So what time would you recommend? I also decanted it/sonicated it after 5:30 minutes. Dugan Boomfax recommends 5 to 7 minutes in total. Would 7
minutes suffice?
Also what about temperature? I need to mention that when I did my addition and heating, I had completely sealed the top (I used a dollar store
borosilicate glass jar with a bamboo cover, so it was 100% sealed the whole time) and I kept heating on throughout.
I tried to get it to the ultra sonicator as quickly as possible and the water temperature was at 23C at the start ultra sonication, but it didn't seem
to have much of an effect. I did see red crystals from the getgo, so I thought I obtained something. In my haste, I wasn't sure if I decanted the
unreacted nickel carbonate, and there was some visible in the ultrasonication phase.
But it all SEEMED OK. I am honestly wondering what exactly happened wrong. Right now I am banking on my ammonium perchlorate being bunk or
I will need to make more perchlorate since while I have some sodium perchlorate, I am doubtful about its purity.So before I make another attempt I
need to make my PbO2 cathode and make a decent quantity of sodium perchlorate, turn that into perchloric acid, and then neutralize with ammonium
carbonate. |