Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Power Supplies

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12AX7 - 5-2-2006 at 10:36

Or heck, if you're taking 60Hz alone, you can just PWM that with a source-to-source MOSFET deal (making a fast, bidirectional switch). The PWM can be open loop, just 0 to 100% adjustable, or can have feedback for speed control or whatever. Mind the circuit will have to be referenced to ground, so isolation would be a good idea.

An RFI filter, snubber and integrator filter cover the hash in or out.


Rosco Bodine - 5-2-2006 at 11:58

The inexpensive standard 60 Hz PSC motors most
have Class B insulation and don't have the ruggedness
to long survive in a variable frequency drive or being driven
by a noisy waveform . When they hum to any great extent ,
they are being damaged by magnetostriction and that is what is being heard as the audio signature of the effect .

So for my purposes I am going to stay with 60 Hz , that is simply a given , and vary the voltage , letting the inherent
power feedback of a PSC motor driving an external quadratic load provide *some* stability to the speed , augmenting that power feedback from the driven load with additional inherent power feedback from a quadratic load which is an ever present parasitic load perhaps amounting to 20% of the
total output realizable from the motor . I am definitely going to use this approach of passive closed loop regulation before
going further to any active closed loop regulation by digital
tachometer and error signal processing which effects active modulation of the power to the motor . Using passive feedback is as easy as putting a quadratic load on a motor ,
whereupon the speed response of the motor is immediately very different from a completely unloaded motor with a bare shaft sitting in a test cradle spinning away freely and driving nothing .

Consider the following scenario as in illustration of my idea for passive closed loop inherent speed regulation. A squirrel cage blower wheel is a quadratic load which can be varied simply by opening up or closing off the intake airflow
to increase or decrease the loading the wheel places on the
driving motor . Suppose you have a blower wheel whose
inside diameter is just a fraction of an inch larger than the case diameter of a double shaft motor which is top mounted vertically with its lower end hanging in free air . And you invert the blower wheel on the lower shaft so that the motor
body slips inside the blower wheel for half the length of the motor . Now most of the intake area for the wheel has been obstructed by the motor body so the wheel has been greatly unloaded as compared with its normal free air loading , and
as a bonus some very effective cooling airflow has been added to the motor , even at low speed operation because
the wheel has to pull nearly all its airflow through the openings in the endshields of the motor . The effect of this
parasitic quadratic load on the motor may be further augmented very easily by attaching small permanent magnets on opposite sides of the endshield which is
within the blower wheel , so that the disc which is the backing plate for the wheel is affected by eddy current loads
induced by the influence of the static fields from the permanent magnets . The intensity of this eddy current braking could be adjusted simply by raising or lowering
the mounting position of the wheel on the lower shaft ,
to increase or decrease the air gap between the rotating disc and the magnets on the endshield of the motor .

By this scheme there is provided both low speed cooling for the motor and an adjustable quadratic load which conveys
inherent speed regulation to the motor at a given voltage .

Has the term " elegant " come up somewhere in this
discussion ? :D:P

Now what were some folks saying about " engineering " ......

Hmmmmm ?

Rosco breathes on fingernails and buffs them against his collar :D

Need a bigger chair about now , something more
befitting an intellect of such stature :D:D

What say you , fellow gentlemen and scholars :D

Is this good or is this good ?

12AX7 - 5-2-2006 at 13:19

Sounds noisy.


Rosco Bodine - 5-2-2006 at 13:31

Originally posted by 12AX7
Sounds noisy.


Oh contrare .

It is a Beckett wheel # F120-42S precision balanced
for 6400 rpm duty , but I'll never run it past 1200 rpm
and it is dead silent and vibration free .

The clearance between the motor case and the inside tips
of the turbine blades is about 5 mm which is plenty .
A fat O-ring glued to the motor case could even close that gap nearly completely if necessary .

An even closer clearance could be gotten with a # F115-42S
but I have the slightly larger wheel already on hand .


I'm a rambling wreck from Georgia Tech ........

And ........

And .....

How does the rest of that song go ? :D

I'm A Rambling Wreck

I'm a Ramblin' Wreck from Georgia Tech and a hell of an engineer,
A helluva, helluva, helluva, helluva, hell of an engineer.
Like all the jolly good fellows, I drink my whiskey clear.
I'm a Ramblin' Wreck from Georgia Tech and a hell of an engineer.
Oh, if I had a daughter, sir, I'd dress her in White and Gold,
And put her on the campus, to cheer the brave and bold.
But if I had a son, sir, I'll tell you what he'd do.
He would yell, "To Hell with Georgia," like his daddy used to do.

Oh! I wish I had a barrel of rum and sugar three thousand pounds,
A college bell to put it in and a clapper to stir it round.
I'd drink to all good fellows who come from far and near.
I'm a ramblin', gamblin', hell of an engineer.

[Edited on 5-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

densest - 5-2-2006 at 15:12

Originally posted by Rosco Bodine
The inexpensive standard 60 Hz PSC motors most
have Class B insulation and don't have the ruggedness
to long survive in a variable frequency drive or being driven
by a noisy waveform . When they hum to any great extent ,
they are being damaged by magnetostriction and that is what is being heard as the audio signature of the effect .

So for my purposes I am going to stay with 60 Hz , that is simply a given ,

The PDM scheme I mentioned puts the first significant harmonic out 64x60 = 4KHz. Run the circuit at 1024x and you're past 16KHz. The reconstruction filter removes those signals leaving a clean sine wave.

This is a specialized version of what happens inside a CD player.

and vary the voltage to use this approach of passive closed loop regulation before
going further to any active closed loop regulation by digital
tachometer and error signal processing which effects active modulation of the power to the motor .

The PDM scheme is open loop. Just input a request for a particular output voltage.

Using passive feedback is as easy as putting a quadratic load on a motor ,
whereupon the speed response of the motor is immediately very different from a completely unloaded motor with a bare shaft sitting in a test cradle spinning away freely and driving nothing .

Consider the following scenario as in illustration of my idea for passive closed loop inherent speed regulation. A squirrel cage blower wheel is a quadratic load which can be varied simply by opening up or closing off the intake airflow
to increase or decrease the loading the wheel places on the
driving motor . Suppose you have a blower wheel...

...stuff deleted...
This is a mechanical shunt regulator with corresponding weaknesses and strengths.
This would be interesting if you were aiming for one speed only. By sizing the lossy element correctly and setting the no-load speed correctly with respect to the torque/speed curve of the motor and the expected load range, you could have a reasonably efficient, quiet, and reliable scheme. At low speeds < optimum, the load element is ineffective. At high speeds > optimum, the load element consumes all available power.
Has the term " elegant " come up somewhere in this
discussion ? :D:P

Now what were some folks saying about " engineering " ......

Hmmmmm ?

Rosco breathes on fingernails and buffs them against his collar :D

Need a bigger chair about now , something more
befitting an intellect of such stature :D:D

What say you , fellow gentlemen and scholars :D

Is this good or is this good ?

If this were a computer or electronics group/board you'd find the view from your position nailed upside-down on the dartboard very enthralling :P

My chemistry knowledge is mostly 40 years out-of-date and I humbly acknowledge the work many people here put into research. For things with wires, I give PhDs headaches because I'm right more often than they are.

[Edited on 5-2-2006 by densest]

Rosco Bodine - 5-2-2006 at 18:40

Originally posted by densest

The PDM scheme I mentioned puts the first significant harmonic out 64x60 = 4KHz. Run the circuit at 1024x and you're past 16KHz. The reconstruction filter removes those signals leaving a clean sine wave.

This is a specialized version of what happens inside a CD player. The PDM scheme is open loop. Just input a request for a particular output voltage.

Can you please provide a schematic or reference ?

(snipped desription of the parasitic quadratic loading scheme)


This is a mechanical shunt regulator with corresponding weaknesses and strengths.

Shunt regulators do work don't they ?


This would be interesting if you were aiming for one speed only. By sizing the lossy element correctly and setting the no-load speed correctly with respect to the torque/speed curve of the motor and the expected load range, you could have a reasonably efficient, quiet, and reliable scheme. At low speeds < optimum, the load element is ineffective. At high speeds > optimum, the load element consumes all available power.

You are making this more complicated than it is . There isn't any "no load speed" on this eddy current braked system .
There is eddy current parasitic load present from the first movement of the conductor in the field and the load increases exponentially with velocity . The regulating effect of the quadratic loading is present across the entire speed range , not just at one selected speed . There are actually two additional quadratic loads on the motor at the driven element end . You see the drive magnet assembly sits beneath a plate of aluminum which is the hotplate above and there is an even more substantial eddy current load produced there in that plate by the stronger field of the main drive magnet , augmented even more when an especially large stirbar intensifies the field through the aluminum plate . Also the load characteristic of the liquid being stirred is a quadratic load . So the entire loading of the motor is quadratic in nature . The nature of such loads
is that a slight decrease in speed causes a disproportionately
larger decrease in the power required to maintain the lower
speed , while a slight increase in speed requires a disproportionately greater increase in power , so the speed
of the system tends to be self-regulating . This works in harmony with the voltage / current / rpm characteristic of
a PSC motor running from a fixed voltage to give inherent
speed regulation with surprising stability if there is sufficent
amount of the quadratic load to emulate the effect of a
" mechanical governor " on the motor . Another advantage
of this sort of soft coupled speed regulation is that there are no sudden speed changes which would shear the magnetic coupling between the driven element ( the stirbar ) , and the driving magnet below .


If this were a computer or electronics group/board you'd find the view from your position nailed upside-down on the dartboard very enthralling :P

If you chillun don't respect your elders , then how can
you ever get beyond just being apprentices :D
I'm a hardware hacker from way back .


For things with wires, I give PhDs headaches because I'm right more often than they are.

[Edited on 5-2-2006 by densest]

I am intrigued by the regulated AC power supply you have described , and if the schematic gives me a headache I'll
probably stick with the components I already have in transit
for the prototype . There is a lot of the KISS philosophy applied to whatever I do , and I know there are other ways
maybe better ways in terms of absolutes . But I also know
it is possible to overdesign something simple and make something more difficult than it has to be . So I am trying to keep this as simple as possible without really compromising
function which is desired to be only very damn good .......
not perfect :D

[Edited on 6-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

densest - 5-2-2006 at 19:48

OK. Is this correct: You're making a speed-regulated stirrer? You've chosen the motor?

I'll try to get a schematic together for a PDM (pulse density modulation) noise shaping driver and/or a set of references to manufacturers' ap notes. PFC front ends with very good efficiency are available from,,,, etc. The biggest problem is selecting the correct inductor, for which all the app notes give formulas. At 100W or less, that problem is pretty easy. Several of the manufacturers give schematics with values and sample PCBs.

