ml portions every 5 minutes , 26.6% H2O2 . A moderate exotherm was observed and
the temperature held at 55 C during the
last two portions . Stirring was continued
for fifteen minutes and then stopped , the mixture allowed to cool . The phases separated , and the thickness of the upper oily layer was unchanged , but had taken on a greenish color . The lower reddish colored layer which had been opaque had clarified distinctly , now allowing a beam of light to be seen passing through from the opposite side
of the glass jar , and having the same
dark red orange color of freshly brewed strong tea , as had been observed at about 6 hours into the beginning of the heating at 66 C , when it was in the sealed bottle . So a transparency change is observed in the lower emulsion layer , in response to initial peroxidation at warm temperature , while the upper layer
has undergone a color change also , but
no change in volume . The mixture is allowed to stand for several hours and cools to 15 C .

The cooled mixture is stirred up to an emulsion once again and another 25 ml of H2O2 is added in portions . After the third portion is added , a fine yellow precipitate is causing the color of the mixture to appear distinctly lighter so
the stirred mixture has the appearance of light brown paint , as opposed to the earlier near black color . Very slight exotherm is much less energetic during these additions than during the earlier
additions . The precipitate increases as
each portion of peroxide is added .
After completing the additions of the second 25 ml H2O2 , the stirring is continued 10 minutes , and then stopped
and the mixture allowed to separate once more . The upper layer of oily liquid remains the same volume , and has a dark greenish color . The lower reddish
layer has become even less darkly tinted
and is now a dark orange and has a layer
of light yellow colored preciptate on the bottom of the container . At this point it
is evident that the lower layer is more reactive and reacting preferentially with the H2O2 which is being introduced to
a stirred emulsion consisting of the upper oily layer and the lower "tea colored" layer . Unless the upper layer waits until
the lower layer is fully reacted , to begin
itself reacting , it is beginning to appear
that the upper layer may possibly be an undesired byproduct and not the same as
the phorone dihydrochloride in the "tea colored" layer below . Of course it is too early yet to be conclusive , because much more H2O2 remains yet to be added to see if the upper layer will diminish , but the early indication is that my earlier guess about the "cloud point" marker for
the endpoint of the reaction producing the
phorone dihydrochloride may indeed be correct . If this should bear out , from my
rather tedious "slow motion" stepwise observations , it will be likely that the digestion of the initial acetone mixture has reached its peak for the desired precursor , just before the oily surface
slick of a separate upper phase is observed . This oily upper layer could indeed be phorone , from the gradual
hydrolysis of phorone dihydrochloride already produced . And in this reaction
the appearance of phorone is undesired since it arises as a consequence of the decomposition of the precursor wished to be kept intact as the dihydrochloride of phorone . So it appears that any excessive digestion of the initial mixture may decrease the yield . I will better be able to confirm this with certainty after
completing the remaining additions of H2O2 . If the lower layer gets depleted and precipitation ceases , while the upper
layer resists peroxidation , then this hypothesis will be proved by my experiment . I will update concerning the finding when it becomes evident what is the case .

Very nice

Joeychemist - 4-1-2005 at 22:22

Rosco, that’s exactly what we have all been waiting to hear, so it would appear that the top layer is waste material or worse our precious phorone dihydrochloride that has decomposed from the extended heating period. But you mention the color change of the top layer as well, which indicates a chemical change or reaction takes place somehow involving the top layer during the reaction.Hmmm, very peculiar.

Many more tests are needed to actually figure out what the top layer is and if it is important to the reaction. Another test where the top layer and bottom layer are separated, then individually added to the H2O2 should produce some more tantalizing info and results.

Pyroz - 4-1-2005 at 23:09

interesting indeed...I wonder of pure DPPP is really yellow or that is some contamination of sorts. It would interesting to know. :)

[Edited on 5-1-2005 by Pyroz]

Axt - 4-1-2005 at 23:20

Do you have a density yet Pyroz? or at least a relative density to AP?

