Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Electrochemical ozone generation

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not_important - 11-2-2008 at 02:37

Might find some of the entries here of interest

Pulverulescent - 12-2-2008 at 04:52

Yes, that's an interesting site; I was surprised to find so many patents covering UV methods---I'd always assumed UV was so inefficient as to hardly deserve consideration.
The fact that 10,000 patents have been granted for ozone generators, though, speaks for itself.
And the basic technology has hardly changed since Schonbein's day!
There exists a certain possibility that I may have caught a glimpse of a totally new method for ozone synthesis, but if I can't reproduce the "effect" I'll end up wasting time and money, however, if it can be reproduced, and developed, the industry may eventually be transformed.
I find myself in an a very odd position, and I'm kinda' stumped!

not_important - 12-2-2008 at 06:35

Reproducing it, and doing tests and measurements is indeed te key.

There's two other possibilities that I see; I suggest these because of the instability of ozone at elevated temperatures.

One is the formation of traces of nitrogen oxides, at low concentrations this may smell similar to ozone to some people.

The other is the formation of iridium oxides and/or finely divided metal ('fumes') I've no idea what odor they might present, nor if a significant amount could form under the conditions you had. But iridium can be oxidised to the dioxide when heated in air, and that breaks down into the metal and oxygen at higher temperatures. Had the wire alloy contained osmium I would say that it was OsO4 you smelled.

Pulverulescent - 12-2-2008 at 07:49

Whew, Os04 isn't something I'd want any contact with, not_important! IIRC, most compounds of Osmium are toxic and the tetroxide highly toxic. And, yes, gaseous oxidisers have similar odours but I encountered ozone long before getting my hands on HN03. The name Osmium comes from the same root as that of ozone; I think Osmium means "bad smelling".
As I said earlier, I have a thing about ozone; it's interested me since I was a child, because I could never get my head around the fact that electrical sparking should produce such a unique smell.
I have even smelled it from the tiny disharges of a piezoelectric igniter. The lighter should be empty of gas, of course and twenty fast clicks might be needed.
If you put your nose really close to the glass of a plasma-globe you'll notice the smell of ozone.
But, because of possible dangerous radiation it shouldn't be tried for extended periods. A few seconds, though, shouldn't hurt.
Sometimes, it's noticeable still, in car-exhausts despite the 3-way cats. There's N02 as well, but it's far more pungent than ozone.
I can't, at the moment, do anything practical, but when I can, I *will* get the equipment needed.
I intend getting to the bottom of it, at some time, whatever happens!
In the meantime, anyone interested enough can have all the details, as I remember them.

12AX7 - 12-2-2008 at 14:32

Walking around my house, it's quite easy to tell when the furnace is running: the smell of oxidizer is irrefutable. This must be NO2, though ozone and others have similar smells.


Pulverulescent - 12-2-2008 at 15:02

Are there, I wonder, any members who know how the NEMCA effect works?
I can get only abstracts (discrete bits of the puzzle) and it's not enough, obviously!
What I found particularly intriguing is the inference that it can lead to weak gas/metal bonding in oxygen chemisorbed on platinum.
The effect certainly seems to greatly increase catalyst activity of platinum in certain cases and weakly bound oxygen might be affected by electron transference within the metal to a point where bond-breaking occurs.
I dunno, I'm clutching at straws here, but I don't buy the idea that reduction of metal oxides led to the evolution of ozone, I witnessed.
I don't know how Occam's razor would relate to this---I seem to be going for the most complex explanation possible.
Anyway, rules, like pie-crust, are made to be broken!
NEMCA seems to have implications for all catalytic and electrochemical reactions---fuel-cell research, too.

Pulverulescent - 13-2-2008 at 03:50

Tim, any ozone formed in your furnace would decompose, in situ; N02, being somewhat more stable can be noticed when it escapes the furnace.
If your furnace is working properly all exhaust gasses should exit by the flue.
I've breathed N02 when unavoidable but I wouldn't want it in my house for any length of time.

Pulverulescent - 13-2-2008 at 06:35

Incidentally, oxygen chemisorbed on platinum can be seen as an unstable, quasi-oxide, though I wouldn't carry the analogy too far.
Its desorption, subsequently, as a reduction.

Pulverulescent - 14-2-2008 at 14:26

Pardon the "Anglo-Saxon sporting terms" here, but, where in the fuck are the vociferous "geniuses" who were so active before my first ozone post?
Are they suffering paralysis, or are they so fucking precious they're afraid their hard-earned credibility will be compromised by associating themselves with something new and challenging.
Do they think I'm attempting some kind of fraud, or what!
And, if it *is* a fraud, what, exactly, do they think is in it for me?
I found something which, if it can be made work, has potential to cut the cost of ozone to a fraction of its current energy prices, and no one has an opinion on it, either way???
I've posted enough details already to show this isn't just some kind of wind-up!
Wake-up, for fuck's sake!

Xenoid - 14-2-2008 at 14:42

Originally posted by Pulverulescent
I've posted enough details already to show this isn't just some kind of wind-up!
Wake-up, for fuck's sake!

Well, I would like to try it but I don't happen to have any Pt or Pt/Ir wire to heat up and possibly destroy. I don't think you are going to find any other people on this forum with "wire to burn" either. With Pt prices approaching $2000 an ounce. it is hardly looking like a cheap method of making ozone. It's a bit difficult to make any sort of comment on a procedure that only someone else has ever observed. What are we supposed to say! I think your ideas are feasible, so many strange processes occur on or near the surfaces of Pt group metals.

not_important - 14-2-2008 at 21:10

Well, you've been tossing out explinations to an event that only you observed, analyzed with sub-optimal equipment (smell-test does not cut it as proof of O3), and you out and out state you've not replicated it.

Then you inject an event you ascribe to the formation of aqua regia but heating NH4Cl in air in the presence of massive platinum alloy; while to me it sounded like a classic case of "how to ruin platinum ware through alloying"

In both cases, as you said
I seem to be going for the most complex explanation possible.
Your explanations for the event do seem to be pushing the probable, invoking processes in conditions far outside their normal occurrence.

Replicate it with better control, and perform tests that show it's ozone, and you'll get more interest.