The output stage is simple so I should be able to draw it fairly quickly - it's one microcontroller (perhaps with external table memory), two half-H drivers (see the above suspects for data sheets and samples), four FETs (for your application, IRF840s are probably overkill and very easily available at $1 or so), one inverter (or using an inverting-input bridge driver), snubbers (there's a certain amount of black magic here - that's why I specify overkill FETs), and optional output L-C-R filtering. If you specify the motor at (say) 200% of your anticipated load, the temperature rise without filtering will be very tolerable.

Re: shunt regulator comments: A shunt regulator works, no problem. All the problems are second order. If the motor's coils and laminations were lossless, then your scheme would work as well as possible. Shunt regulators go out of regulation beyond a point determined by the compliance of the regulating element. You're depending on the fan being truly 4th order over the full RPM range. That's a big assumption without numbers to back it up.

Since the motor windings, bearings, laminations, etc., are not lossless, there is an optimum RPM/load combination for each motor design. The motor manufacturer (if honest) attempts to set the motor's characteristics such that the nominal operating point is also the optimal operating point. At any other operating point the motor will get hotter. Most motors have a fairly narrow optimum range. Going from 60 to 50 Hz, for instance, a 16% change, usually means a significant derating unless the motor is made for that service. If I want a motor to run over a wide speed range for which it wasn't designed using a chopper without filtering I usually specify at least a 300% over-rating, which seems to work well with a low failure rate. Even with sine wave drive it's advisable to have either a small duty cycle or 200+% over-rating for a variable speed motor application with a general-purpose motor.

In your 4th-order-regulated scenario, the motor will always be running at the maximum dissipation possible for its current RPM. This is half of what the engineers are screaming about. The motor temp will be high and this kills the windings much more than chopper voltage stresses. The temp also kills the bearings.

Chopper evil harmonics can easily be attenuated with L or LCR networks which are widely available. Look for "AC motor drive reactors". They're not cheap at 500+W, but under 100 they can be made with off-the-shelf parts. A two-pole (series L to parallel R-C series pair) lossy output filter will give you 20dB/decade with no back talk. The PDM scheme with an RLC filter would put the harmonics 40+ dB down - no heating/breakdown problems at all.

Second, the dissipative controller will be running at elevated temps, which double (or worse) the failure rate for every 10C. Have you spec'ed your heat sinks and/or fans for possible air blockages? Have you put overheating sensors in if necessary? Have you put one on the motor or is it already thermally protected? If the motor stops, do you have alarm sensors - I'd hate to be doing a nitration when my stirrer conks out!

Rosco Bodine - 5-2-2006 at 22:03

I already have the Mosfets , Hitachi 2SK1837 @ a buck apiece . Yeah I already have the motor too and locked rotor at full voltage is about 0.7 Amp . The motor is indeed being run at max. 60% of rated , but off-label use on what would be the " stall slope " which would be correct naming for that operating region if it were a linear load being driven , But of course for a quadratic load there is no actual " stall slope " the load just finds a speed where there is a balance of the load with the power output available , and there it runs at equilibrium until some system load or power parameter changes .

You can do a little experiment to see the effect quite easily . Take a PSC motor with no load and increase the voltage from zero until the breakaway into rotation , and leave the voltage set where it is , and watch the motor increase in speed nearly all the way to maximum . Backing off the voltage to slow it down it will simply stall speed control at all . Now put a naked blower wheel on the shaft and repeat the test and you will be amazed what a little quadratic load does for introducing speed regulation . When you think about what you are observing , then the point of all I have been saying will
become clear . Also enlightening is putting an ammeter
in the motor lead and watching what happens at various speeds , and the power / speed response which is
associated with limiting the intake air to the wheel .
Bringing a magnet near it increases the effect .

There is a huge misunderstanding if anyone has the idea
that any effort is being made to run the motor at any
sort of " optimum efficiency or output " , absolutely not because that would be running the motor at ~95% of the synchronous speed , and that is not the purpose at all , and entirely beyond the scope of the application .
The purpose is to operate an off the shelf motor with
usable power and control in a way that it was never actually designed to work , but have it do the job well
enough to do useful work anyway , by having addressed those parameters which require special attention for the peculiar operating conditions being forced into effect .
After all the losses from the entirely necessary but
nevertheless parasitic load elements in the drive ,
there is likely only about a third of the motors output
actually being delivered at the stirbar , which still amounts to about three times more the actual power of something like a 12" Cimarec 2 stirrer from Thermolyne ,
at a similar power consumption . The ultimate speed
will be a couple hundred rpm higher also and the low end torque more than triple . They are using shaded pole
4 pole 1/125 hp motors with a 250 Ohm 50 W rheostat ,
and these are the " heavy duty " stirrers of those sort available . The newer stuff from Corning even their top of the line models are complete trash so far as the drives
in them goes , toys right from the box with little C-frame
motors all digitized to try to perform an act they can never do , which is to work properly on anything you may want to do on a 10" plate . The base drive for my prototype 10" plate is a 1/25 hp 4 pole PSC motor , with rare earth sintered magnequench drive structure , something with backbone , a real instrument .....not an inadequate toy .

For the dissipation of heat I am looking at under 15 watts
maximum for each transistor which will be on back to back
extruded heatsinks sitting in the exhaust draft from the blower wheel ...... so they should be cool runners .
Dittos for the motor which has automatic thermal protection , but it will never be needed , because even
at a windmilling crawl of 120 rpm , the wheel will pull
plenty of cooling for the motor and for the Mosfets .

As for stalling the motor , no worries there . The decoupling torque for the largest allowable stirbar is just less than the stall torque for the motor so the coupling field shears first ......cute huh ?

I was considering supporting the lower endshaft on a magnetic support bearing like a gyro or high end turntable . But the rotor floats anyway because of
the stator field centering and the direction of the coupling field of the main drive magnet providing lift
also .

[Edited on 6-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Rosco Bodine - 6-2-2006 at 16:30

Here is another revision to my circuit attached ,
which does away with the dual pots . There will
likely be further revision to isolate the high voltage
mosfet gate driver circuit from the control pot ,
and use regular TTL level through an optocoupler ,
perhaps using a vactrol type optocoupler as I mentioned
in describing earlier thoughts here about this project .
It just mades for a safer panel to have low level on a
control pot , and avoid line level signal if there is any
way to manage that , which can likely be arranged
with a few more components .......might as well
do the job right and supply a TTL level input capability
which will be useful for other things too . That's what's next
if anyone wonders where I'm going with this .

Anyway , please take alook at this revision and holler if any
defect is spotted .

Variable AC Voltage Supply  for PSC or shaded pole motor.jpg - 83kB

12AX7 - 6-2-2006 at 18:45

Ermmm, why did you draw two zeners? What happens when supply voltage exceeds Vf and line voltage appears on the gate? Either smoke, or you get a maximum voltage drop of whatever the zener is...

Speaking of diodes, you even draw the MOSFETs explicitly with intrinsic body diodes -- what are the external diodes for? Most MOSFETs have reasonably rated body diodes.

In case the AC load is disconnected, there should be a "fixed value idle current resistor" in that place, too.

The FWB trick looks like it will work.

BTW, your drawing is nice and neat and square. Although arc wire crossings and really really long resistors went out of style in the 1960s. :P


Twospoons - 6-2-2006 at 19:05

Mm. Delete the zeners between gate and drain.

It occurs to me that a simpler method exists if you only want a few discrete speed steps - wire an appropriate size light bulb in series with your motor. With two switches and two light bulbs you can have 4 speed settings. Add another switch and bulb and you get eight...
Simple, cheap and robust.

There's nothing wrong with long resistors and arc crossovers - it makes for a really readable schematic. Putting 4 wires into a join dot is a no-no, though. Three max, for clarity, just in case the 'dot' disappears in printing.

[Edited on 7-2-2006 by Twospoons]

Rosco Bodine - 6-2-2006 at 20:36

Originally posted by 12AX7
Ermmm, why did you draw two zeners?

I haven't fully settled it in my mind what may the potential of turn-off / turn-on transients with the motor capacitor in the circuit simply being switched by an external toggle switch at
any particular out of sync point with regards to the
zero crossing . I may never have it settled in my mind
what all the different transients are that are possible ,
and don't want to be surprised by what I hadn't discerned
in advance , so the zeners are just insurance against
the assorted unforeseen perils . Back to back zeners are an old trick for gate protection against transients , static electricity discharges included . After eliminating the dual pots and tying the gates together there is another very foreseeable necessity for adding zeners , I explain a few
lines below .


What happens when supply voltage exceeds Vf and line voltage appears on the gate? Either smoke, or you get a maximum voltage drop of whatever the zener is...

I'm not source following you there :D .....Vf where ?


Speaking of diodes, you even draw the MOSFETs explicitly with intrinsic body diodes -- what are the external diodes for? Most MOSFETs have reasonably rated body diodes.

They are redundant .


In case the AC load is disconnected, there should be a "fixed value idle current resistor" in that place, too.

No disconnection of the AC load is contemplated , it's all one dedicated system on the same power line hard wired together ......but I am not following where you say I need another resistor or why .


The FWB trick looks like it will work.

Yes , I think so too . I thought about it before but had some concerns about the gate of the non-conducting Mosfet being
highly reverse biased with regards to its drain , but the zeners keep the reverse biasing felt by the gate during its
off period half-cycle , within safe limits . Without the zeners
both mosfets would be destroyed on the first power cycle .
It could even be legitimate for this reason to use 'em in parallel pairs since they are absolutely critical . If a zener blows , so does the mosfet , absolutely guaranteed .
The dual pot circuit was immune to that so it's sort of
a " judgement call " which way to go , and since the dual pots could complicate other things to be added later ,
I decided to make the change to the simpler biasing .
It eliminates the need for matched pots and that precision
where no twins seem to be identical like they should , just due to manufacturing tolerances .


BTW, your drawing is nice and neat and square. Although arc wire crossings and really really long resistors went out of style in the 1960s. :P

I actually like to see and draw the overpassing conductors
with the semicircle , because it shows the layering of the
flyover , ( or under ) conductors so that if you are visualizing
tilting a " panel " of the circuit , imaginary connecting wires
are kept from imaginary snags on other conductors and components :D It helps visualizing the hookup points and conductor paths for the board especially when the circuit is
not printed , but manually wired on perf board .

[Edited on 7-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Twospoons - 6-2-2006 at 22:06

Originally posted by Rosco Bodine
Back to back zeners are an old trick for gate protection against transients , static electricity discharges included .

Yes, but what you have drawn is not 'back-to-back' zeners! To do that you need to put your two back to back zeners in series between the gate and source.
What you have drawn is a FET circuit that will always be on, as any positve (wrt source) voltage on the drain will bias the gate on by forward conduction through the top zener.

densest - 6-2-2006 at 22:24

Please don't take offense, but it really sounds like Mr. R. B. has already chosen a solution before fully characterizing the application. This is far too easy to do - I've done it many times.