Mickhael - 4-1-2005 at 23:23

Originally posted by Matsumoto_Hideki
Alright, just to clear things up we are NOT making phorone here rather Phorone HCl which is DARK RED, Black oily liquid with a very punjent metallic smell ... yes the initial stages of the reaction are yellowish idicating the acetone is changing to Phorone but the phorone produced becomes phorone HCl in a matter of seconds while steeping the reaction at or near boiling point. (60-90c)

I understand that, I'm just refering to it as Phorone for simplicities sake. I realize I probly don't have the desired product...but I'm just trying things for the first time here. I think the most major difference with my attempt to make Phorone, is I let alot evaporate while heating, so the reactions may not have had time to complete, because from what I've heard, in the 7 total hours I heated the liquid, it should easily have turned to a thick black color in that time.
I'm currently cooling everything down outside, my Phorone is in an ice block...the temp. outside is currently -10c.

[Edited on 5-1-2005 by Mickhael]

Rosco Bodine - 4-1-2005 at 23:25

It is uncertain at this point that my hypothesis is correct . It could be that
as the lower layer is peroxidized that
the upper layer will begin to disperse
into the reaction zone , *if* the separated upper layer is the same material as the lower layer and was just driven out and
separated from oversaturation during formation . That would be okay too
because it would also reveal that you
can know when the precursor formation is finished when the upper layer stops growing . So the results will be useful information either way it goes . But I have a feeling , just a guess really that
it is likely the decomposition product from
taking the digestion too far . There is a method to my madness :D the purpose of which should be revealing itself . The emulsion which I am churning for this reaction makes the entire mixture look like milk chocolate during peroxidation .
It is so well mixed it takes ten minutes to
stop swirling like smoke and even begin to stratify again , so the upper phase is getting every chance to redissolve and react further if it is going to do that .
Presently I have 100 ml (~ 1/4 of the total ) peroxide
introduced , stopping and examining the
results after each 25 ml . It takes a couple of hours to get a read on what happened and resume . Mainly I am not trying to get a good yield of DPPP , but to
see what the story is on the upper layer ,
whether or not it will enter the reaction .
Then obviously will be revealed a crucial piece of information which will define the
reaction endpoint determination for the precursor , so any subsequent synthesis aimed at producing the DPPP in a "clean" synthesis can be studied for learning the other factors that likely also apply to increasing the yields , temperature and addition rates are two things likely to affect the yields as well .

Rosco Bodine - 5-1-2005 at 00:06

Originally posted by Mickhael
I understand that, I'm just refering to it as Phorone for simplicities sake.

You want simple ? Okay here's simple .:D

Actually , the most likely reaction scenario to me seems that first three acetones conjugate , stick together , polymerize to form * triacetone dialcohol * ( a real compound that is something like a trimer of acetone ) It is similar to what happens with formaldehyde solutions when they are acidified , the formaldehyde polymerizes to paraformaldehyde , an indefinite number polymer , or three formaldehydes can combine into a trimer? (who knows!) called trioxane . The reactions of aldehydes and ketones are similar , so that fact lends support to my belief that the acetone polymerizes to a trimer , triacetone dialcohol . Then it further enters a * condensation reaction * with 2 HCl's , with the elimination of 2 H2O's , to form * phorone dihydrochloride * , which may be considered to be a
* derivative * of phorone because of structural similarity to phorone , while never requiring the formation of any phorone itself . Now that's what I believe happens , and yeah it is different from what the patent says in words about "acetone polymerizing to phorone" but hey here's the deal , phorone is not a polymer of acetone in anybody's book , if that book was written by anybody who knows the difference between polymerization and condensation reactions . Sometimes one can follow the other like here . Condensation reactions are water producers . And there is no way to get phorone from acetone without producing water . Anybody check me out on this please . So Mackowiak either goofed or the word translation is inaccurate , however the symbolic diagram showing the reactions is aligned with what I am saying likely happens . The 2 H2O's are sort of circled in bean shaped boxes on the * triacetone dialcohol *which is an acetone trimer . Even if phorone formed as an intermediate , before then combining further with 2 HCl's , phorone would still be an acetone * condensation product * and * NOT *any sort of " acetone polymer " BECAUSE acetone does not polymerize to phorone , but to diacetone alcohol ( the dimer ) , triacetone dialcohol ( the trimer ) , and even to higher polymers from what I understand may be possible , even to a solid plastic acetone polymer .....none of which are ever phorone :D So the best phorone could ever be is a
* polymerization condensate * , a "dehydrated polymer" of acetone is another way of stating this .
I have gotten sick of the focus and emphasis on "phorone" like it is the precursor for its own derivative , when plainly if the reactions are drawn correctly it is the dihydrochloride derivative of phorone which is the actual precursor .