If I had platinum to toss about, I'd be more likely to look at this

Pulverulescent - 16-2-2008 at 04:27

I'm outa here!

not_important - 16-2-2008 at 07:52

The NEMCA effect(s) are related to the interaction of electrolytes, typically sold electrolytes, with the catalytic metal surface. Seems to have to do with formation of O2- ions.

indigofuzzy - 17-2-2008 at 02:15

As for making Ozone electrochemically, I have accidentally produced ozone by running 12VDC through a solution of MgSO4 using Pb electrodes. After I finish moving (again) I'll reconstruct the experiment and post about the results

12AX7 - 17-2-2008 at 02:26

Yes, the Pb anodizes to PbO2, which usually flakes off easily. Electrolysis of sulfuric acid solution gives oxygen, hydrogen, PbO2 flakes (the lead itself is eventually consumed), and if cold, persulfuric acid is produced with some efficiency. Further electrolysis gives even stronger oxidizers, ozone being a side product. (It doesn't take much to smell, so the ozone efficiency can be immensely small -- millionths or less -- and still be detected.)


not_important - 17-2-2008 at 02:35

Matter of fact
The electrochemical synthesis of ozone is studied on lead dioxide electrodes in sulfuric acid solutions. The two maximums of the current efficiency for ozone (CEO) observed at 2–3.5 V are largely due to the participation of various chemisorbed particles in the ozone synthesis. In the vicinity of the first CEO maximum at lead dioxide, ozone forms only in a discharge of water molecules with the participation of adsorbed oxygen-containing radicals. In the potential range of the second maximum, the adsorbed anion radicals, e.g., ·HSO4 and ·SO4, also take part in the reaction of ozone generation.

Electrolysis of sulfuric acid solution using a high current density and platinum electrodes has yielded oxygen with an ozone content of up to 25% here's one old reference

triggernum5 - 9-3-2008 at 09:00

I've been playing with HV ozone for a little while now.. The results from this thread have prompted me to reinvestigate the basic tubular dielectrically separated electrodes..
The only convenient setup I've had to play with though was an 'as it was' 5" b/w TV flyback circuit from one of those Memorex karaoke machines.. (I simply use the HV+, and various wires cut from the CRT's yoke)..
This is a PUNY POS flyback with recifier built right into it.. I don't know details on its output.. (I fried an old multimeter on it though, so that should answer the question asked earlier about whether that is safe.)
This unit by itself will snap a spark at ~4mm, and that can be pulled to atleast 8mm before the streamer dies.. In my experience, the tube design doesn't work, although I only had crappy plastic tubes of appropriate size (yea its pretty pathetic to be here, and not own a test tube ATM:).. Anyways, I never got corona that way.. Depending on the config, it either sparked, or seemed like way too much separation and did nothing.. I tried many wire types/sizes..
Two methods I tried produced a decent amount of various oxidizing gases.. Two sheetmetal plates separated by glass seemed to do nothing.. Then I tried allowing the sheets to overhang the edge of the glass such that only air separated a small area of the 2 sheets, and voila, I got a blue glow in the crevice crawling from one plate, across the glass edge, and to the other plate.. It gets really intense and smelly when hit by humid breath.. Surface area/Power must be an issue, because the gap size (as in the surface area separated by only air) was highly tunable.. (Btw, this is one nasty capacitor, so always discharge!) The downfall is intermittent sparking when I try to maximize the corona, but with careful assembly that can be nearly eliminated..
Another method I tried was positive pin corona.. This one is IMPRESSIVE but touchy.. I used an aluminum plate, and many unbraided 'fine' wires fanned out where they were stripped (about 20 braided wires stripped), and positioned perpendicular to the negative plate.. (I found SS is more corona prone than Cu btw).. The contraption was built into a plastic P Butter jar so the lid's threading could be used to adjust spacing.. Many streamers, and tons of hissing, but again maximization is a nightmare since each of many strands needed be perfectly gapped, and decented fanned apart from its sister strands.. In anycase, the best I ever did was ~30 good streamers without others sparking, but even a couple of streamers pump the O3 nicely.. I want to see how a fine brass brush works on the pin side since it may be ideal for calibration..
Negative pins is a whole different shebang.. Rather than streamers, the wire tips only emit corona dots.. Sparking is way less likely, but not as much O3, and when a spark does occur its red/hot, and burns the wire strand.. (Unfortunately metal balls up at the tip which is poor for corona, otherwise I'd use that aspect to evenly space the pins via burning..
Other downside to the sparking is that the EMP loves to crash my router etc..
I've collected quite a bit of literature on corona.. I'll try to collect it all into one place.. If I post a link to anything that may put the site into a copyright delemma then I appologize.. I'm not entirely versed on site policy..
Anyways, as I dig them up I'll post them all in the same directory on my webserver (/scimasdness).. For now: <-Very comprehensive, begins at basics, and even discusses driver circuits.. A bit o' data..

12AX7 - 9-3-2008 at 09:39

Well yeah, a dielectric generator won't work with a DC output. Obviously, it'll charge up. As you discovered, corona is the way to go with that, if anything.


triggernum5 - 9-3-2008 at 10:15

What I've got should be atleast as good as the cascade multiplier from that one link though, and the guy who posted that design claims decent output .. Regardless though, I think the key to success with what I have would be finding the ideal inorganic film, whether it be an oxide or whatever to spread out the charge.. I've read alot about porous dielectrics and 'back corona' for DC setups..
Another anecdotal observation is that finely corrogated cigarette tinfoil makes for a very good surface for supporting streamers without the propensity to spark..
Too bad the internet put my local electronics shop out of business.. I just don't seem to possess the drive to order the materials I'd need to make a kickin' flyback.. Could fluoresent ballasts in series be useful perhaps? Probably dangerous, but it would never be unattended..

Natures Natrium - 24-4-2008 at 19:57

I was wondering if I could get a critique on this schematic I adopted for use as a power supply in an ozone generator.

Original, Fly-back based design:

Crappy Schematic:

Attempt to create board traces:

The estimated 960V DC is being fed by a 120V, 1-6A AC --6:1 step up transformer--> ~720V AC --Full wave 1-Phase bridge recitifier rated @ 1200V, 35A--> ~960V DC.

The idea of this scheme is to create a power supply in which both the frequency and the ampreage can be controlled. In this case, the supposed ideal is roughly 30kV, 10mA, 18-22kHZ. This is based both on the yet-to-be constructed ozonators design and also several scientific papers on the production of ozone.

Please feel free to point out any and all flaws, and if the knowledgeable would be so kind as to explain a solution for those flaws, I would be most grateful.

My sincere thanks,
Natures Natrium

12AX7 - 25-4-2008 at 09:53

Your PCB shows no ground return and, I suspect, blatantly incorrect pinout on the IGBT. The voltages suggested are utterly absurd: not only is 960VDC far too close to 1200V (think factor of two headroom, minimum!), it has absolutely no room for the flyback pulse, which I assume is the whole point of this driver.