IMnsHO, a DC PM motor is a better choice for a stirrer application. They have good torque down to 0 RPM and are simple to drive even with a very simple chopper. See the mini-lathe newsgroup/mailing list for the cheep-cheep-cheep drive circuit which uses the reverse EMF feedback for constant speed. I could send you the PCB and motor ("1/2 HP" giggle) from a Chinese-made Harbor Freight lathe which would stir molasses in mid-Winter if your magnet is strong enough. The low end speed is adjustable down to about 50 RPM. DC gearmotors are available for $10-30 surplus with top speeds in the 200-400 RPM range. This would put the low end RPM at maybe 5 or so.

That aside, if you want low part count, a plain old rheostat equivalent using a set of power resistors and a 10-position switch is probably available for $10 or so (surplus) with a power rating within your requirements. Add a fan and your total parts count is:
switch - 10 ON and 1 OFF position
10 power resistors
This would be much more robust than FETs and would generate no electrical noise. I'd advise against a plain rheostat unless you're sure that the power rating is sufficient at the lowest resistance values.

Rosco Bodine - 6-2-2006 at 22:36

@ Twospoons

Thanks for catching that .

You are absolutely right and I am looking at it ,
because I sure as hell missed it completely or
thought it " back to back " and didn't draw it .

What I need there is an ordinary diode back to back in series with that Zener . I will correct the drawing .


I know DC gives the best performance . There is nothing
experimental about that approach , and what I am about
here is sort of like star trek , you know going where no
one has gone before , giving the lowly PSC motor made
cheaply by the gazillions something different to do where
it is better than the shaded pole motors used already in
the application . As for the rheostat , I have several of them
and its been there , done that , and know the limitations .
I'm on the right track I think and if not , well then the
experimental prototype will be a learning experience .

@ Twospoons

The attached revision of the schematic shows the corrected
diode protection for the gates . Thanks again for spotting the missing diodes .

@ 12AX7

I take it that both you and Twospoons were seeing the same
missing blocking diode there and that is what you were meaning about Vf appearing at the gate ? Thanks for hollering .....I got it , fixed it too :D

[Edited on 7-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Variable AC Voltage Supply for PSC or shaded pole motor.jpg - 79kB

12AX7 - 7-2-2006 at 13:10

Erm, why did you add *another* pair of diodes?

As shown, the zener gate-drain diodes act by limiting G-D voltage to 0.7V, but there is a plain diode present, presumably with PIV > 200V, so this possible clamping action is essentially removed. For the plain diode to be forward-biased, the zener will be reversed, i.e., in the zener region. For this to become active, the drain must be (zener rating) + 0.7 volts lower than the gate, which can never happen in normal conduction. At (or after) zero crossing, however, the drain falls to about 0.7V below the source, which clamps it by the diodes. If the gate zeners are equal, then the gate voltage will be clamped to the zener voltage plus a diode drop -- the extra diode drop is either the source-drain diode or the gate-drain diode.

Look. I don't care if you have a diode fetish, or something: it'll work with no extra parts if you:
Remove all diodes except the source-gate zeners, and the FWB
Remove the "fixed value idle current resistors" and, if you do want an idle load on the MOSFETs, place a resistor in parallel with the motor (redundant, since the motor is ""permanent""). If your intention was to give the motor an idle current, then why the adjustable minimum?

*Looks up datasheet*

Holy shit, what do you need a FET that big for? I'll give you $10 (plus shipping) for six of those if they are indeed 2SK1837s.

Yeesh, and they already have gate zeners too! External zeners can clamp the gate to safer, saner values, though.


Rosco Bodine - 7-2-2006 at 14:42

LOL , I'm dying here because I know seeing a MOSFET
upside down from its usual orientation as a " switching "
device is like trying to ride a bicycle backwards . I am having the same problem with the visualization , like
holding a rifle on the shoulder aimed at a target behind the back and aiming by lining up the sights with a shaving mirror held at arms length . You have to think it through like
looking through a telescope without a terrestrial inverter ,
because everything tries to move the " wrong way " as you
are visualizing it with a mind conditioned to the opposite
configuration :D

Originally posted by 12AX7
Erm, why did you add *another* pair of diodes?

Because I saw what you were meaning to point out ,
even though you described its actual location flipped
180 degrees from where the defect was :D
This " source follower " configuration makes me crosseyed too :D


As shown, the zener gate-drain diodes act by limiting G-D voltage to 0.7V, but there is a plain diode present, presumably with PIV > 200V, so this possible clamping action is essentially removed.

No way is the clamping action removed , but is made
into a unidirectional breakover diode , allowing zener conduction to occur but blocking normal forward conduction
coming back the other way , which it would without the added normal diode as a blocking diode .


For the plain diode to be forward-biased, the zener will be reversed, i.e., in the zener region. For this to become active, the drain must be (zener rating) + 0.7 volts lower than the gate, which can never happen in normal conduction.

Correct , but the MOSFET is not in normal conduction when the clamp is needed , the MOSFET is off , and a negative
bias voltage is being applied to the gate trying to turn it
" more off " , which is where the problem arises requiring
the clamping by the zener . If the zener wasn't there then
the negative bias ( gate to source ) would exceed the -30
volts maximum , destroying the Mosfet . Therefore the
zener has to be there .


At (or after) zero crossing, however, the drain falls to about 0.7V below the source, which clamps it by the diodes. If the gate zeners are equal, then the gate voltage will be clamped to the zener voltage plus a diode drop -- the extra diode drop is either the source-drain diode or the gate-drain diode.

That's the idea , but since that Mosfet is off , the idea is not
for it to be allowed to be conduction biased , but to be kept
within safe gate signal parameters while it is in the off condition during its idle half cycle .


Look. I don't care if you have a diode fetish, or something:

LOL ...I do love my damn diodes don't I ! :D
But there's nothing like a cathode rejuvenator on
a cold winter night ;) If the girls are squeamish
when you ask them to Thevinize it , you sometimes
have to settle for a quick Kirchoff :o:P:D


it'll work

Just the way it is ......I think , unless I am looking at it
crosseyed again .......which is not any surprise if true .
I am having to reteach my eyes on this one . I even thought
about just drawing the damn thing as an NPN emitter follower to relieve
the " diode fatigue " and see a familiar
power device in a well known configuration . Then translate
it later for Mr. Mosfet in source follower mode .


with no extra parts if you:
Remove all diodes except the source-gate zeners, and the FWB

Nope gotta keep 'em there for good reason . Study it some more and you'll see it .


Remove the "fixed value idle current resistors" and, if you do want an idle load on the MOSFETs, place a resistor in parallel with the motor (redundant, since the motor is ""permanent""). If your intention was to give the motor an idle current, then why the adjustable minimum?

The idle current resistors are to windmill the motor without
heating the mosfets at idle . The adjustable minimum is so that the full range of the main voltage adjust has affect on the motor speed , and you don't have to turn the knob
halfway before the motor responds .


*Looks up datasheet*

Holy shit, what do you need a FET that big for? I'll give you $10 (plus shipping) for six of those if they are indeed 2SK1837s.

Yeesh, and they already have gate zeners too! External zeners can clamp the gate to safer, saner values, though.


They are pretty aren't they ? Watch out now ,
or people will think you have the hots for a MOSFET :D
Isolated oversized cases too , long beautiful legs
all the way up to her ass ....sweet ;)

70 Nm + or - 10 Nm mounting torque , and the cases
are flat both sides so they can be sandwiched between
two heatsinks if you like .

Maybe google 'em or check eBay , there's a few around .

12AX7 - 7-2-2006 at 14:52

Meh, TO-247 isn't very sexy, it has sharp masculine corners if anything. A pair of TO-3's side-by-side would be more interesting.

But anyway.

The single source-gate zener diode is forward biased if the gate is less than the source, keeping the gate above -0.7V. Likewise it is reverse-biased (zener clamp), limiting gate to below say, 12V, for a 12V zener. Considering the transconductance, you could easily get away with a 6V zener. This and this alone is sufficient and there is no need for any more diodes.

The 2SK1837 is more than stocky enough to withstand reverse current, so external reverse diodes are not necessary. Diodes are not required for the "idle current" resistors, which themselves are not necessary either (when the output is turned down, current is low, so dissipation is low -- for a resistive load, maximum dissipation takes place at *half* voltage output!).

Study it more and you'll see it. :P


Rosco Bodine - 7-2-2006 at 15:32

Originally posted by 12AX7
Meh, TO-247 isn't very sexy, it has sharp masculine corners if anything. A pair of TO-3's side-by-side would be more interesting.

But anyway.

The single source-gate zener diode is forward biased if the gate is less than the source, keeping the gate above -0.7V. Likewise it is reverse-biased (zener clamp), limiting gate to below say, 12V, for a 12V zener. Considering the transconductance, you could easily get away with a 6V zener. This and this alone is sufficient and there is no need for any more diodes.

The 2SK1837 is more than stocky enough to withstand reverse current, so external reverse diodes are not necessary. Diodes are not required for the "idle current" resistors, which themselves are not necessary either (when the output is turned down, current is low, so dissipation is low -- for a resistive load, maximum dissipation takes place at *half* voltage output!).

Study it more and you'll see it. :P


The idle voltage for the motor is about 30-35% of line so I figured just let some power resistors take the heat and spare the mosfets .

Isn't it the overvoltage that does the damage to high impedance inputs , even if the current is miniscule ?
Similar story to puncturing the dielectric in a capacitor ?
About the diode protection , there was another reason
I wanted to add this , and that is the unknown effect of capacitances that are going to be present both from the Mosfets and in the photoresistor I intend to add next .
There is also the matter of transients which are possible
from manually switching the load in part of a cycle , as will
occur during power up or powerdown . I didn't want to
power up the circuit and have it work beautifully until the first time it turned off , being stone dead thereafter .
There is also the matter phase shift thrown in to muddy things further , since the load is reactive . So some of the
considerations are hypothetical conditions which may or may not ever appear . It is better to err on the side of caution
and cover the possibilities , than to just cover the expected ,
and later get burned by the anomaly . The diodes are cheap insurance .

12AX7 - 7-2-2006 at 16:01

Yeah, that's why you use zeners that conduct at 0.7V forward and rated voltage when reversed. You get a sweet spot of +Vz to -0.7V on the gate, NO MORE. Impulses are clipped by the zener and series resistor.

I was going to say don't worry about capacitance since 60Hz is damn slow, but since you've settled for these boatanchor sized FETs, it might be worth adding a speed-up cap across the series resistor. Possibly, one with series resistance, so it speeds up the gate signal only so much.

Don't worry about transients, a transistor like that will handle what... half a joule or more, avalanche? Besides, diodes don't protect against avalanche so your diodes won't do anything in that regard.

If you want you can add a (300 or 400V rated) TVS across the motor and/or supply line.