Forget phorone ! Erase from your mind that DPPP comes from phorone !

DPPP no more comes from phorone than trinitrobenzoic acid comes from benzoic acid .

The structural similarity and similar names is where the similarity ends .

Cast out the phorone demon right now ! Save yourself from this "phorone illusion" ,
or I shall be forced to perform an exorcism to rid us of this pretender ,
this pseudoprecursor who deceives with subtlety and causes confusion
to the washer of test tubes and master of the molecular ;):D

This rant was brought you by reading and rereading the first stumbling half of this mammoth gargantuan thread one too many times :D

Pyroz - 5-1-2005 at 00:14

Your right--- I've fallen into the same trap a few times--- thanks for clearing the air and illuminating the "essence"

Alright, out with that word...

Mickhael - 5-1-2005 at 01:26

Well I firmly admit...Your smart, "i aint" lol, so what would you suggest we refer to when at the first stage of the synth? "Dialcohol"? What is the appropriate term to save this thread from further confusion?

Jome - 5-1-2005 at 02:32

I have just completed the first phase of the reaction, and I'm about to evaporate excess water and acetone off.

But one thing strikes me a weird with my solution, its dark red as it's supposed to, but It has a HORRIBLE smell!

Smells metallic, and stings in the nose..... My sister wondered why I was experimenting with cat piss..... Could I have done something wrong? Only thing I can think of is a possible iron contamination from the lid of the glass jam-jam I use.... (!?)

Results...if you can call them that :P

Mickhael - 5-1-2005 at 03:30 far as I'm concerned the whole synth smells bad from start to finish...except perhaps the final product.

Now about my attempt to peroxidize my "green stuff" That was a complete flop...I cooled everything, and slowly 10ml at a time, added twice the h2o2...and absolutly nothing just in case I added 5ml of the same HCl as before...nothing. The only change of any kind was when I decided to add the bi-carb to be safe and the damn thing fuzzed and bubbled over the top. So whatever it was i made, it isn't the right thing for DPPP! I must have allowed to much to evaporate, and the reactions never finished properly to allow the correct precurser.

Of somewhat enteresting note however, I have started heating another batch of Acetone and HCl in the same flask as before, and there was a small bit of black residue left inside it, which I left because I figured I was working with the same ingredients so why not?
Anyway, I began the heating again, except this time slightly 75c...and in a larger batch of 400ml total (covered of course) Now withen just 20 minutes and no noticeable bubbling as with the last time...the whole container has changed from clear to dark red! The change was so fast in fact that it was almost straight to red before I walked back in the kitchen and noticed. So maybe its possible to seed the reaction, and get it started faster by having a little of previous batches in the new one?? Hmm.

1 Hour after applying the heat...(now staying around 80c) and the mixture is completely black! With no trace of red even when held up to a bright light. I think this 'seeding' idea might have some merit...anyone else have experience with this?