Why screw up IGBT gate drive with a single transistor? The 555's pin 3 will drive the gate about ten times harder than as shown! A 10 ohm gate resistor also seems optimistic; 100 ohms would be more inline with a 555's output capacity. If you want to drive it properly, use a complementary emitter follower (in which case, 2N4401/3's or better will drive the gate hard enough to warrant a 10 ohm resistor) or a purpose-made gate drive chip (well bypassed, of course, as these typically output several amperes peak!).

If you aren't very good at electronics, you would be much better off using an NST. The voltage and current is right and you don't have to do anything, just plug it in.


Natures Natrium - 25-4-2008 at 15:16

Thanks for the response, this is exactly the kind of info I was looking for. I did forget to include the ground returns on that rough pcb layout, though I know where they both go. I wasnt aware that ibgts/rectifiers needed so much headroom, but glancing at my spec sheet I see that 1200 is listed as the breakdown voltage. I suppose that 480V-640V would be ok, I would just have to change the final step up transformer to 64:1. Not real sure I could wrap a decent enough one by hand to get a high K coupling at that ratio.

Also, there is not going to be a flyback involved, and this is not intended for use in a tesla either. Its going to be strictly used for corona formation across a dielectric. As much as possible I dont want the secondary to shunt back onto the primary.

As far as the gate on the IBGT goes, I think you're right. The gate threshhold voltage is 3.75-5.75V, and I think it is saying 250uA on the collector. Hmm, I will upload the PDF so anyone can gander at it if they wish. Anyways, the LM555 produces a high voltage of 15V at 100-200mA, so I guess that would be enough to drive the IBGT.

As far as the pins go, I didnt really label them on the pcb. The gate is definetly middle though, and in this case the emitter would be "north" of it.

I have a 10kV, 30mA NST, and it definetly does not suffice for my needs. I need a power supply that I can vary the overall power levels on, and more importantly that either voltage or amps is the ability to vary the frequency, as that has a strong impact on the production of ozone through corona discharge.

Im undoubtably a newbie at electronics, but there is no way in hell thats gonna stop me or slow me down. I never expect to be a master electrician, but I intend to build a useful and pragmatic library of knowledge nonetheless.

Natures Natrium

12AX7 - 25-4-2008 at 16:14

Originally posted by Natures Natrium
glancing at my spec sheet I see that 1200 is listed as the breakdown voltage. I suppose that 480V-640V would be ok, I would just have to change the final step up transformer to 64:1.

Still far too close. Try 300V. As you have drawn it, you have either a half wave forward converter or a flyback converter. No ifs, ands or buts, this is all it can ever be. As such, you must have headroom of at least, say, double the supply voltage, and another factor of 2 on top of that for the transistor itself. High voltage flyback circuits often reach higher ratios, say 5 or 10 times. Obviously, a 1kV transistor will be at its limit from even a +100V supply if it has such a ratio. (BTW, the flybacks in most monitors are ran at a duty cycle around 85%, supplied around 100VDC, and switched with 1.5kV bipolar power transistors.)

Not real sure I could wrap a decent enough one by hand to get a high K coupling at that ratio.

You're a whole lot more insane than I am! Why would you want to wind a high voltage transformer when you can get one off the shelf?

As far as the gate on the IBGT goes, I think you're right. The gate threshhold voltage is 3.75-5.75V, and I think it is saying 250uA on the collector.

You need at least 10V to turn it on fully. 10-15V is fine. A 555 will swing its output to within a volt or two of +V, so a 12-15V supply would also be fine.

As far as the pins go, I didnt really label them on the pcb. The gate is definetly middle though, and in this case the emitter would be "north" of it.

That's odd, I have *never* seen an IGBT, MOSFET, or for that matter any power transistor, not pinned G, C, E or G, D, S or B, C E (respectively).


7he3ngineer - 25-4-2008 at 16:57

If you aren't very good at electronics, you would be much better off using an NST

...Ok Tim, we've all seen what your like at electronics, with your knowledge/ experience, what would be your preference, the custom ozone generator or the NST.

What advantages would you see in building a custom circuit?


BTW I know this belongs in the relevant thread (Axehandle's), but I'm posting now...found this the other day:

Natures Natrium - 25-4-2008 at 18:24

Hmm, but the bridge rectifier is full wave, so shouldnt it be a steady stream of slightly rough DC? Oh, the bridge recitifier is not on the pcb, maybe thats a possible misunderstanding? Perhaps there is something fundamental I am missing here, but I dont understand how switching DC on/off to a step-up transformer constitutes a half-wave... unless both the positive and negative sides of the DC need to have a turn at the primary of the transformer? Either I just stumbled onto one of my mistakes or I have made yet another.

As for buying the hV step-up trans, well, I am one of those people who wants to "do-it-themselves", to a fault. However, you make a good point, it is at least worth looking in to.

Aaaand, you were right about the pins on the IBGT. I will actually include the pdf file this time, and sure enough the gate is pin 1. A stupid, plebeian mistake for sure.

300V DC is kinda crappy though, surely there must be a way to get more mileage out of these 1200V rated parts.

BTW, your help here has been invaluable, many thanks.

Attachment: IGBT.pdf (304kB)
This file has been downloaded 879 times

12AX7 - 26-4-2008 at 05:00

Originally posted by 7he3ngineer
...Ok Tim, we've all seen what your like at electronics, with your knowledge/ experience, what would be your preference, the custom ozone generator or the NST.

What advantages would you see in building a custom circuit?

If I had an NST, none at all. If I didn't have one, I'd look for an inverter type NST, with the advantage that it's already higher frequency, which apparently is advantageous here. I wouldn't build a custom circuit, there's no need.

Originally posted by Natures Natrium
Hmm, but the bridge rectifier is full wave, so shouldnt it be a steady stream of slightly rough DC? Oh, the bridge recitifier is not on the pcb, maybe thats a possible misunderstanding?

That doesn't matter, only that you're supplying some sort of DC to the circuit. And 600V is too much.

Perhaps there is something fundamental I am missing here, but I dont understand how switching DC on/off to a step-up transformer constitutes a half-wave... unless both the positive and negative sides of the DC need to have a turn at the primary of the transformer? Either I just stumbled onto one of my mistakes or I have made yet another.

Understanding inductors is prerequisite to using them!