Rosco Bodine - 7-2-2006 at 16:34

Bear with me here for a minute as I truly am trying to
better understand this concern you have over the single zener across the gate to source becoming forward biased . I can't quite see any way that would occur
except in one scenario where the Voltage adjust is
set much lower than the idle voltage of the motor
being supplied by the power resistor , and adding
a blocking diode could stop that if that was a problem .
But I don't see how this scenario would effect any
response from the Mosfet , because the drop across
the diode would prevent the gate from being forward biased into conduction . I'm not sure what exactly
is the minimum gate to source threshold voltage differential for the Mosfet to conduct in the source follower mode , but for sure it is some some positive value which the source voltage tries to rise to meet . And in this scenario the gate is already at least .7 volt lower than whatever voltage there would be on the source , so the mosfet is not in conduction . The gate would have to be at some higher voltage than the source for the Mosfet to be in conduction . Anybody know what the typical gate to source drop would be
for a source follower ? It could be several volts ,
I'm not sure . But I'll guarantee it is a positive value ,
not -.7 .

I suppose I could add a blocking diode there too , just to make it a moot point and the zener would still serve its
intended purpose as an overvoltage clamp . It would make for a nice and symmetrical clipping filter on the gate .

As I am looking at this sort of gate protection having a four diode clipping filter for a mosfet gate it actually makes the gate pretty well bulletproof , so I wonder why this isn't simply integrated on the mosfet when they manufacture them . It would not interfere with the normal operation of the mosfet but would give it gate protection way beyond what it has with one zener from gate to source , or none at all as some of them are made .

[Edited on 8-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

12AX7 - 7-2-2006 at 19:25

Originally posted by Rosco Bodine
Bear with me here for a minute as I truly am trying to
better understand this concern you have over the single zener across the gate to source becoming forward biased . I can't quite see any way that would occur
except in one scenario where the Voltage adjust is
set much lower than the idle voltage of the motor
being supplied by the power resistor

Indeed, with the FWB, the gate voltage can only ever be positive with respect to S.

and adding
a blocking diode could stop that if that was a problem .

Er so why add another diode to circumvent a protection scheme that may or may not be necessary?

But I don't see how this scenario would effect any
response from the Mosfet , because the drop across
the diode would prevent the gate from being forward biased into conduction .

What!? Alright do you understand inequalities? I'll spell it out this way: -0.7 < Vg < Vz, where -0.7 is the voltage when gate is NEGATIVE with respect to source, Vg is the gate voltage, and Vz is the zener diode rating.

G-S voltage is free to be anywhere INBETWEEN, including the linear range required. It is NOT, however, allowed to EXCEED Vz, or to get any appreciable negative bias.

Anybody know what the typical gate to source drop would be for a source follower ?

Err, it's in the datasheet. You *have* looked at the datasheet...right?


[Edited on 2-8-2006 by 12AX7]

Rosco Bodine - 7-2-2006 at 20:47

I looked at the data sheet and a dozen others
before choosing this particular MOSFET . I assumed
the +2 to +3 volt threshold above source would hold
true whether the load was top driven from the source
lead above as in a source follower circuit , or if the load
was top tied to a supply rail and switched from below
by the drain lead through the Mosfet in the usual switch mode where the source is on the negative rail .
The turnon voltage is the same value turnon voltage no matter where the mosfet is located in series with the load .

So the source can only rise to within 2 to 3 volts lower
than the gate voltage applied to the mosfet acting as a source follower . If the potential on the source tries
to rise higher , the Mosfet is no longer " saturated "
as a switch , but becomes semiconducting and operates
" active region " or " linear " as a voltage controlled variable resistor to regulate the voltage on the source at the 2 to 3 volts below the voltage at the gate .

I don't see how an external zener of higher voltage than that 2 to 3 volts would interfere at all with that normal
excursion of the source voltage which derives from the internal mosfet components providing the source following effect . It's like you are saying the source can rise no higher than the drop across the zener when it is in zener conduction , and applying that to a scenario where the zener is not in zener conduction , and where it wouldn't matter in either case anyway . All the source will do is rise to within 2 to 3 volts less than the voltage on the gate , where it stays , regardless of a zener which
has dropped out of zener conduction way before the
source voltage has risen that near to the gate voltage .

It seems you are looking at the diodes as providing some
sort of active biasing which is either simply not there or I don't recognize it yet . All the single zener from gate to source does is limit the gate from going over 15 volts
with respect to the source , when a third of that would be more than enougn to saturate the Mosfet , so all the single zener does is clamp any excess voltage which might appear as a transient on the gate . And if the single zener was in normal forward conduction , it is supplied from the source whose potential cannot be
higher by the 2 to 3 volts plus the .7 volt drop across
the diode , for the Mosfet as it were to " self - bias "
its own gate from what voltage is on the source .

Any forward biasing of the mosfet gate is going to have to
be routed from the rails on the drain side of that Mosfet .

What you were saying above about not needing the reverse
current protection on gate to drain versus my assertion earlier that the mosfet would be destroyed by the same reverse voltage as is stated for gate to source ..... I admit that I am uncertain of this and you could be correct . The manufacturer doesn't specify any limitation for the gate to drain as they do for gate to source and here I assumed that because N channel Mosfets are unipolar devices having a single carrier channel from source to drain , that the relative
vulnerability of either end of that channel to overvoltage
would be the same . I have read somewhere that N channel
mosfets have a somewhat ambiguous " polarity " with regards to the matter of drain and source , and will happily
pass AC under certain conditions , and I'm not even certain that is true , but adding these things together it just made sense to me that the gate to source allowable voltages likely
applied equally to the gate to drain . Not knowing for sure ,
I choose to add the diodes which shouldn't hurt a thing if
they aren't needed , but will protect the Mosfet if they
should be needed . When I draw the final circuit I will
have the diode protection on both the gate to drain and the gate to source , for my own peace of mind . It may be sort
of like seatbelts and airbags , or it may be like two seatbelts
when one would do . But either way , the thing is covered .
If anybody else wants to omit the clipping filters they are welcome , but I am putting them in the one I build just to be sure :D

[Edited on 8-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

12AX7 - 8-2-2006 at 10:22

Originally posted by Rosco Bodine
I looked at the data sheet and a dozen others
before choosing this particular MOSFET . I assumed
the +2 to +3 volt threshold above source would hold
true whether the load was top driven from the source
lead above as in a source follower circuit , or if the load
was top tied to a supply rail and switched from below
by the drain lead through the Mosfet in the usual switch mode where the source is on the negative rail .
The turnon voltage is the same value turnon voltage no matter where the mosfet is located in series with the load .

Ya. Did you look at the range? Several volts variation. It MIGHT be 2V, or hell, it could be 4V. Even a 5V G-S zener would probably suffice.

I don't see how an external zener of higher voltage than that 2 to 3 volts would interfere at all with that normal

...Gate voltage?

Wait, I guess you weren't going to say that:

excursion of the source voltage


It seems you are looking at the diodes as providing some sort of active biasing

Steeeerike two...

All the single zener from gate to source does is limit the gate from going over 15 volts with respect to the source, when a third of that would be more than enougn to saturate the Mosfet, so all the single zener does is clamp any excess voltage which might appear as a transient on the gate.


And if the single zener was in normal forward conduction, it is supplied from the source whose potential cannot be higher by the 2 to 3 volts

Wrong channel there, it's enhancement mode, which means the gate is always positive. If the gate is negative (source positive), the voltage is clamped by the zener forward-conducting (because the arrow points towards the gate..).

Any forward biasing of the mosfet gate is going to have to be routed from the rails on the drain side of that Mosfet.

IGNORE THE DRAIN. The drain is BAD. The drain carries ONE HUNDRED TWENTY VOLTS. The gate wants no more than TWENTY.

The manufacturer doesn't specify any limitation for the gate to drain as they do for gate to source and here I assumed that because N channel Mosfets are unipolar devices having a single carrier channel from source to drain , that the relative vulnerability of either end of that channel to overvoltage would be the same.

*Cough*. MOSFETs aren't JFETs.

I don't know exactly what it is they do, besides the substrate diode, that prevents them from being bidirectional devices, but the fact remains, all medium and high voltage power MOS manufactured today has a Vds rating much higher than any Vgs rating. The gate is to stay near the source, end of discussion!!


Rosco Bodine - 8-2-2006 at 11:11

The peak voltage is actually 170 for 120 rms line voltage ,
so that peak is what can actually be appearing at an unfiltered / unlimited gate input .......and I really doubt
that sort of voltage should be left unlimited , unless
the manufacturer specifically rates a device for that
sort of unsual signal level .

120 volts rms isn't " bad " if that is the power rating of the given device and that is what you are working with out
of necessity . You just have to design a circuit to
account for the conditions encountered in the application .
But it would solve a lot of design problems for control
circuits if the whole world was powered by nothing over
12 volts .

The circuit of the latest revision posted will probably work fine as shown even with line voltage across the ends of the control pot , the same as would be occurring with
numerous " light dimmer " types of devices using triacs .

So this circuit might get code approval as is and be fine
for fully manual operation . I would still make the input filters identical on gate to source as they are shown for
gate to drain in any actual build .

Adding TTL level control inputs is possible but really should be done using a small transformer and regulated supply for the logic stages , as would be the conventional
method .

I ran across a very neat optical isolator of a different sort
and its application note shows some interesting AC
applications , so I am attaching the file for the unusual
optoisolator . This device could be very useful in the
biasing of Mosfets .

Look on page 5 of the application note at the AC Switch .
I'm wondering how well this particular circuit would
work in linear operation and if it could simplify what I have been doing differently with the circuit I have been designing ,
by already having TTL level input capability .

I'm getting the same problems with file attachments not downloading properly as was going on the other day , and I think it is the hosting service . So if there is trouble , just try it again later .

[Edited on 8-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Attachment: AN-1017 photo voltaic isolator PVI device.pdf (176kB)
This file has been downloaded 984 times

Rosco Bodine - 9-2-2006 at 03:09

Here is the latest revision . The changes are to
make the biasing more assertive so that the
circuit will have better performance near the
zero crossing and will also deliver closer to
full voltage at the maximum setting . A better
output waveform should result , having
less noise and less heat from the mosfets .

An upper voltage limit setting has been added
in order to allow full control over defining the
response range of the Main Voltage adjustment
which is the " speed control " .

The power resistors for idle current to the motor
have been deleted to simplify the configuration ,
and large enough heatsinks for the mosfets will
manage any heat dissipation when the motor
is at idle speed .