2 hours, 10 minutes - removed from heat and sat on a shelf uncovered, at 21c for the night, liquid is now thick, oily and very black! Woo, I think I've got it this time :)

[Edited on 5-1-2005 by Mickhael]

Rosco Bodine - 5-1-2005 at 08:13

Originally posted by Mickhael
Well I firmly admit...Your smart, "i aint" lol,
Oh not so smart really , because I was buying into the original premise just like everyone else for a long time and that was preventing any arrival at a "working knowledge" of the reaction being realized.
so what would you suggest we refer to when at the first stage of the synth? "Dialcohol"? What is the appropriate term to save this thread from further confusion?

Maybe acronyms are best to save typing of long names of compounds . Perhaps for " triacetone dialcohol " we could call it TADA , and for " phorone dihydrochloride " we could call that PDH or PDHCL ? . For the " pentachlorophorone " perhaps call that PCP eek ! , or maybe PCPH ? Acronyms aren't my talent . Maybe a military guy around here will give these precursors proper acronym nicknames .

Anyway , to update on my experiment , it looks pretty conclusive that the "black oil" which floats to the top ond forms a slick or a thicker upper layer gradually is NOT the desired precursor , but is likely a decomposition product of the precursor .
Efforts at peroxidation of an emulsified mixture of the upper layer with the lower layer have resulted only in reaction of the lower layer , and even worse it appears that the material of the upper layer causes decomposition of the end product upon extended contact with the precipitated DPPP in the stirred peroxidation mixture . So I believe at this point I can safely declare you do NOT want the "black oil"
or "yellowish brown oil" which separates from the "dark red orange" product which forms first . These are evidently two entirely different substances which form when the mixture of acetone and HCl is digested . Now it could well be true that
heating aggravates the production of the undesired "black oil" , and that simply letting the mixture of acetone and HCl sit and digest slowly at room temperature for
an extended time will give more of the desired "dark red orange" tinted material .
This has not been tested so far as I remember . But it would seem to be a plan as an alternative to the more accellerated digestion reaction at 66 C which would complete in something about 6 hours , if the obseved reaction repeats
closely with slightly increased HCl which may change the time . My next experiment will likely involve the same sealed bottle approach except with the digestion being stopped at the "cloud point" where the dark colored mixture loses its clarity to a strong light , and begins to become translucent . This should result in a cleaner synthesis mixture , whatever may be the subsequent conditions for peroxidation .

Jome - 5-1-2005 at 09:35

My solution has turned clearer after I evaporated acetone (and some water), that "upper layer" (same sticky substance that is on the jar walls) is hardly visible.

EDIT: Of course thats gotta mean that the tarry shit is no longer soluble when the acetone is evaporated, thats why it seperated out and formed an upper layer.

If I get what you are saying, rosco, then my solution has hardly even begun to decompose? Sounds great :D

[Edited on 5-1-2005 by Jome]

detvol .. how to prove? ideas?

Matsumoto_Hideki - 5-1-2005 at 12:52

Well, Joey I think I am going to make a big batch of detcord now that I have proper instrictions and tips from those who are on Rogue science forms.
After seeing the damage a .223 cal shell did @ 1.93g I have do doubt the devol is close to the mark reported by the patent. I took my test plate to a blaster and showed the results off to him. His comment was that the crater from the DPPP side reminded him of a very high velocity explosive. futher evidence of the speed of detonation was the fact that none of the shell casing could be recovered other than a very tiny piece of the primer and rim, also the entire blast area was coated in brass dust about the size of diatomcious earth/cerium oxide polish.. So with this fairly unscientific method of Dvol measure I will try to make some detcord. I will be posting a movie this saturday when I go and test it at the local range.

The colour of the crystals

Nerro - 5-1-2005 at 13:03

Could the yellow colour of the crystals be caused by some unreacted precursor that got "coated" in DPPP during the reaction and as such never reacted?