The circuit is called half-wave because the power transistor only pulls down. The other half of the wave is provided by the inductance, which reaches an unspecified peak voltage in your circuit. A bare inductor (as shown) will easily reach the transistor's breakdown voltage (a good reason to use an avalanche-rated MOSFET rather than a more vulnerable IGBT) within a microsecond of it turning off (depending on capacitance and inductance). This seems to be a reasonable model as your load is so far unspecified.

The overall point of an inductor is, the voltage on its terminals averages zero. You can pull it down for a while, but that builds current and when you let go, the current needs to go somewhere and the voltage goes up.

If you just want HF HV, into an essentially capacitive load (I assume your corona generator is dielectric), use a chopper circuit. Two power transistors, two windings and some resistors.

300V DC is kinda crappy though, surely there must be a way to get more mileage out of these 1200V rated parts.

There isn't. Don't think of it as using at 1.2kV. 1.2kV is the *peak absolute* rating. This is something to avoid, not to use.


Natures Natrium - 26-4-2008 at 14:00

Alright, thanks again for the rapid reply. I did a web search for an inverter NST, didn't get anything. Most of the inverter schematics I could find were specifically for producing 60hZ 110v AC from a 12v DC source. I found references to inverters which produce 20khz AC internally, but could find no schematic which does the same. I found high current, high voltage transformers for welders, but the frequency there is usually around 1khz, plus they are expensive.

Also, it somewhat shames me to admit I could not find anything regarding a workable chopper circuit. Everything I found regarding that subject was in reference to signal processing.

So, I did some brainstorming and came up with a couple of ideas, and shot most of them down myself after some thought.

The only one which I think might work is placing the step-up transformer between two of the IBGTs aligned directionally, and have both IBGTs triggered by the same signal from pin 3 of the 555. When the signal stops and the gates close, the coil is isolated from the circuit, and a capcitor (with in-line resistors) with leads connected to both ends of the transformer absorb any kickback and feed it back into the system.

Perhaps I should have mentioned that the transformer I have in mind is not an autotransformer, but is rather an air-core with high K-coupling.

Speaking of high voltage transformers, I was able to locate a few online, although all of them are metal core and therefor probably not suitable for the higher frequency applications. Since the DC voltage has dropped to 300v, I will need 100:1 step-up in order to achieve 30kv. :(

Admittedly I am just picking at straws at this point. I saw an interesting diagram that used 4 transistors to route the energy back and forth across the primary, but they didnt go into any detail on how the timing circuit for controlling those was set up.

For that matter, it did occur to me at one point that I might go 110v AC mains -> 160v DC -> 110v AC 20khz and feed that into my 10kV 30mA NST. Might even go so far as take the 10kV and try to step it up via a 3:1 air core to get my 30kV-20khz-10mA. I have no idea how the insides of the NST are setup, and therfor how it would react to high frequency current, however.

Meh, like I said just brainstorming and throwing out ideas. Back to the drawing board, for the moment.

thanks again,

12AX7 - 26-4-2008 at 16:25

Originally posted by Natures Natrium
Also, it somewhat shames me to admit I could not find anything regarding a workable chopper circuit. Everything I found regarding that subject was in reference to signal processing.

Checking myself, finding a web reference seems rather akward. I guess you've got me, it's something that, anyone who knows anything about electronics knows about, and as such says little about. Maybe it's the kind of thing found in books.

At any rate, it's a very simple self-excited push-pull oscillator circuit. Powerlabs has an example of a single-ended version:
You basically mirror this (so the windings are CT'd) and use two transistors.

Since the drive is symmetrical, the waveform is symmetrical, too. This makes sense for HV AC.

The only one which I think might work is placing the step-up transformer between two of the IBGTs aligned directionally, and have both IBGTs triggered by the same signal from pin 3 of the 555.

So what, they both do the same thing, in series? Why? You can get the same effect with half the forward drop by using just one.

Perhaps I should have mentioned that the transformer I have in mind is not an autotransformer, but is rather an air-core with high K-coupling.

Make that low-K coupling and you've got half a Tesla coil going. Since your load is capacitive, that's not that bad an idea.....

Speaking of high voltage transformers, I was able to locate a few online, although all of them are metal core and therefor probably not suitable for the higher frequency applications.

Metal core == laminated iron? You want powdered iron or ferrite, which are used for roughly 1kHz to several MHz in various forms. A cored transformer always performs better than an air-core unit.

Since the DC voltage has dropped to 300v, I will need 100:1 step-up in order to achieve 30kv. :(

So? That's 5000 turns from a 50 turn primary, or only 1000 from a 10 turn primary (you'll need a high frequency to keep currents reasonable from such a supply voltage though). Consider yourself lucky, that's quite modest for thirty fucking thousand volts. :P

Admittedly I am just picking at straws at this point. I saw an interesting diagram that used 4 transistors to route the energy back and forth across the primary, but they didnt go into any detail on how the timing circuit for controlling those was set up.

H bridge, a.k.a. full bridge. You can figure it out easily enough yourself: clearly, opposing transistors must be activated, since only one at a time or a top or bottom pair does nothing, while vertical pairs would short out the supply. On closer inspection, you also get "twice" the supply voltage out, because the load is ran in both directions.

There are three fundamental switching supply topologies: buck, flyback/boost and forward converters.
Buck converters are good for reducing a voltage. You see these on your computer's motherboard, supplying a little over a volt at maybe 30+ amperes to the processor core, efficiently converting from a 5V, 10A supply. Buck converters don't supply isolated voltages. For your purpose, this isn't very interesting.

Flyback/boost converters are the first type which can be isolated. As such, they can also produce voltages of any ratio to the supply, by using a transformer. What's more, because the voltage is derived from the inductive flyback energy, it's determined by current draw and pulse width, allowing easy throttling, inherently current limited operation and quickly responding voltage regulation. Because of transformer action and the potential for additional voltage multiplication (due to the flyback pulse), this is perhaps the most interesting to you.

Forward converters are the most versatile in terms of power. In all likelihood, your computer is supplied by a half bridge forward converter circuit. Forward converters need more magnetics (although sadly the extra part is often omitted!), but can be varied cleanly and effectively with PWM and provides stable output voltages, even without active circuitry. A forward converter is essentially an HF oscillator driving a transformer which has a rectifier attached. Current is drawn during both halves of the cycle (it is full-wave). (Forward converters can be built in half-wave form as well, but at the sort of power levels they would be used (under 100W), they have little advantage over flyback converters. Incidentially, by now you should be able to guess why a flyback converter must be half-wave.) As a full wave HF source, this topology may be the most interesting to your application, as the secondary can be resonant-tuned with the capacitive load, reducing reactive losses.