A power switch and power indicator lamp are
shown on this new schematic . A value for the
capacitor and its charging current limiter resistor
have not yet been calculated . The idea is that
this capacitor will charge nearly to the peak 170 volts
on the first half cycle , and hold that higher voltage
across the divider string of the control pots so
that the V ref to the source follower stays at a
more constant and higher voltage and supplies
this steady high level signal to the gate of the
source followers , so that they switch on suddenly
and in saturation at the zero crossing , reducing
that part of the cycle where they would otherwise
be operating unnecesarily in a linear mode , if
following always 3 to 5 volts below a gate signal
varying synchronously with the line voltage .
Using this scenario the mosfets will switch on
in saturation at the zero cross and stay in saturation
until their sources attain a voltage 3 to 5 volts
below the constant V ref being supplied their gates ,
which will reduce the heat dissipation of the mosfets
by allowing them to operate more efficiently during
that earlier part of the cycle where they can .

Any suggestions / justifications for the value of the
capacitor , limiter resistor , and the gate resistor values
is welcome .

[Edited on 9-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Variable AC Voltage Supply for small AC motor.jpg - 100kB

froot - 9-2-2006 at 07:23

Just looking at that circuit Rosco I would be very nervous about parasitic oscillation when I flick the switch. As previously mentioned the input impedence to the FET's needs to be as low as possible to prevent this. With the bias resistor configuration you have there appears to ensure an unfavourable situation for stable operation although the DC outlook looks fine. My immediate thought is to keep the rectifier but have variable voltage regulators to bias the FETs, having a much lower output impedance, basically use that circuit as it is with common emittor transistor or darlington driver configuration, biased in class AB (about 10mA in class A) in front of the resistor devidors. I would try 1,5K for the gate resistors.
The driver transistors would dissipate about 2W on idle and may need a small heatsink.

It's very interesting to see how the circuit has evolved, makes me wonder what the very first lightbulb looked like :)

Rosco Bodine - 9-2-2006 at 10:48

The idle voltage for the motor is always going to exceed
the voltage of the zener regulation on the gates , so in reality each mosfet has its own local zener regulated power supply directly on its gate .

The gate input impedance of a mosfet is so high that it makes little difference what series gate resistance there may be added externally , the " felt impedance " of that entire signal lead will be several megohms to tens of megohms . A sufficient resistor value should be used to
prevent any overcurrent damage to the gate protection
circuitry in the event of an abnormal signal condition ,
but even a 1 Mohm or more gate resistor can be used
if wished to bias the high impedance gate . I am looking at 220K to 470K as candidate gate resistors . You have to consider how much decrease of the level of V ref will
be caused by the current through the zener from
gate to source , ( or alternately from gate to drain ) which will appear as a load tap on the divider string composed of the potentiometers . The value of the gate series resistor must then be pretty high to prevent undue voltage drop on the selected V ref . by putting too much load on the divider string setting that reference voltage . At the reference voltage tap on the Main v. adj . potentiometer appears a load
which consists of the sum of the two currents required to
bias the zener at the gate with the current limited by
the series gate resistor . The mosfet itself is essentially
invisible as a load on the biasing circuit , since its gate
requires virtually no current at all , but is biased essentially by the voltage alone across the zener .

Acting as a source follower with the source voltage rising to meet the absolute V ref. , when the zener drops out
of zener conduction , it will unload the signal lead of the zener current and a slight positive rise in the Gate voltage will reenforce the rise of the Source voltage
towards the selected V ref. So the feedback here is
in the proper positive direction to supply switching hysteresis , and noise immunity as is desired .

I think it's a good circuit , but time will tell , and the proof is in the pudding . I've designed and built way more complex stuff than this which works fine , so I have confidence it will work as intended , and the
parasitics be damned :) With intelligent lead routing ,
or even a Faraday cage , steel box for the circuit if
necessary , and this baby should work .

The one place I can see adding a Darlington pair . or really just a simple NPN emitter follower , something like a 2N2222 might be fine , is to current amplify the V ref signal from the wiper on the center pot to the tied together gate resistors
for the mosfets . The collector of the NPN would go to the
top end of the divider string composing the pots , the base lead would go to the wiper , and the emitter would go to the
tied together + feed ends of the gate biasing resistors . This
current amplification of V ref selected would prevent loading
of the divider string by the gate biasing resistors which could be much lower resistance value . Is this what you are suggesting to do ? Because I agree it would be better biasing and less susceptible to oscillation to current amplify the gate signal in such a way with a unity voltage gain one or two transistor current amplifier , the good old emitter follower . It seems excessive to have to dump 2 Watts from
a mosfet biasing amplifier . I'm looking at it and it really
depends on just how hot you want to run the gate bias resistors and the zeners . I'm thinking a tenth that 2 watts
would be plenty sufficent to get rock stable gate biasing ,
and I'd like to stick to signal circuits that require no heatsinking as if they were power devices :D

[Edited on 9-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

12AX7 - 9-2-2006 at 13:23

Holy hell, now you've slowed down the bias with a cap, AND killed the slew rate even more by upping the resistor divider to 150kohms!

And you've fucked up the gate limiting even more. What is wrong with ONE ZENER!?

I don't even want to get into that PV thing. You can calculate yourself how slow a 5nF gate charges at 10uA.


[Edited on 2-9-2006 by 12AX7]

Rosco Bodine - 9-2-2006 at 13:53

@12AX7 ,

You are right about the slew rate for only the first half cycle , although it will be of little effect .

I could swing that low value limiter resistor for the cap CCW into a position in series with the vertical conductor for the cap and that will fix that without much drop on
the V peak on the top of the divider string for the Pots .

Also I am looking at a " one shot " fading transient vactrol clamp for the V ref , so that upon initial power up
there are a few cycles of full power AC applied to the
motor to give it more starting torque at the lower speed settings . If I do that , the initial charging of that cap
will have no effect on a signal already bypassed to
maximum for way longer than the time it takes that cap to charge .

So far as the diode count and arrangement , I'm not going through that again . You build yours biased the way you see it surveying the components , and if it
works fine great . Dittos for mine , but what you see there , are the diodes that are going on what I'm building , until I see some compelling justification for
how they aren't needed .

Rosco Bodine - 9-2-2006 at 17:50

Thanks to froot for suggesting a lower impedance mosfet biasing , as has been mentioned before .

And thanks to 12AX7 for suggesting better placement
of capacitor charge current limit resistor .

The changes hoped to address these two matters are
shown in the attached revision of the schematic .

Do you gentlemen see any problem using an NPN emitter
follower the way I have it shown with the collector
tied to a 170 volt supply ? Ordinarily the reverse BE
breakdown voltage limit for the NPN might not allow this ,
but the ordinary diodes which I have straddling the mosfets
should be protective , so it is good they are there hmmm ?
HeHeHe .....
looks like they may be good for something after all :D
I guess it might be worth looking at all the other voltage
limits too , because I'm not sure this will work anyway .
This is a new one on me , so please speak freely .

Looking at CE Max V and thinking about the voltage allowable to be dropped across the collector to emitter for a
common NPN , I doubt any usual bipolar tansistor would survive even a fraction of the voltage encountered here .
But a high voltage Mosfet could , so what I will probably end up with here is using a high voltage rated signal mosfet in the place of the NPN , if the original biasing scheme really
needs this change involving a signal amplification intermediate stage , so the output mosfets can be
operated off a low impedance biasing scheme .

One can see a small perplexity here because this signal mosfet certainly can't be low impedance biased either , or else it may as well be omitted entirely and the main output power mosfets biased directly using V ref from the main pot .
Using an intermediate signal current amplifying mosfet
is also going to cost 3 to 5 volts drop in the maximum voltage output possible from the main power mosfets ,
but a lot of stability and noise immunity would be gotten
in return .

Using one Mosfet to drive the biasing of another Mosfet is
something like using Mosfets in a Darlington pair configuration , a thing which generally doesn't make a lot of sense when one of the things the high impedance input of a single mosfet is good for , is eliminating the need for a Darlington pair . But this scenario may be the exception where it actually does make sense to have one Mosfet used as a driver for 2 other mosfets . Can you say " fanout " ? :D
It's done in IC's all the time so why not :D

Guess we all know what is going to get substituted for the
NPN on the next drawing . Almost there !

Thanks for the help .

[Edited on 10-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Variable AC Voltage Supply  for small AC motor.jpg - 104kB

densest - 9-2-2006 at 19:32

Are you familiar with the "TransZorb" product? It's a proof-by-existence that a bidirectional voltage limit gate-source is sufficient protection for the gates.

Is it a requirement that the parts count be very very low? There are a couple of things that could be done to drive the gates with a lower impedance voltage limited signal.

Are you aware that the circuit as presented will require a minimum of Vth + Vdiode across it - say 5-8 volts to operate? The motor will never run at full speed.

Here's a version which should be quite linear.

OK how do I upload a GIF? :mad:

[Edited on 10-2-2006 by densest]

rheo3.gif - 8kB

Twospoons - 9-2-2006 at 19:35

Sorry to burst your bubble, Rosco, but your circuit as drawn just plain doesn't work. I ran it through a SPICE simulator, as analysing these things in your head is just too damn hard. At any setting of the pot, the AC voltage on the motor stays the same - pretty much full on.
I use Simetrix for the simulation, as they have a free demo version.

[Edited on 10-2-2006 by Twospoons]

densest - 9-2-2006 at 19:37

Twospoons - thanks for the simulation effort!

Rosco Bodine - 9-2-2006 at 19:57

@ Twospoons

It's going together anyway and when it works
you can take it up with the simulator authors
and let them figure out how to rewrite their
simulation software .

Edit / update

Sorry to be grumpy , this can be frustrating ,
and I do see why the simulation probably said it
won't work , and why it actually wouldn't work properly ,
though I disagree with the nature of the predicted
fault behavior .

I discovered this defect which I didn't see earlier , specific to
the idea of using a capacitor to bring up the voltage
to a constant level in the signal stage ......
the ground return path for that strategy is blocked in the bridge rectifier which charged the capacitor negative side . There is no DC " return path " for the circuit allowing the
increased voltage across itself to be referenced to line ,
The DC return path is blocked by the lower right diode in the bridge which originally allowed the capacitor to charge .
It's a subtle thing hiding there in plain sight , and it got by me .

So inserting the capacitor and trying to increase
the biasing voltage and hold it constant is a dog
that won't hunt , it just won't work the way I have
it drawn above . The bridge output has to be allowed
to rise and fall with the line voltage . That
synchronization is the only thing that gives the
positive voltage out from that bridge rectifier an
instantaneous value referenced to the line outside
the bridge .

So the capacitor idea is hereby deleted .
With it goes the hope of driving the mosfets harder
so that they acted as saturated switches through the
below peak voltage conduction times . It would be nice
if that idea had worked out , but it just doesn't work as
hoped . That is not to say the entire circuit lacks validity .
It just means the capacitor and the charging current limit
resistor have to be deleted .

The usefulness of a single mosfet source follower
signal current amplifier in the place of the NPN emitter
follower shown above is going to be explored and is shown
in the revised circuit attached .

This sorting out of the ideas and details which I have been
doing with fellow members help is leading to a valid circuit , even if it is a halting sort of progress where three steps forward reveals a snag causing one step backwards , it still produces a net gain of two steps in the forward direction ,
so progress is being made .

