Okay there is a man by the name of Max Planck. You all remember Max Planck? About the turn of the century, 1906, he came with a little thing called
little "h" that you have to put in all your wave computations because if you don't it isn't accurate. That's Planck's frequency. When Max Planck died
he still couldn't tell us why you have to use Planck's constant. He just knew that that was the number it took to balance the equation, if you didn't
use it, it didn't work. But he came up with this phenomena called the quanta. Well what caused him to come up with this is he encountered this
phenomena I've got pictured up here. As you come across the electro-magnetic spectrum from the tower waves, radio waves, microwaves, when you approach
the ultra-violet, you find that this energy right here, and he actually has this backwards according with how it's depicted today, as you come from
these long wavelengths going to short wavelengths in this direction, that literally this is called black body radiation. This is the energy that emits
from a perfectly absorbing black body. Okay and it builds and collapses and then the solar energy light spectrum is over on the left side and it
collapses, and the two don't come together, and he was really disturbed of why don't these two peaks just run together like this. Why do they come up
and just collapse? And what he was encountering is the electro-magnetic zero point. This is what I'm telling you. And I'm telling you the same thing
he was telling you except I'm telling it to you with a different perspective.
It was just to the... if you go on a electro-magnetic charge, you go from 100 electron-volts to 10 electron-volts to 1 electron-volts, and then you
can't go any further than that. Because in the real world there's 2.3 children in the average household in America. Show me the .3 child, I'd like to
see him. There is no .3 child. On a macro scale there's 2.3 but on an individual family no family has .3. They have 2 or they have 3, but there's no
.3. In the real world there's one positive electron and there's one negative electron, but there's nothing less than one. And so as you come 100, 10,
1, you can't go to .5 or .1 or .001 electro-volts because there's no such thing in the real world. Now you can put anything on a chart, but in the
real world at 1 it all ends. There's plus one and there's minus one. And what I want to know is where's the zero point, and it's between plus one and
minus one. That's really easy to figure out. And so if you come down here from 100 to 10 to 1, then you have to turn around and go back plus 1, or
minus 1, actually it's minus 1, minus 10, minus 100 and it goes back. Now if you pick up the electro-magnetic spectrum and you look at it you'll find
absorption spectroscopy and emission spectroscopy all on the same chart. But they're not exactly the same, they're slightly offset because it's a
logarithmic chart and where this turns around and goes back is where the electro-magnetic zero point is and it just happens to be dead center where
these two won't reconcile. Next slide. And in fact what happens is as this turns around you get something that looks about like this. You get a
singularity. It's where it literally turns around and starts to come back and at the point where it perfectly turns there's actually a singularity.
Because in reality it literally turns and runs off in another dimension and then comes out of that dimension and continues on. The two miss each other
by Planck's frequency, they don't touch. That's the width of the frequency. And that's what it looks like, that's literally coming up and turning and
running down into another dimension and coming out of that dimension and continuing on. It's where another dimension intersects. It's where time
intersects the electro-magnetic spectrum and it intersects at the electro-magnetic zero point.
Where do you find that? You find it at the area where matter exists, you find it at the temperatures where you exist. To the right is the ionization
spectrum, to the left is the ultra . . . . is the microwave, but it's in this spectrum, in the middle, where the zero point is. And that's what you'll
find out is that God, or the electro-magnetic zero point is within you. That's where it is. It's within all life. It's what is life. It's what makes
up life. It's what makes up matter. All physicists are looking for that singularity. They're trying to crunch waves tighter and tighter and tighter
and tighter and tighter together until they literally. . . ., and they're going way out past deep gamma trying to crunch those waves together and get
them where they stack on top of themselves. But the amazing thing is at the electro-magnetic zero point they literally turn and run off, and relative
to you they stack on top of themselves. It's inherent in the system that this singularity occurs at the electro-magnetic zero point. And all
physicists are looking for the creation way out in deep gamma and right back here at null, it's where it all came from. It's the primal soup. It's
where particles are born out of that vacuum energy every day. Electrons disappear into it and reappear out of it continually. It is the creative
force. It's where it all came from. And if you get yourself shrunk down where you could climb inside that dark slit right there, where literally
matter, the wave, no matter how long it is, it's running away from you so it's stacking on top of itself relative to you, if you could get inside of
there, you would be one with God. |