For that matter, it did occur to me at one point that I might go 110v AC mains -> 160v DC -> 110v AC 20khz and feed that into my 10kV 30mA NST.

Not quite. You may get a nice hot chunk of steel though. The laminated iron core in your transformer will pick up most of that energy by hysteresis and eddy current losses. Here's a strip of similar transformer iron exposed to similar magnetism:


[Edited on 4-26-2008 by 12AX7]

Twospoons - 27-4-2008 at 14:52

It doesn't get much simpler than this:
Simple High voltage generator

Two transistors, some wire, and an old TV LOPT (line output transformer). Should be able to get the bits for under $20.

I've built one, and it works a treat for 30kV or so at around 25kHz. Great for doing plasma globe experiments, lighting up fluoro tubes remotely etc. Loads of fun.

12AX7 - 27-4-2008 at 15:19

That's the one.

Goldwasser, shoulda known! :)


Natures Natrium - 13-5-2008 at 09:25

Ah, I have seen that circuit floating around the net for some time, and the single transistor version is supposed to be an easier though less efficient (burns out the single transistor easier) design.

There are a couple of points, in regards to adapting this design to my purpose, that I am unsure of.

At first glance I assumed the two 5-turn sections of the primary were turned on alternately, but on actually looking at the schematic it appears that both transistors are turned on near simultaneously, which would generate different (opposing?) fields on the primary. Of what possible advantage is this versus a single transistor, non-centertapped design?

The other thing I am unsure of, and this is only applicable if the two sections of primary are supposed to alternate, is how one would derive two opposing signals from a single signal source.

You may be right about using a lower K style transformer to power what is essentially an ultra-low efficiency (lots of corona bleed) high voltage capacitor. I honestly don't know which would be more effective, but one thing does occur to me. Are not low-K transformers much more efficient when there is resonance between the primary and secondary (thus requiring specific frequencies for decent efficiency and not suitable for this app)?

Also, having browsed many many tesla sites, and understanding well what it means to have the primary and secondary in resonance, there is still something I have never quite grasped. Over and over again, especially in flyback designs, I have heard how putting the transformer in resonance results in "enormous voltage gain". I cant grasp that concept intellectually. It seems to me that putting them in resonance, getting maximum efficiency out of the magnetic fields, would result in current gain, not voltage. Is the voltage not almost exclusively determined by the turn ratio of the transformer? Never really understood that.

Thanks again for the help. I am working on a single transistor redesign, which I wont hesitate to set aside if there are decent benefits to the two-transistor set-up.

EDIT: Also, the red-hot chunk of iron being heated by magnetism is awesome. :-)


[Edited on by Natures Natrium]

12AX7 - 13-5-2008 at 10:25

Originally posted by Natures Natrium
At first glance I assumed the two 5-turn sections of the primary were turned on alternately, but on actually looking at the schematic it appears that both transistors are turned on near simultaneously, which would generate different (opposing?) fields on the primary.

No! They are alternate. If they were simultaneous (and the windings inverse), it would be operationally identical to putting two windings in parallel, two transistors in parallel, etc., and you would have the single transistor circuit trivially. A tapped winding is ALWAYS in the same direction throughout (otherwise it wouldn't be a tap!), so the transistors operate alternately and this is a push-pull circuit.

You may be right about using a lower K style transformer to power what is essentially an ultra-low efficiency (lots of corona bleed) high voltage capacitor. I honestly don't know which would be more effective, but one thing does occur to me. Are not low-K transformers much more efficient when there is resonance between the primary and secondary (thus requiring specific frequencies for decent efficiency and not suitable for this app)?

Resonance means reactances cancel in each winding. If you want the primary tuned, you can do that; it doesn't need to be, of course then you need to deal with whatever reactance it does have. Inductive reactance usually isn't a bad thing, as transistors prefer switching into a "springy" inductance than a hard capacitance. Freewheeling diodes are often employed to clamp the flyback energy, recycling the energy absorbed by the reactance.

Also, having browsed many many tesla sites, and understanding well what it means to have the primary and secondary in resonance, there is still something I have never quite grasped. Over and over again, especially in flyback designs, I have heard how putting the transformer in resonance results in "enormous voltage gain". I cant grasp that concept intellectually. It seems to me that putting them in resonance, getting maximum efficiency out of the magnetic fields, would result in current gain, not voltage. Is the voltage not almost exclusively determined by the turn ratio of the transformer? Never really understood that.

Well with k < 1, the turns ratio isn't, now, is it? The model of a low-k transformer looks more like a perfect transformer with a series inductor, the mutual inductance. By bringing both sides into resonance, the mutual inductance can be series-resonant with the transformer's capacitances, thereby reaching a maxima of voltage.


Natures Natrium - 15-5-2008 at 10:21


Oooooh, now I get the whole meaning of push-pull. The rush of enlightenment combined with the shame of it having taken so long has produced a neutral state.

Anyways, I still cant figure a way to operate both transistors alternately from a single 555. Any clues, hints, ideas, links, etc?


12AX7 - 15-5-2008 at 14:33

Plenty. Don't use a 555 :P

Crack open a dead computer supply nearby and extract the TL494 (90% use a 494, the remainder use KA7500 -- same thing, SG3524, etc. All fundamentally the same, look up datasheet for pinout), wire it up and go. This chip is designed for push-pull / bridge operation. Push-pull BJTs or MOSFETs are the easiest, and a typical application is probably in the datasheet itself. Since you want AC rather than PWM, wire the control side so PWM is near maximum (48% or so). If you want frequency control, you can use a pot for that, or you might add a feedback loop consisting of a voltage or current or phase sensor and an error amp to control the frequency input. Alternately, a CD4060 PLL chip can be used for the same purpose, somewhat simpler.

I think the 4060 generates a plain square wave, so you may get shoot-through using it, which is the same problem as the 555's single square wave output. I'd use a differential pair to generate inverse lines, then a pair of transistors to switch that into a regular logic-ey sort of voltage for whatever is driven.


Natures Natrium - 15-5-2008 at 18:54

Hmm, since I got plenty of dead PC PS's kickin about, I'll have to look into this. (I had intended to use one as the 12V supply for timing circuit anyhow.)

However, in the meantime, I found a good site which discusses some of the basics of 555 timers, with plenty of examples and built-in calculators. This turned out to be a good thing because it pointed out a fatal mistake I had made some time ago, wherein I set up an excel spreadsheet with the calculations for controlling the timer, and forgot to note that I had set it to display kilohertz, not hertz. Consequently with my 120pF SMC and 10kohm pots, the lowest attainable frequency would have been 363khZ.