Ever since the revision of the circuit which departed from the dual pots and began using the bridge rectifier and single pots , I have had some reservation about the DC reference
to ground / return path to ground sorts of visualizations ,
looking at instantaneous AC values as a snapshot showing
a DC circuit behavior during a half cycle , and trying to keep it all straight when the inverted picture occurs for the next half cycle . It is maddening to try to mentally keep track of the
expected and intended behavior as inverted snapshots depicting the half cycles in reversal of polarities . I am in the right place for this ....Science Madness , and hopefully what will distill from this exercise is something useful .

In the interim I ask your forebearance with my smudges and
scribbles and revisions and corrections on this work in progress . And I thank you all for your criticsms and ideas
and suggestions , even simulations :D

Speaking of sims , try the corrected circuit attached here
on the sim and see if the results compute . This one
should fare better . Pay attention to the orientation of
all the mosfets as " source followers " , as they are absolutely inverted to their usual configuration when
used as switches . I estimate the voltage output of this
source follower bridge would be about 108 volts from
a 120 volt line .

[Edited on 10-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Variable AC Voltage Supply for small AC motor.jpg - 96kB

Rosco Bodine - 10-2-2006 at 09:20

Originally posted by densest
Are you familiar with the "TransZorb" product? It's a proof-by-existence that a bidirectional voltage limit gate-source is sufficient protection for the gates.

That would be something like back to back zeners in a single package ? Fine for the usual applications where that is what is needed .


Is it a requirement that the parts count be very very low?

Yes , it is highly preferred that the circuit be kept simple .


There are a couple of things that could be done to drive the gates with a lower impedance voltage limited signal.

I'm listening .


Are you aware that the circuit as presented will require a minimum of Vth + Vdiode across it - say 5-8 volts to operate? The motor will never run at full speed.

Yes , I am aware of the drops across a source follower
used to deliver a positive power feed to a load .

FYI , full voltage is not required to run an asynchronous motor at full speed under reduced load . Full voltage is only required to run a motor at full speed while delivering rated torque output at rated rpm .

For an asynchronous motor application where the motor is going to be run derated by 30 to 40% power output at 70% of its peak rpm , certainly a 10 to 15% reduction in available
label rated voltage presents no problem . Remember the
application is going to run the motor in any untypical way ,
on the " stall slope " as some have termed it . So an inherent reduction in the maximum voltage available is a power limitation which may be supplemented even further by a control pot setting for an upper limit , set even lower than the point where the 10-15% drop in label voltage may be insufficient decrease in power to limit motor speed to the
desired operation rpm range on the " stall slope " . So it is no disadvantage that there is an inherent 10-15% voltage loss provided by the source follower , " off the top " when
it would be dropped by that much later using deliberate regulation anyway .


Here's a version which should be quite linear.

OK how do I upload a GIF? :mad:

[Edited on 10-2-2006 by densest]

I can't make any sense of that schematic .

@ froot

There actually are some ten cent signal transistors
which have a 300 volt rating and a Beta of 40 ,
which could be used as Darlington pairs and have
a fourth the signal voltage drop , when used as
an emitter follower , as would be dropped across
one high voltage mosfet used as a source follower .

The cheap high voltage TO92 packages are available
as complementary NPN / PNP versions , MPSA42 and
MPSA92 , and are typically used in high voltage display
and indicator circuits . These should be staple design
items where signal level high voltage needs to be
handled . These devices are made by Motorola , Fairchild ,
and others .

Are there similar high voltage rated Power Transistor
versions which are the counterparts of these little
signal level TO92's ? , likely so but I don't have the numbers ,

Anybody ?

Edit/Update : Just found what looks to be the next level higher power counterpart for the signal level NPN MPSA42 , a TO-220 cased 1 Amp , 40W device , having similar beta and voltage , listed as a Motorola TIP48 . BU406 was a 200 Volt
NPN , 7 Amp , 60W , Beta 50 device which could be useful also .

BU931 was an interesting NPN Darlington array I also
encountered while looking this up .

Attached is an example of a Darlington Pair
NPN Power Module for high voltage operation .

Haven't checked the list price on these .... am almost
afraid to look . But two of these modules ,
could possibly substitute for the mosfets and
be driven from a signal amplifier Darlington made
from two of the MPSA42's mentioned above .

The use of these lower voltage drop bipolar devices
would result in full power output having half to
one third the power loss of the same circuit using Mosfets .

I haven't really looked hard at using bipolar transistors
of these high voltage ratings since they are not as
common surplus items which can be scrounged at
cheap prices , while surplus power mosfets are abundant
and cheap .

[Edited on 10-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Attachment: ESM2030DV 300 Volt 300 Beta 150W NPN Darlington .pdf (122kB)
This file has been downloaded 855 times

densest - 10-2-2006 at 16:13

Hi Rosco,
Re: strange schematic
The diodes make things look more complicated than they really are. The intent of the circuit is to bias Q3 dynamically to drop a fraction of the input line voltage as set by VR1.

R2, C1, and ZD1 make a sort-of-regulated power supply which can drive the gate of Q3 even with very little voltage across Q3 source->drain.

Q1 and Q2 form a differential pair with R3, R4, and R7 which subtracts the instantaneous voltage across the "rheostat" sampled by R5 and R6 from the instantaneous fraction of the line voltage sampled by R1 & VR1.

The output of the differential pair drives the output power transistor Q3. The circuit depends on the threshold voltage of Q3 being greater than the saturated voltage at the drain of Q2, set by the ratio R3 parallel R4 vs R7.

Is this clearer?

Re: high voltage BJTs
Most manufacturers no longer make high voltage BJTs. The IGBT has replaced the BJT for most power applications.
Check industrial surplus sites for parts salvaged from motor drives and so on for high power (> 100W) transistor modules for very little $$.

Do be aware that BJTs and their derivatives (IGBT) often cannot be used at the upper end of their voltage range to pass much current. Second breakdown, a phenomenon where the electric field is sufficiently nonlinear to cause local overheating, restricts the safe operating area of most BJTs. The magnitude of the problem depends on the geometry and doping of the device and is usually specified in the data sheet. If there is no SOA chart for a transistor, assume that the SOA drops 2x as fast beyond Vce > 10V on a log log diagram.

FETs (mostly) are immune to second breakdown due to their different current geometry.

[Edited on 11-2-2006 by densest]

[Edited on 11-2-2006 by densest]

rheo4.gif - 9kB

Rosco Bodine - 10-2-2006 at 16:45

@ densest

That image is clearer but still leaves some
of the connection paths to the imagination .

I gave up on circuit maker software and
resorted to pencil and paper . I have seen
some very good circuit graphics on the web
and I wonder is there some CAD program
or dedicated software for circuits that can
be conveniently stolen for personal use :D

I haven't looked on the FTP yet , and maybe its already there . Some of these programs even run
very sophisticated color graphic animated sims
with highlight frames showing what is occuring
in certain branches , waveform graphics and all ....
like an inset frame for a virtual oscilloscope . I have
got to have me one of those , to keep from
working the virtual Tektronix screen running
inside my head :D

densest - 10-2-2006 at 17:14

Which connections are unclear? T-connections are always connected. Crossings (4-way) are never connected. I'd like to fix anything ambiguous.

I use open source stuff like xfig, xcircuit, pcb, etc., which aren't the elaborate commercial software but do work.

Rosco Bodine - 10-2-2006 at 17:22

Where does the bottom of the bridge rectifier go ?

What are D1 , D2 , R1 , R5 , R6 , and ZD1 ,
and where do they connect ? Where does the
end of the pot connect ?

Never mind , I just resized the screen and everything
appeared .

ZD1 simply shorts out the circuit as you have it drawn ,
it is upside down . If you want regulation of the capacitor
as a virtual battery outputting 15 volts then rotate
ZD1 180 degrees .

I sometimes put the arrow going the wrong way
on some things and then catch it later , for example
the minimum voltage set on my circuit shows the
wiper moving the wrong direction for increase .
I'll look at something several times and it looks okay ....
and then the needed correction is recognized later .

[Edited on 12-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Rosco Bodine - 13-2-2006 at 12:09

Originally posted by Twospoons
Sorry to burst your bubble, Rosco, but your circuit as drawn just plain doesn't work. I ran it through a SPICE simulator, as analysing these things in your head is just too damn hard. At any setting of the pot, the AC voltage on the motor stays the same - pretty much full on.
I use Simetrix for the simulation, as they have a free demo version.

[Edited on 10-2-2006 by Twospoons]

@ Twospoons

If it wouldn't be too much trouble , would you mind
running that simulation again with these specific values ?

I have made a legible schematic using an " E " CAD
software and assigned some values which should
work .

See attached file .

A Variable AC Voltage Supply for Small AC Motor.jpg - 79kB

Twospoons - 13-2-2006 at 14:00

Rosco, I recommend you get the SPICE software yourself.
Go here . Its only the demo version but should be sufficient for your purposes. There are other SPICE simulators out there too, some of them are freeware. SPICE models for the devices you want to use should be available from the manufacturers websites. If you do the simulations yourself you will get to see all the voltages, currents, distortion, harmonics, power disspation etc. Its really easy to play with the circuit without actually blowing anything up (=$). You can have 4 million amps go through a simulated device!
You also get a nicely drawn schematic to share with the rest of us.

Rosco Bodine - 13-2-2006 at 14:48

Originally posted by Twospoons
Rosco, I recommend you get the SPICE software yourself.
Go here . Its only the demo version but should be sufficient for your purposes. There are other SPICE simulators out there too, some of them are freeware. SPICE models for the devices you want to use should be available from the manufacturers websites. If you do the simulations yourself you will get to see all the voltages, currents, distortion, harmonics, power disspation etc. Its really easy to play with the circuit without actually blowing anything up (=$). You can have 4 million amps go through a simulated device!

Thanks for the link . I'll probably build the device and test
it in half the time it would take me to learn the simulation
software . And I'd bet good money the sim will return an
erroneous evaluation on a novel circuit it's never seen before , since it can't give a canned answer , it feeds you bullshit by default when it doesn't really know .

Suppose I don't agree with the sim projections ?
The only things I ever burned up was from following
manufacturers schematics , before troubleshooting
the design and figuring out what they had backwards
that technicians discover later in troubleshooting and
then put the way it should be in the first place :D

Technicians really are the best engineers :D ......
maybe because they get the job later of fixing
what's broke or making work right what never
would have worked right before they got it on a bench .


You also get a nicely drawn schematic to share with the rest of us.

Open the last file I posted and resize it larger if it doesn't fill the frame , or just click print . I thought I did a clean job
with the schematic " to share with the rest of you " ......
right there . :P

12AX7 - 13-2-2006 at 15:14

Originally posted by Rosco Bodine
Technicians really are the best engineers :D ......