Testing the VoD

Joeychemist - 5-1-2005 at 13:14

The VoD will be precisely measured by Boomer when he conducts these tests for himself. He made a machine that works fairly accurate. The only real testing you can do is measure and compare the damage to witness plates and other similar test because I doubt you have the necessary tool and equipment. I don’t even have that sort of stuff. Let boomer figure out the exact det vol and in the mean time it is safe to say that DPPP is considerably more powerful and brisance then AP.

You can read about Boomer's machein in the making your own detcord thread at RS.

[Edited on 5-1-2005 by Joeychemist]

Ah i see what you are talking about..

Matsumoto_Hideki - 5-1-2005 at 14:21

Yes actually I have just read the article on rogue science. that machine measures the detvol via breaking of two wires via a given length of explosive in a 1m long tube. time between the start and finish of the explosion = the devol m/s

As for the colour Nerro, I am 100% postive that DPPP is in fact yellow since I brought a 5g small sample of this material to around 70c in a hotwater bath and left it for 5 hrs. There was no sublimation of anysort and the sample weighed exactly the same amount as
before. Even after weeks or so the material still won't sublime. I think this is a sure idication that it is in fact DPPP.

[Edited on 5-1-2005 by Matsumoto_Hideki]

Dodoman - 5-1-2005 at 14:23


Forget phorone ! Erase from your mind that DPPP comes from phorone !

DPPP no more comes from phorone than trinitrobenzoic acid comes from benzoic acid .

The structural similarity and similar names is where the similarity ends .

Cast out the phorone demon right now ! Save yourself from this "phorone illusion" ,
or I shall be forced to perform an exorcism to rid us of this pretender ,
this pseudoprecursor who deceives with subtlety and causes confusion
to the washer of test tubes and master of the molecular ;):D

This rant was brought you by reading and rereading the first stumbling half of this mammoth gargantuan thread one too many times :D

In fact I also don't think you're correct about your phorone dihydrogen chloride theory. I don't have much time now to come up with a better explanation myself.

You could prove me wrong though if you were able to prepare the same black liquid from commercial phorone and HCl. :P


Joeychemist - 5-1-2005 at 14:32

Dodoman, what are you thinking teasing us like that "I think you're wrong, but I got to go" WTF? Please share you're thoughts about this?

Hideki, boomer's timer machine is a bit more complicated than that and takes some calculating and a hell of a lot of ingenuity to build. But it is possible.:)

phorone will not form Phorone HCl by itself.

Matsumoto_Hideki - 5-1-2005 at 14:36

I think we have been over this already, as Phorone is totally insoluable in HCl and refuses to peroxidate.
Please look at rogue science thread on Holy grail organic peroxide. It seems as though you have to form Phorone
from HCl and acetone at high heat then keep reacting the remainder HCl to convert it into Phorone HCl then into finally Pentachlorophorone. Please look at the german patent.

Dodoman - 5-1-2005 at 14:47

I don't mean to tease anyone but the thing is that I'm having my term exams right now :( and don't have the time to do any testing.

Doodman WTF?

Matsumoto_Hideki - 5-1-2005 at 16:12

Hey why don't you try the synthesis before you attack all of our hard work, THANX:mad:

Rosco Bodine - 5-1-2005 at 18:28

Originally posted by Dodoman
I don't mean to tease anyone but the thing is that I'm having my term exams right now :( and don't have the time to do any testing.