Anyways, found the attachment at

Good page, and using the built in calculators gave me a better idea of mathematical relationships involved. Better to keep R1 fairly small and use a pot at R2 to adjust the frequency, thus resulting in a near 50% duty time regardless of output frequency.

Oh yes, the attachment. I am thinking that this circuit (I do actually have 2 identical 555s here), with the output from the 3s trigging my IBGTs A and B, respectively. I suppose also that Timer B would need to be permanently on, until timer A turns off.

According to wikipedia here:

The estimated voltage feedback against the switch for a 960V 5:162 (1:32) turns transformer with a duty cycle of .5 (50% on, 50% off, which I am working towards) is about 990V, or roughly 3.1% higher than the input voltages. However, it also says that doesnt include voltage gain from leakage induction, and doesnt provide a way to calculate that. Couldnt find one either. Equation or link, maybe please? :-)

Also, I imagine with a two transistor push-pull setup, there is a lot less feed back since the circuit spends most of its time in the on-state. I was also wondering if the two 5 turns are each counted as a separate primary as each respective transistor turns on, thus a 10-turn center tapped primary and a 100 turn secondary is actually a 1:20 transformer, not a 1:10.

Part of the reason I am eager to go with a higher voltage feed to the primary is to reduce the number of turns needed on the secondary. I took apart that old flyback I had, and salvaged the core out of it. Got pics of that I may post some time, but the point is that if I have to go with more than ~150 to ~200 turns I am going to have to start layering the turns. Im not even quite sure how thats supposed to work. Somehow wrapping from the bottom up the first layer, then insulation, then continuing the wrap in the same direction (say, clockwise from an above perspective) but having each consecutive wrap proceed back down the core doesnt seem right intuitively.

Hmm, found some tl494s on the interwebs, they are cheap, but most places have a minimum order. Will have to try to find them locally first. Havent had much luck scrounging components off of old boards, I'd rather just get them new. This does look quite promising, although I haven't yet found a representative schematic for controlling an inverter.

Well, Im done for the day. Thanks again for the assistance.


LM555Interlock.GIF - 9kB

Twospoons - 15-5-2008 at 19:16

Originally posted by Natures Natrium

However, it also says that doesnt include voltage gain from leakage induction, and doesnt provide a way to calculate that. Couldnt find one either. Equation or link, maybe please? :-)

There isn't one, as it depends on the build of the transformer, and how much current is in the primary. Voltage from leakage will rise until something breaks, or the energy is all transferred to parasitic capacitance. Solution: either a fast zener diode or an R-C snubber across each primary. A snubber will also help to prevent radio interference being generated.

I was also wondering if the two 5 turns are each counted as a separate primary

Yes. Your primary is effectively 5 turns when calculating turns ratio.


Somehow wrapping from the bottom up the first layer, then insulation, then continuing the wrap in the same direction (say, clockwise from an above perspective) but having each consecutive wrap proceed back down the core doesnt seem right intuitively.

Don't worry, its exactly right, and how transformers are made industrially.
If you want to minimise leakage inductance, put 1/2 your secondary on first, insulate, put the primarys on (bifilar, maybe?), insulate, then the rest of your secondary. Don't use vinyl tape for insulation, use mylar film or similar.

[Edited on 16-5-2008 by Twospoons]

12AX7 - 15-5-2008 at 19:29 may come in handy.

A 50% duty cycle switching power to an inductor (with attached rectifier with an appropriate load) might give double the power supply's voltage, peak. It can easily be over 10 times, especially for much higher duty or much lighter loading (the limiting factor is the amount of energy stored in the inductor, and parasitic capacitance across the inductor which acts to reduce efficiency). This is why you must use transistors rated for significantly more than your supply voltage.


Natures Natrium - 17-5-2008 at 21:16

Ok, thanks again for all the help guys.

Check out this pdf I found, from ON semi-conductor. Obviously they push thier parts in it, but it is a great overview and chock full of information for the uninformed.

Of particular interest is is p. 94, wherein they present a half bridge design I haven't seen elsewhere, and which claims to have the benefit of not exposing the transistors to greater than peak line voltage. Thus, they recommend 190v transistor for a 120v line-in application. I could probably get away with 640v line-in, assuming that this benefit is not a direct result of the feedback on the IC controller.

Most of the switching power supply designs recommend 380v transistors for a 120v line-in application, which means 320v would probably need those 1200v transistors I have.

One thing about that confuses about the design on p. 94 is how the energy flows between the two capacitors immediately after the primary. Meh, too tired, look at it again tomorrow.

Havent made any affirmative decisions regarding design yet, but I am curious to hear opinions on using the half bridge design from p.94 in my application.


Attachment: HB206-D.PDF (1.1MB)
This file has been downloaded 1041 times

12AX7 - 18-5-2008 at 14:39

The capacitors couple the load to the supply. The Thevenin equivalent capacitance must be large enough that not much signal voltage is dropped across them at the frequency of interest, and small enough that charging them through the primary's inductance (series resonance) does not harm the transistors with peak current.

Most computer supplies use this topology, usually with one 1uF, 250V film type capacitor is used to couple this primary to the middle of the supply, which is a doubler from 120V (= 320VDC) or full wave bridge from 240V (= 320VDC). I also use this output network for my induction heater supply.

Notice this topology is electrically equivalent to the PP circuit on the preceeding page, when half supply voltage is used.


Natures Natrium - 19-5-2008 at 10:39


So, you're saying that even though I can use twice the line voltage on the half-bridge, it ends up being irrelevant since the push-pull effectively doubles the voltage which appears on the secondary in respect to the half-bridges secondary at the same input voltage?

Hmm, clarification, with a proposed 1:50 step-up transformer:
p.93 design: 320v in -> ~32kv out
p.94 design: 640v in -> ~32kv out



dann2 - 8-12-2008 at 11:14

Obtained this. It may interest some.

Attachment: Effect of Lead Dioxide partical size on Ozone production.pdf (412kB)
This file has been downloaded 4013 times

chief - 8-12-2008 at 11:52

I have a nice function generator: Different waveforms, up to 2 MHz; and I have some 2*80 Watt HiFi-amplifier; also maybe 5 flyback-transformers. Could I expect any reasonable voltage to come out of such a flyback, if I drive it at some frequency, that the amp may do (maybe above 10 kHz) ? Or does it have to be resonance and thereby the flyback has to be delivering the control-voltage of the driving transistors ?