Well, if you consider yourself a technician, then clearly this statement of yours has been disproven.

I see you're *still* drawing those extraneous diodes.


Rosco Bodine - 13-2-2006 at 15:36

Only " extraneous " to someone who doesn't
see them as " logic gates " which apply to
foreseeable scenarios which may arise
from switching transients but not necesarily
arise during a normal powerup and continuous
on period . Have you taken into account
what occurs when you break power to a reactive load ?

Depending upon which half cycle that occurs , one
or the other of those " extraneous " zeners is sure as hell
going to be a path for giving " extraneous " current a place to go , other than possibly puncturing the dielectric in the gate of the Mosfet . Seeing that " potential " which could be considerable on the break , isn't it good practice to put a component there which indicates the designer has some small idea of what he is doing ?

Therefore I have the filtering on those gates
that I want there , and if it is extraneous ....fine ,
it won't hurt one damn thing nor interfere with
the normal operation , and just maybe it will
keep the Power Mosfets from frying during transients
from breaking the circuit ....or from signaled transients
which I may introduce with added circuitry , like
a four to ten cycle full voltage startup pulse .

There are reasons I have for the gate filtering
diodes I have chosen , whether you recognize those reasons or not . Diodes are cheap and it is easy to
put a zener labrynth on a power Mosfet gate to
guarantee signal to it stays within allowable limits not
only for expected conditions but also with respect to
foreseeable anomalous conditions . So that's what
I have done .

[Edited on 14-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Twospoons - 13-2-2006 at 18:02


And I'd bet good money the sim will return an
erroneous evaluation on a novel circuit it's never seen before , since it can't give a canned answer , it feeds you bullshit by default when it doesn't really know .

I'll take that bet! (easy money). Simulators don't need to know anything about your circuit or what it's supposed to do. A SPICE simulator models the individual components, and their behaviour using mathematics derived from the physics of the devices. A BJT can have 30 parameters!
I have used SPICE extensively, and got extremely accurate results when modelling analog circuits. Thats how I designed a laser pulse recieve amplifier with 16MHz bandwidth, and 1pJ pulse sensitivity, that ran on just 150 microamps. SPICE let me fix all the temperature instabilites, fine tune the filtering, and probe parts of the circuit that I couldn't have done with an oscilloscope. And it was an oddball circuit too. I used the bias current from the 2nd and 3rd gain stages to power the first stage. I had to explain the circuit to my collegues, as no-one else could figure out what I'd done.

Do you realise that all chip design is done using SPICE type simulators?

Rosco Bodine - 13-2-2006 at 19:14

If you say it's good then I'll probably try it .
I think it's built in on the ECAD I used for the schematic
anyway , but I just used the schematic drawing function
and didn't set up for running a sim .

I am a novice at these sims , but an old hand with
the meter and the soldering iron .

BTW , I'll answer again defending the
" extraneous diode " , because I see both sides of
the logic , even without the sim .

The main surge on the break is going through the gate to source zener of the
Mosfet which is " on " at the instant of interruption , and the body diode
of the Mosfet which is " off " . But the surge voltage
continues up through the bridge and through the same
biasing to the Mosfet which was " on " tending to hold it
" on " . All of this reactive current path is from the motor
being deenergized and this current is dissipated in the biasing for the Mosfet which was " on " delaying its
complete cutoff , but it isn't hurt because its gate to source zener protects the gate from the surge . However the
motor is not the only reactive load being interrupted .
The line itself is reactive , and that surge is directed through the low impedance biasing 3.3 K resistor to the gate of the
Mosfet which was off . By having this " line surge " hit right
in the middle of nose to nose zeners , the easy path to ground is through the gate to drain zener , and a less easy path is also present through the gate to source zener and body diode , but the gate is protected from the line surge
by both .

So it isn't extraneous ..... redundant yes perhaps , but there's more . The gate to drain
zener on the Mosfet which is off , keeps 95% of the line 170 peak voltage from appearing gate to drain , which I don't believe is a bad thing , not knowing what is the actual gate to drain breakdown voltage ......the manufacturer doesn't state it , and leaves the designer to question could it have
similar value as the stated gate to source limit . So plan for
the worst is what I chose to do there as insurance against the unknown .
I do not feel comfortable about omitting that gate to drain zener in the
absence of any manufacturers specification for the tolerance of the Mosfet
to such an extreme positive 170 Volt gate to drain voltage scenario as the
Mosfet which is "off " receives .
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure .
The gate to drain zener also keeps a low current load on
the side of the divider which is biasing the Mosfet which is Off . Keeping this
small current load on the intermediate V ref. follower / amplifier will benefit the stability and noise immunity
of the output , which is shared by the Mosfet being biased in its linear region where it is
sensitive to small variations on its gate voltage , amplifying those variations .

Some of the wierd biasing you may see is " initialization "
related , bleed down paths , ect . I know there are capacitances and inductances hiding everywhere in
stuff like this , where oscillations can pop up as the
unsolvable puzzle , and even zeners can be culprit
in this in spite of best laid plans . And this thing
I am working on has stray magnetics too , which is
exactly why I am running the biasing circuit hot ,
hoping that keeping that first stage driving a light
load will make it less inclined to pickup and amplify
noise . The gate to drain zeners on the two larger
Mosfets are that light load . There's not the same
purpose on Q3 so there you may have more of a
legitimate gripe about that .

When even light reactive loads are switched ,
even 30 or 40 watt loads , and there is a little
switch arcing at just the wrong time in the cycle ,
I have seen some very wierd things happen ,
and absolutely defying analysis , except in some
RF harmonics scenario involving ionization ,
spark oscillators , and other assorted equipment
destroying factors . Somebody suggested putting
a metal oxide varistor or similar spike clamp across the
motor , and maybe the rails too , and that's probably a good idea , maybe a capacitor across the switch too .

Twospoons - 13-2-2006 at 19:58

Here's another circuit for you to consider - with simulation results :D

Its your same source-follower concept, but using one N-ch and one P-ch mosfet. Pretty simple, eh? It also works with BJTs, though you might want darlingtons for any sizeable current.

Note there is a small amount of distortion around the zero crossing - cause by the gate threshold voltage of the fets - but its a soft transition so shouldn't cause your motor any trouble.

Attachment: ACRegulator.pdf (14kB)
This file has been downloaded 924 times

Rosco Bodine - 13-2-2006 at 22:59

That P channel device is only rated for 50 V .
so a transformer would be required .

I already knew about the Push-Pull complementary pairs
which were made for a few things using BJT's , but
finding the P type BJT's or Mosfets which have good voltage and performance ratings is difficult .

12AX7 - 14-2-2006 at 10:22

OMGWTF? So use a better transistor! Topology is all that matters, can you comprehend that?

A quick perusal of my Mouser catalog shows about 20 pairs of N and P channel FETs over 200Vdss(max). You have NO excuse for saying that.


Rosco Bodine - 14-2-2006 at 10:53

Hey Tim , If that sim software is so good ,
then why didn't it flag that particular transistor ?:D

I caught it because I was curious about the
specs on the P channel device and looked it up .

Anyway it does simplfiy things considerably if
you can find complementary devices . I am scrounging
parts to build , and keeping it cheap :D

Seeing there are a lot of surplus high voltage N channel Mosfets available for cheap , I focused on them .
There are also some high voltage NPN transistors
available for cheap , but the beta really stinks for
the high voltage bipolars , so N channel Mosfets rule
in the performance versus cost scenario .

Twospoons - 14-2-2006 at 12:57

It depends on whether the breakdown characteristics are in the model for the fet. A sim is only as good as its models. The point is, it gets you in the ballpark really fast. I just picked those fets at random :o , because I couldn't be arsed looking up the specs.

A Dirt-Cheap, High Current Power Supply

Lambda - 14-2-2006 at 16:05

Here's yet another use for that pensioned-off AT computer that's gathering dust in the corner.

Got an old PC gathering dust somewhere? It mightn't be much good these days but it's power supply could be... especially if you want a high current bench supply! This article tells you how to modify one - at very little cost!


A Dirt-Cheap, High Current Power Supply:

And for the printed version:


Apparently you can only access a limited amount of articles in full. Then you are requested to pay for the full article.

This is just to good to miss out on, so here you have the Rapidshare link to the full article:

Power Supply.rar (548 KB)

[Edited on 15-2-2006 by Lambda]

Rosco Bodine - 15-2-2006 at 18:57

Further revision of my earlier circuit idea has brought
this design process to a point where I think the device
is ready to build , after I do a final check of my calculations
to try to find any errors or see if any values may be adjusted
to any advantage in refining what I have now .

I have added the circuit which provides a full voltage
startup pulse , adjustable upwards to a defined
burst quantity of full voltage cycles , so that when the stirrer
is switched on at a minimal speed setting , the starting
torque is greatly increased to give a clean breakaway
of the rotor into rotation , in an adjustable way that
should prevent any overshooting of the set speed .

This power control circuit combined with the PSC motor setup
having a squirrel cage fan and eddy current loading on
the lower endshaft , as I have described earlier in the thread
will result in what I believe will be a magnetic stirrer
drive scheme having superior performance and durability ,
well beyond the performance of the top of the line products
which are supplied by the major manufacturers . And if this
belief proves to be true by the performance of the prototype
which I am building , then this is state of the art in the making
( and that wouldn't be a first at this forum either ) :D

The original attachment here has been replaced with
a corrected schematic which deletes a capacitor filter across
the power switch , for reason that it could cause a problem .
See the posts below for more about this .

[Edited on 16-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

AC Power Handler for Magnetic Stirrer Motor.jpg - 117kB

12AX7 - 15-2-2006 at 19:15

I'm just going to sit down, watch this thread and laugh when it lets out smoke. :D


Rosco Bodine - 15-2-2006 at 20:04

There you go with the negative vibes ,
trying to jinx my brainchild with self-doubt :D

I'm scrounging parts together and I'll give an honest
accounting of how it works or doesn't work .....
the unvarnished truth , such as the case may be .

Honest , if it burns it will be my first smoker and
I've put together a few things over the years .

You younger folks were making fun of my arcwire crossings
on hand drawn schematics that went out of fashion
in the 1950's . I can't read the copyright dates in
the books I learned this stuff from because I forgot how
to read Roman numerals ! So you are probably right
in hinting I needed to catch up to the times . It took
me a good two hours to learn how to use the ECAD
software to draw " respectable " schematics .

So there now .....I'm a modern , even though I still
miss riding the DC3's and DC4's and Constellations
when they were in regular airline service ! I am a
pre " jet age " sliderule operator dragged kicking
and screaming into the age of the inkjet published
virtual drawing with a schematic tucked in my pocket
that I see no reason shouldn't work like I think it
will .

So if you see a glaring fault , please elaborate .

Do you think the trickle current through the 26.5K reactance
of the .01uF cap across the open switch will trickle charge the
RC timing circuit for the startup pulse , defeating it ?

