Sciencemadness Discussion Board


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Aqua_Fortis_100% - 11-4-2007 at 21:36

originally posted by rikkitikkitavi:
Instead of Fe2(SO4)3 you could try to heat a pyrosulfate , it decomposes at lower temperatures. But still , working with SO3 is a bitch.

rikkitikkitavi, you tried the Fe2(SO4)3 pyrolysis?!?!
this was also my thought to try in future heating some Fe2(SO4)3 to make Oleum using the "normal" lab grade H2SO4 with good cooling and column.
My idea is take some advantage for the FREE battery acid and f the Fe2O3 from hardware stores(quite cheap) to make the Fe2(SO4)3 , then carefully heat to take out water, and then proceed this to heat in right container leaving the SO3 and bubbling this in cold (and keep cold - exothermic reaction) concentrated H2SO4 . the other reason to try is that this can be *somewhat* safe to do at home ,since the battery H2SO4 fully neutralized, and the carefull heat of the resulting salt can generates minimal amounts of SOx ...(although, this no leaves to bad ventilation... actually if gas furnace or even alcohol burner at outside or then tubes from home leaving vapours to out,as ORGANIKUM said,this can be performed best! enameled steel pans seems to me to work well at outside while almost all glasseware are prone to work (since in this solution remains small amounts of H2SO4 and most of dissolved salt. so this seems to reduce greatly the BP of the solution to more close of the water,that is, much more safe to heat these glasses).

the only problems i see is heating these salts to decomposition.. in portuguese wikipedia i see the temperature of about 480°C to start the decomposition and evolution of SO3. But about the best way to heat large amounts (e.g. 1kg) of this evenly.
and also for alternatives to good containers , tubes and chiefly about sealants .
in containers, i thought on use of one(or more) big cook oil can; for the tubes, one old iron tube leading to a small glass bottle(to give ability of pour an attached glass tube into H2SO4 ),then this with a glass tube (from a old lamp) put in middle of the H2SO4 with any system of spraying the bubbles to make them very little, therefore leading to better interaction of the H2SO4 and of SO3 and leading to fast and better yields(though the reaction being more exothermic, therefore more refrigeration needed). about sealants between all tubes , glasses and cans i thought in hardware grade CaSO4 .. my worry about all procedures is due the some water content in dried CaSO4 and also by their resistance to strong heat -all prone to a dangerous leak ; the corrosiveness effect of SO3 and condensed acid on the metals (cans) and of the heating this Fe2(SO4)3 to give good yields...
what about this?

edit: a person of another forum send me a paint drawing about a procedure he found in a "chemistry" book where a mix of SO2 and O2 (excess) was passed on hot lead(acting as a mild catalyst) and bubbled on a column of H2SO4.. can this be sure? i suspect if even this can work ,the product will take some contamination of the remaining oxides and H2SO3..

[Edited on 12-4-2007 by Aqua_Fortis_100%]

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