Somehow it should be possible to abuse HiFi-amplifiers for that (not the best ones, of course); power-regulation would be built in ...

triggernum5 - 12-12-2008 at 07:44
Using this stupidly simple circuit and a flyback & generic MOSFET from a 15" IBM monitor, I get the best O3 production at ~9725Hz (R1=1.2K, R2=6.8K, C=0.01µF).. That is nowhere near resonance in its original circuit, but then again, its original circuit produced better results..
Didn't perform nearly as well when I plugged a larger flyback from a 27" Zenith[1985] (although in the short time I spent with that plugged in perhaps I had the pinouts slightly wrong, and I didn't tinker with values..
I've never been able to maintain corona at any level of power that even warms up the MOSFET using any makeshift electrodes.. The most I can get is about 0.3A @ 18V through the primary.. But it puls more than a few amps if you allow it to arc (~2-3cm).. That heats up the unheatsinked MOSFET, but I have never killed one.. I have killed more than a few 555's though.. Running it at 24V, when corona breaks down to a spark its quite likely the voltage spike will kill it, less likely at 18V, and never yet at 12V..
I basically use it to clean air in the basement after alot of smoking etc has gone down.. After about 5min running it at 12V the whole basement smells pleasantly like O3.. I have no idea what kind of levels I'm producing, so I don't spend alot of time near it while it runs, but it doesn't seem irritating.. It does rip odour out of the air well though..
I realize that circuit is as cheesy as you can get.. I plan to upgrade it as I get bored..

franklyn - 1-12-2010 at 05:24

related thread
Reference papers on ozone producton here


hissingnoise - 2-12-2010 at 12:57

Ozone has been found in interstellar space, apparently . . .

aliced25 - 15-12-2010 at 01:35

Miniature plasma generators, working in atmospheric air using mini-power supplies (high kV/lowmA) will generate Ozone. There are shitloads of papers on its use to purge contaminated air streams of organics (such as might come from a small homebuilt-hood:o)

White Yeti - 5-8-2011 at 06:08

Why not use a corona discharge tube? Fluorine and HF are both very hazardous substances, in comparison, a corona discharge tube is much simpler, safer and cheaper too.

Adas - 15-2-2013 at 13:04

Hey guys, I would like to try the electrolytic production of Ozone. I could possibly get PbO2 anode from lead accumulator, and I have 30% H2SO4 at my grandma's.

Would it work? Is 5A current enough? Do you know the possible yield?

Ozone electrolytic generator

testimento - 9-7-2013 at 19:30

I came up with a picture (attached). It shows chlor-alkali-like setup, where hydrogen is produced at the cat and oxygen and ozone at the ano site.

I suggest the following construction:

A vat, with glued, welded or otherwise jointed groove for membrane
A membrane, 10mm thick, made out of commercial quality clay plate
A cathodic pack, common steel plate, thickness of 1-2mm
An anodic pack, 316 stainless steel, thickness of 1-2mm

Cathodes can be placed intimate with the clay plate, but they can be installed in their own gas traps as well. A 0.5-1% NaOH solution should be boiled and used as the electrolyte to get higher electrolytic conductivity.

Cell needs a power of 2-6 volts, higher the amperage, higher the yield. A common microvave transformer can be cut apart carefully and the secondary re-winded for this purpose: using a 30-50mm2 copper cable at 6 turns with primary winding that has equal turns ratio to the mains power voltage input will generate 6-volt power source of about 1000 watts at 160 amps. The power needs to be rectified from AC to DC, a single diode rectifier is enough, but it will give only 50% of the nominal power, so if a bridge rectifier is available, or one is willing to make a bridge from 4 diodes, one should really consider using this method to get 100% of the nominal power to the cell. Rectified DC current is very well suited for electrolysis.

Ozone and O2 should be produced from the anode. All parts must be 316, since ozone will eat through everything but it and teflon within moments. The cathode can be any junk metal as long as it has high electric conductivity. The conductance of 316 steel is 3% of that of copper(which has about 6A per mm2), so when calculating the power of the cell, make sure the electrodes have enough cross sectional area or they will bottle-neck the power of the cell. The gas content of this electrolyte cell should consist as high as 25-30% of ozone off the total amount of oxygenes produced at the anode.

This is because ozone can be used for several reactions, like making AN from ammonia solution, making SO3 from SO2, creating high-quality lead dioxide electrodes for perchlorate cells, making benzaldehyde from styrene, etc. Ozone will oxidize most elements into their maximum oxidative state within contact and react detonatively with several organic materials, especially in liquid form.

ozonlysis.png - 112kB

[Edited on 10-7-2013 by testimento]

violet sin - 10-7-2013 at 00:45

@ testimento: do you have a source/link for the schematic? does your plan take liberties with materials and are the other normal probs of O3 production not applicable to finished ozone in transit? like temp, does it need cooling. hydrocarbon air contamination, possibly from epoxy in construction. moisture aided decomp. what is your perceived advantage to this route as opposed the more standard incarnations of O3 production devices? I mean I can see where the lower voltage higher amperage is easier to buy and use, so nice. but how will the performance match?
not trying to be rude, I love O3 and enjoy reading about it. thanks, an interesting set-up if it works that easy. I look forward to more info
-Violet Sin-

[edit] sorry for a bunch of stupid questions prior, it had been a long work day. after some sleep it was 'much' more apparent

[Edited on 11-7-2013 by violet sin]

testimento - 5-10-2013 at 16:46

Does anyone have experience on these cheap chinese ozone generators costing less than $20 a piece with ceramic platelets, noted to be producing up to 7 grams of ozone per hour? I'd consider ordering these (or even 10 of them if they work, hell you'd get 2kg of ozone a day with 200 bucks investment) and stack them up into a tube with line fan. They would produce 14-21 grams of ozone per hour, or continously up to 500 grams of ozone per day only from 2-3 platelets parallelled?

It is of a high interest because ozone can be used for so several proceseses for oxizising stuff into very interesting compounds, including, but not limited to, ammonia into ammonium nitrate, so2 into sulfuric acid and styrene to benzaldehyde.