Yeah right , likely story . Probably wasting your time with failed attempts to make phorone and HCl react to form phorone dihydrochloride in an aqueous system which parallels the reaction conditions :D

Originally posted by Matsumoto_Hideki
phorone will not form Phorone HCl by itself.
Under these aqueous reaction conditions I don't think it will form via phorone either because it appears to be an unstable species which
wants to hydrolyze back to being just phorone or possibly something else . So trying to get phorone to form phorone dihydrochloride in this reaction system is
like sending it backwards through its reaction equilibrium to convince it to return to a more unstable form . It's like trying to make it defy gravity and float back down to the bottom layer in the beaker , and be a good little unstable emulsion of the hydrochloride , from which
unhappy home and marriage it demands to be free :D I think the only way we are getting the phorone dihydrochloride to form
in a dispersed "solution" or reactive quasistable microemulsion is that is where it is formed in a nascent state where it exists only according to a certain
half-life , a window in time and concentration where it is phorone dihydrochloride only for awhile and to a limited concentration , in an irreversable condition where it begins hydrolysis soon after formation . Can I prove that this is true ? No , but my own experiment suggests that it is true under the conditions for this particular reaction .
Under different reaction conditions you might be able to happily make phorone react with HCl to form phorone dihydrochloride any time you wish , if you have already formed the phorone by a different path . But the reaction conditions which we see in effect here place constraints upon what is logical to be occurring and what is not . If you have an explanation which seems more plausible , then hey I'm all ears , tell me about it :D

[Edited on 6-1-2005 by Rosco Bodine]

agreed rosco.

Matsumoto_Hideki - 5-1-2005 at 18:54

Going to make some detchord with DPPP.
hehe. Movie coming this saturday of homemade detcord sheering a tree or thick material in half. hopefully I will get some time to do this....
BTW this is 650g in the bag

100_2622.JPG - 601kB

Pyroz - 6-1-2005 at 00:29

looks like a good yield. Play safe!

DPPP Oxygen Balance?

Mickhael - 6-1-2005 at 02:32

Maybe I missed reading it, but do we have an oxygen balance worked out for DPPP yet? I'm asking to see whether mixing with MEKP would even out, or worsen its balance...

Also I seem to recall reading that mixing peroxide crystals with contact cement made them safer + into a solid shape + extruded remaining water from the crystals, is this true? and if so does anyone remember in what ratio's?

I mixed a small test tube full of my black liquid with twice that of h2o2, aprox. 3ml total at -10c and then waited a while, I seem to have gotten about 1/2g (unconfirmed, just by looking at coffee filter) of fine yellow crystals, washed with bi-carb and water, and is now drying on newspaper, I've noticed that in a matter of 6 hours, newspaper will suck almost all the water out of anying, if laid on a thick sheet of it. I'm sure lots of people know that....but it makes for drying crystals etc. quicker then just left out in the air.

[Edited on 6-1-2005 by Mickhael]

Dodoman - 6-1-2005 at 03:35

Originally posted by Matsumoto_Hideki
Hey why don't you try the synthesis before you attack all of our hard work, THANX:mad:

I did try the synthesis you'll find the description on page 9 of this post.

Sorry for the inconvenience I've caused you mister Hideki.


Joeychemist - 6-1-2005 at 03:41

Originally posted by Mickhael
Maybe I missed reading it, but do we have an oxygen balance worked out for DPPP yet? I'm asking to see whether mixing with MEKP would even out, or worsen its balance...

OB? just look at the chemical formula, if you can't get a good idea from that, then there is no hope for you:(

As Rosco has mentioned, a mix of DPPP and MEKP is deffinatly a must try.:D

Mickhael - 6-1-2005 at 03:55

Ok, I admit I was being lazy and was hoping someone would just give me a number :P...I've got the chemical structure from the first page of the I'll jsut have to work it out from there, I never took any chemistry in I'm just one step above clueless when it comes to most chemical theory...but I'm

Dodoman - 6-1-2005 at 05:55

I came up with a mechanism for the prepration of DPPP. The mechanism can explain the ratio of the HCl to acetone and the reason you cann't prepare DPPP from phorone. See the attachment.

Equation 1 and 3 explains the HCl ratio to the acetone and its quite clear that the black oil (resulting from equation 4) cann't be prepared from phorone.

You will need chem sketch to view it.

The equaitons could be a brain fart but I just don't buy the ones in the patent that's what made me start from the begining and try to figure a way out.