[Edited on 6-10-2013 by testimento]

jock88 - 6-10-2013 at 13:38

You will not be going anywhere using stainless steel of any variety as an anode.
The PbO2 from car batteries will not be working either as they will fall apart.
Like so many projects involving electrolysis it usually boils down to the anode and were to get a suitable one cheaply.
MMO won't work either.
Platinum and properly made PbO2 would work or the 'ceramic' (whatever that is) from China.

testimento - 6-10-2013 at 16:49

The car battery PbO2 has been discussed before and I noted using cast-lead anodes coated with in-situ PbO2 being by far the easiest method for chlorate-perchlorate-cells, although involving a slight lead contamination, which is more than easily filtered out with sand-pack-filter.

This ozone is not about water or PbO2 though, this is for air ozonation.

Pulverulescent - 7-10-2013 at 01:06

Does anyone have experience on these cheap chinese ozone generators costing less than $20 a piece with ceramic platelets, noted to be producing up to 7 grams of ozone per hour?

Nope! Nor want to ─ their claims of grams per hour should be taken with excess halide . . .
They'll readily produce NO2 in moist air, too!
But you know, you get what you pay for!

jock88 - 7-10-2013 at 08:01

It's probably been said many times but could you feed pure oxygen through the in-air-ozoneator (elecytric dishcarge) for to avoid the NO2.

It's a pity they don't make N2O for taking with the grams-per-hour figure!!!

[Edited on 7-10-2013 by jock88]

Fenir - 21-11-2013 at 19:57

I once built a very inefficient ozone generator using a whimshurst machine and a test tube in an ice slurry. As expected, the process is tremendusly inefficient. It , however, did succed at iritating my nose and getting rid of nasal congestion.

Pyrotrons - 22-11-2013 at 13:19

Hi All,

Has anyone here successfully produced high-concentration and relatively pure ozone from dry Oxygen, using a high voltage device, and isolated the ozone as a liquid?

I don't think I will be in the same room when I do this...however...

I want to flow dry Oxygen (welding-grade) into one neck of a 1 Liter 3-neck (24/40) flask. The middle neck contains an electrode that is connected to an inverted (upside-down) solid-state tesla coil that can be throttled to absolutely fill the flask with purple corona, but not so powerful as to punch through the glass. The third neck of the flask would be the exit for O3 which then goes into a graham condenser cooled with Acetone/Dry Ice. Out drips blue liquid O3?

The electrode could be a simple borosilicate tube with one end sealed, with a wire down the inside of the tube, so that only the glass is in contact with the O3.

Some kind of borosilicate baffling inside the flask may facilitate better exposure of the O2 to the high voltage, but I believe there may be plenty of corona discharge to do the job without it, especially if the O2 flow rate is reduced.

I am not a chemist, however, I am good with high voltage and mechanical things. By the sounds of it, I should be able to at least blow the flask and glassware apart from decomposition of ozone. Seriously, any thoughts on a setup like this would be appreciated. If there is enough interest I may try it, this would actually be pretty easy for me to do.

watson.fawkes - 22-11-2013 at 15:02

Quote: Originally posted by Pyrotrons  
The third neck of the flask would be the exit for O3 which then goes into a graham condenser cooled with Acetone/Dry Ice.
Before you continue, it would behoove you to look up and write down the boiling point of ozone and the sublimation point of CO2. Hint: the wrong one is larger.

Pyrotrons - 22-11-2013 at 21:06

My apologies, I was going off of something in my memory which was obviously incorrect.

So the cooling would have to be fairly exotic. At first glance, and though I have no experience with this, it seems to me that flowing R-12 refrigerant through the condenser may work. The temperature of the R-12 could be maintained at 130K or so, with the addition of liquid N2 through a heat exchanger. 130K is 15K above the M.P. of R-12, yet 31K below the B.P. of O3. I've not checked the viscosity of R-12 at that temperature. Other coolants that I can think of are Butane (M.P. 135K) and Propyl Alcohol (M.P. 146K).

watson.fawkes, care to add anything else?

Edit: Added the following:

Thinking about this a second time, I think a better arrangement may be to have the O3 flow out of the flask, and through glass tubing that is in direct contact with a metal block, that is cooled to 100-140K with a slow liquid N2 drip. This keeps the entire system open-loop, and avoids initial dealings with pressure as the aforementioned R-12 (or other coolant) initially meets room-temp glass.

[Edited on 23-11-2013 by Pyrotrons]

watson.fawkes - 24-11-2013 at 19:08

Quote: Originally posted by Pyrotrons  
watson.fawkes, care to add anything else?
Sure. First and foremost, you should scope out just how much you want to accomplish this and what you want as a result in addition to a bit of liquid ozone. This is not a simple project by any means. Start with picking a target volume of product, say 10 ml liquid ozone.

Second, if you haven't read the link in the original post of this thread, I'd recommend it. There's lots of material in there, and if you're as serious as you sound about, you'll do yourself well to actually design the apparatus rather than tossing together the first parts you think about.

One thing to remember is that condensed liquid takes up a whole lot less space that the same molar quantity of gas. Given a final volume, pick some conversion efficiency to estimate with and compute the total O2 volume flow you'll need to deal with. It's probably more than you expect. Off the top of my head, I'd guess that you'll need some kind of active pumping to get a reasonable product volume.

I'd recommend building the O3 generator and the liquifier separately, tested and worked out separately, and combined only after they're working. Liquify some other gas for testing would be called for, something you can buy in a bottle. I'd start with propane, simply because it's cheap and easy to get. That's only a first stage test gas, though, you'll need another, perhaps some refrigerant gas. Just learning how to purge the system of water and other undesirable condensates will be needed.

For refrigeration, the best online material I've seen is the crowd doing extreme CPU overclocking. There's some really good amateur work on some of these systems. Also, learn what an "autocascade" is; you may want to use one to get temperatures low enough. Generally, you are working at a temperature where you'll need to really know how to build the condenser. You'll also need refrigeration for the receiving flask. And you'll need to know what your contingency is for refrigeration failure. Boiling ozone is not a hazard to be trifled with.

Zyklon-A - 1-12-2013 at 07:25

Quote: Originally posted by Pulverulescent  
Does anyone have experience on these cheap chinese ozone generators costing less than $20 a piece with ceramic platelets, noted to be producing up to 7 grams of ozone per hour?

Nope! Nor want to ─ their claims of grams per hour should be taken with excess halide . . .
They'll readily produce NO2 in moist air, too!
But you know, you get what you pay for!

I agree, with a little over $20 it seems, you can make one, that is much more efective than the $20 one from china.

[Edited on 1-12-2013 by Zyklonb]

Oxirane - 30-10-2014 at 16:05

This is most interesting text about ozone electrolysis. Still have to read it through tomorrow.

Has anyone ever electrolyzed O3?

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