Please Rosco tell me what you think of my equations.

Attachment: noname.sk2 (16kB)
This file has been downloaded 1217 times

Swedish Chef - 6-1-2005 at 08:03


I don't know what you have been drawing but none of your reactions is right. First of all, your drawing is NOT a mechanism and second, PLEASE go search in literature about acid catalyzed aldol reactions.

Reaction mechanisme according to me:

Aceton + HCl, without H2O2:
1. The enol tautomer of Aceton attacks the protonated form of Aceton, which yields after deprotonation Diaceton Alcohol.
2. Then the enol tautomer of Aceton attacks the protonated form of this Diaceton Alcohol yielding Triaceton Dialcohol after deprotonation.
3. The Triaceton Dialcohol is dehydrated under acidic conditions in two steps to Phorone.
4. This Phorone slowly reacts further with HCl in which HCl adds across the two double bonds forming Triaceton Dichloride (CH3)2CClCH2COCH2CCl(CH3)2.

At the moment H2O2 is introduced, things get a little complicated:
5. Unreacted Phorone reacts rapidly with HCl when radicals are present (H2O2). HCl adds in a Markovnikov-way!! (more stable, easier formed) to the two double bonds, and more Triaceton Dichloride is formed.
6. Cl- is oxydized under acidic conditions by H2O2 and Cl2 is formed.
7. The enol tautomer of Triaceton Dichloride is chlorinated by Cl2 at the alphaposition, this happens only one time under acidic conditions, and the other alphahydrogens are left unaffected. This reactionstep forms (CH3)2CClCHClCOCH2CCl(CH3)2.
8. This intermediate is then attacked by more Cl2 which abstracts a hydrogen atom from one the outer methylgroups, the radical thus formed is stabilized by the neighbouring groupeffect of the tertiary Cl-atom. More chlorine reacts with this radical and the ClCH2-group is formed. This reaction step can take place only two times, one time on both ends of the molecule, probably because of steric hindrence? Anyway, pentachlorophorone is formed ClCH2(CH3)CClCHClCOCH2CCl(CH3)CH2Cl.
9. This pentachlorophorone then undergoes SN2 substitution with more H2O2, releasing Cl- again. After this internal cyclisation follows and at the end of the reaction, two phoronemolecules are interconnected by a peroxo-ether bond (-O-O-) forming DPPP.

I hope this sort of explanation clears things up. I'm pretty sure that i am thinking in the right direction but feel free to criticise if you think you encounter an eror.

[Edited on 6-1-2005 by Swedish Chef]

[Edited on 6-1-2005 by Swedish Chef]

Rosco Bodine - 6-1-2005 at 09:08

Polymer chemistry is a science unto itself and it is definitely applicable to the reactions we are "guesing" occur here .

I have begun a second sealed bottle experiment to examine some other possible interpretations , variations on the Mackowiak process . Already I have something interesting to report .

To 100 ml acetone is added 125 ml HCl 31.45% and the bottle is sealed . The mixture warms immediately and in 10 minutes has a slightly yellowish color .
3 ml of H2O2 are added , and the color immediately fades , and the mixture has a cloudy white appearance . The gentle exotherm which has been occuring seems
to cease as the mixture stands for an additional 10 minutes , so the sealed bottle is placed into a hot water bath temperature 75 C . 1 hour later the mixture has an orange tea color , and
in another half hour the mixture has darkened further to the very dark concentrated red orange tint which is
almost so dark that no light can pass through the container , ~ 50 mm diameter .

This rate of color development is fully 3 times the rate observed when 3 to 2 moles stoichiometric volumes , of acetone and the same acid were mixed without the addition of the 3 ml of H2O2 . Because two variables have been introduced , with the increased amount of HCl to acetone , along with the addition of a small amount of H2O2 to the mixture after color first appeared , I am uncertain if one or both of these variables is responsible for ramping up the rate of reaction , but it is definitely a 3 times faster reaction with these changes .

[Edited on 6-1-2005 by Rosco Bodine]

Sounds good Rosco.

Matsumoto_Hideki - 6-1-2005 at 09:39

Ok, That sounds like a good description of the reaction. It seems like when the dark red- red transulcent colour is reached the solution is still
quite autocatalytic and will still produce the black opac layer we are having the sucess with in mere minutes - hrs after the heat has been turned off. just a thought..

As for the problem of excaping gases during the intintial heating how about using a thick neoprene balloon to trap any acetone and HCl vapours? .... another thought...

Well just thinking here about the colour of DPPP
everyone here seems to be getting the same results when the reaction is complete?
Colour is sulphur yellow and refuses to sublime and room temp... Now that we have pretty much fingured out DPPP what about Diphorone Hexaperoxide?
BTW. I am going to make a 60g butane cylider
shaped charge as well as a length of detcord and take pictures/movies of these in action on Saturday late afternoon.

[Edited on 6-1-2005 by Matsumoto_Hideki]

IPN - 6-1-2005 at 09:40

Could the black oil that forms in the reaction partially consist of mesityl oxide? As I got a black thick oil and dark orange-red liquid when I added my H2SO4 + Acetone mixture into water after 24h in the cold (-10), The orange-red liquid leaves green stains on everything if it dries out. I could try to evaporate the liquid down and see if it yields any crystals (vacuum might be good to remove the oil too..). If I would have refluxed the mixture I should have gotten mesitylene..
Strong bases also seem to form some condensation products (diacetone alcohol) with acetone..

That sounds like phorone!

Matsumoto_Hideki - 6-1-2005 at 09:56

Well sorry IPN that material is defently phorone. Phorone is a dark green/yellow crystalline material with needlelike crystals.
unfortunatly this is a dead end as you cannot produce a peroxide this way. HCl is the only way that has been sucessful as it forms a Petachloride with Phorone.

[Edited on 6-1-2005 by Matsumoto_Hideki]

Rosco Bodine - 6-1-2005 at 10:04

Originally posted by Matsumoto_Hideki
HCl is the only way that has been sucessful as it forms a Petachloride with Phorone.
Has that been firmly established ? Please give details .

Update on my second sealed bottle experiment . At 4 hours from the initial mixing , the mixture has developed the oily surface sheen , so the mixture has been removed from the heating . I am not happy with the appearance of the mixture . It appears that while there was
success in increasing the reaction rate , the quality of the product does not look as good as the earlier experiment where
milder ratio of HCl to acetone and a slower
reaction rate occurred . There appears to
be some carbonization to this more rapidly reacted mixture . Even though it
is dark in color , it does not have the deep pure color in thin films like the concentrated yellow dyestuff color of the earlier experiment . It is much lower in viscosity as I had hoped , but it just doesn't appear to contain the concentrated "essence" which was the yellow dyestuff like material so evident as being present in the first experiment . The stain is not nearly so intense when a spot test is done on white paper . So the impression I have is that the changes which I implemented were "overkill" in terms of the increase in HCl , whatever may have been the added influence of the small amount of H2O2 . For lack of a better description , the mixture appears to
have been "scorched" by too rapid a reaction rate .

[Edited on 6-1-2005 by Rosco Bodine]

Well I think so..

Matsumoto_Hideki - 6-1-2005 at 11:08

I was look around for phorone and found production data for the manufacture of it. On an industrial website I found they were using concerated sulphuric acid 98% and Acetone to produce pure Phorone. I will have to go serach again to find it.. However I couldn't find anything on Pentachlorophorone...
The yellow material that IPN reffers to is called xylite oil (Xylitone) and is a byproduct of pure phorone production.

[Edited on 6-1-2005 by Matsumoto_Hideki]

[Edited on 6-1-2005 by Matsumoto_Hideki]

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