If so the cap can be omitted , it was sort of a last minute idea
I really hadn't thought about very much .
I'll probably leave it off just to eliminate that potential gremlin . Probably it is better to put a varister across the motor to clamp any spike , and just leave the open switch open . Yeah , I think the varister makes more sense .....
so I'll change that detail .

Thanks for the suggestion ;) Why didn't I think of that :D

Earlier in the thread TransZorb was mentioned by densest .
Across the motor leads is probably the way to go here if
there is an appropriate voltage rating TransZorb for the task , and I'll defintely lose the cap on the switch because its a potential problem .


The attached schematic in my last post above has been updated with a corrected schematic deleting the anti-arcing capacitor which I had thoughtlessly placed across the switch without thinking it through . A suitable value TranZorb is
recommended as an option for putting across the motor ,
but it may not be necessary . The power stage for this
device is hopefully rugged enough not to be vulnerable to
the transients associated with a small motor load . I tried
to make the vulnerable part of the Mosfets , the gates ,
as bulletproof as I could , knowing that the toggle switch
and full power setting or hot startup pulsing feature ,
would be used at times to jog the drive in on-off fashion ,
occasionally being used this way to shake a stirbar free which may be caught in a dense mass of crystals .

There are a few final changes which I am still making
in the circuit before I consider this a completed design .
So in no way consider the attached schematic above as being
a finished work . There are some revisions which
I will be posting with an updated schematic when the calculations are completed and the edits made for
the values of components I will use .

[Edited on 17-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Rosco Bodine - 17-2-2006 at 13:56

The attached schematic now shows the above mentioned
component revisions / additions . It is now closer to completion . In terms of arrangement of components
I believe the circuit is complete . However the values
for the components are not fully analyzed and checked .
So there may be some changes yet made , in the way of
further tuning and calibrating the system . I am mainly looking at optimizing the RC time constants for the startup pulse controller stage since that is the last section added .

For you fellows who were following the circuit evolution
take a look at the timing circuit which biases Q4 .
The idea here is that on initial powerup Q4 is off and
allows the entire divider string of the control pots to
float to the potential of the positive rail , applying full
voltage reference to the gate of Q3 and followed from there
to the Output Mosfets Q1 and Q2 . While this is occuring
the capacitor in the zener regulated 10V charging path
is rising from 0 Volts towards the 1 Volt or so needed
to cause Q4 to switch , which takes the end of the divider
string for the control pots to ground , and makes their
settings effective on specifying V ref . to Q3 . The time
required for the capacitor to charge to the switching voltage
of Q4 will determine how many cycles of full power will
be delivered to the load . The larger 2.2 uF capacitor which
charges much more quickly to the full voltage of the bridge ,
acts as a virtual battery , which supplies power continuously to the 10V regulated timing circuit between cycles , so that
once Q4 has switched on , it stays switched on through the zero cross and into the next cycle , and the timer controlling
Q4 does not reset , until power to the bridge itself is interrupted and both caps bleed down .

[Edited on 17-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

AC Power Handler for Magnetic Stirrer Motor .jpg - 103kB

densest - 17-2-2006 at 14:18

Rosco Bodine - 17-2-2006 at 15:38


That's a bum link . Anyway it doesn't matter what sort
of digital crutch you strap onto hardware to make up
for poor mechanicals . And on the well designed
equipment having well matched components dedicated
to the intended use , a purely analog and open loop
system is entirely sufficient . BTW I have something
like ten thousand dollars worth of commercially made
stirrers including top of the line Thermolyne and Electromantle , Fisher , and Corning , including some
brand new this years model stuff and a few pieces
that go back to 35 years ago . And for lab grade
instruments ......NONE of it is what it ought to be
in the magnets , the motors , or the speed controls ,
including the digital model . I know from studying the
equipment by tearing it down to its nuts and bolts and
cleaning and reassembling it , that I can design and build something way better quality and I mean to prove that .

I am still working on finalizing the design I have been
developing , but I don't know there isn't an easier way .
There could be . Did you look at that zener in the schematic
you posted , the one that was upside down ? Because I didn't really edit the circuit and study it through afterwards . But it seemed like a variation on my original idea to use a bridge rectifier DC load to series regulate AC , and you had found a way to make that idea work , after I dumped that idea and moved in the direction which brought me here to
the circuit I have now . So maybe I'm using two power
Mosfets when only one would do . I'll go back and take another look at it when I get this current design squared away since I have high confidence it will work well . It's
always good to have more than one way of doing the same thing .

Rosco Bodine - 18-2-2006 at 13:00

Originally posted by 12AX7
I'm just going to sit down, watch this thread and laugh when it lets out smoke. :D


Hey Tim ,

Screw the SPICE simulation for this simple circuit ! :D.....
The conceptual and mathematical analysis and a discerning schematic reading is sufficient to say " this will work , so build the damn thing " ........ and that's from the old school , " Old Spice " sliderule jockey , SPICE illiterate
as I am . If I'm wrong , then I'll have to eat my share of humble pie when you fellows nail my ass to the wall
here with well deserved ridicule ......later ,
* if * the prototype burns . ( But it won't ) I'm not
worried about a design after the point where I can visualize
the intended result as a mathematical certainty ,
the predictions are over and it's time for proof .

I'm a great believer in perf board , legwire bending ,
and soldered connection " simulations " which run the way
you " figured " when you plug the damn thing in and throw the switch !

I look at this dedicated circuit which I have designed for a niche application , and without any personal bias from ego
afflicting me with any modesty either .......
my most objective opinion would be that obviously it was a genius who designed this little work of art :D

And the design is damn good too , absolutely beautiful .
If she was a girl , she would be one tough bitch ,
a little top heavy maybe ....but hey I like a girl who
sports a substantial package and puts out a little heat :D

So for all you jokers heckling and naysaying ,
I keep looking at this thing and looking for the fault ,
trying to spot the defect and I honestly don't see a damn thing wrong with it . In my opinion it will work and it will
work as intended if you see something there in
that last schematic , which just doesn't add up or looks
wrong .....hey speak up and point it out to me ,
because the simulation I have been running on this thing
in my head keeps saying it absolutely will work in the
way it was designed and intended .

I still say this thing is a work of art , a beastie from
Planet Analog as it may be .....analog is not bad ,
when analog suits the application perfectly well ,
why complicate things going digital , and lose the
stepless smoothness you have with " hydraulic logic " ?

Have you ever flown a turboprop with a constant rpm
variable pitch propellor ? Smooth as silk , and no
digital logic involved . Similar regulation concept there
as what I am about here ......there is feedback and
governing , regulation inherent in the system as
" hardware logic " so the power feed just has to
feed power , and the mechanicals automatically
do what they are supposed to do with that power
they are getting .

And for those diehards who would insist on
adding digital rpm sensing and closed loop " servo locked "
operation .....well think about the advantage
there is about a system which already has a
great deal of inherent regulation , and how much
smoother and responsive it will be to amplified feedback
since the error correction required will be so much smaller
than for a system which fully relies on active external
regulation to maintain a set speed .

It's like the situation of a cruise control on an automobile
with a 2 liter engine approaching a grade , versus the
cruise control on an automobile with a 5 liter engine
approaching the same grade , the cruise control on
the car with the larger engine is going to have less
math to do and less error to correct to maintain the
speed of the system under the changing load .
No matter how good the cruise control , when
you are a passenger riding through hilly terrain ,
the vehicle with the larger engine is going to by
its nature provide the smoother ride .

That certainty is at the heart of my purpose of
using a specially configured drive motor in a
10 inch square stirplate which is a several times
" larger " motor in terms of its actual performance
than those deficient motors typically selected by
the commercial manufacturers , while it actually
uses no more electrical power than the junk they
are using instead .

What I am doing here is like the difference between
a " mini " and a Cadillac autobahn edition in terms of
inherent " reserve power " , available torque , ect .

I'm way too old to " go back to school " if I didn't learn
what I needed to know , to know this circuit will work
when I was in school thirty plus years ago .....

So I'm just going to build this thing and throw the switch
and see what happens :o:D

I should be taking bets on this thing so I could pick up
the extra money ......because if I had to charge for this
circuit design instead of making it a freebie here for
all my nerdie online counterpart friends would be costing somebody about 200K for the R&D work carried
through to successful prototype for proof of concept .

I need a gold laminated pocket protector for this one ,
and a ball cap with gold embroidery which reads ,
" Captain Nerd " :D , and a silkscreened tie-dyed polo
shirt , with a pocket of course , carrying the logo
" Nerds Rule " :D . Then I would be a completed work
with my thick glasses :D However , I do have tortoise shell
eyeglasses frames instead of the ebony black , since I am a
" sport model " nerd :D

12AX7 - 18-2-2006 at 16:53

Originally posted by Rosco Bodine
Originally posted by 12AX7
I'm just going to sit down, watch this thread and laugh when it lets out smoke. :D

Screw the SPICE simulation for this simple circuit ! :D...


The conceptual and mathematical analysis and a discerning schematic reading is sufficient . . .

As a matter of fact I have been doing exactly this. I have never bothered to simulate any circuit. The last time I tried I found the software almost impossible to use. I know there are freeware versions better than the one I had, but nonetheless, I could care less when I have paper and pen in hand and an intuition to sharpen. People tend to put too much trust in simulations, and a lot of people get really ugly errors when using it from scratch. It takes as much knowledge either way to design a circuit since you have to expect things.

Anyway. Clearly, we come to different conclusions, so one of us must be wrong. Statistically, note that I have a few people on my side...

Oh and BTW, I hope your neon light has an internal resistor.


Rosco Bodine - 18-2-2006 at 17:30

About the dropping resistor for the neon , I never
saw a 120V rated panel indicator where they weren't
built in , with the dropping resistor already inside
the threaded housing . Sometimes I have used a meter on one at the rated 120 voltage to see what is the actual current draw for 120 , and learn what the bulb itself is dropping , to calculate the added resistance if I put the same indicator across a 240 line or other voltage .

You wouldn't be nitpicking there , no.....
and yes I wondered for about two seconds
if I shouldn't show the dropping resistor for the panel lamp .....but you know I figured anybody skilled enough to
read the schematic already knows about neons , just
like that would be a fair assumption about the person
who wrote the schematic too , who is usually the same
one who designed the device .

The truth is I don't need the simulation for a sim I can run
in my head and see fine . I can read my own schematic
like I can read a shopping list for the grocery store ,
or the radio shack the case may be , and I don't see any problem in this one so far as component function
and arrangement , all the signal paths and everything
flies the way it should ....if there's anything off it will
be fixed by a different capacitor or resistor value ,
and the ones I have now may be just fine .

So you have been looking at it with the old mental signal tracer , just like I have been doing , but you are seeing a problem somewhere.... so where exactly do you see the snag ? I may be slow sometimes , but I'm not totally braindead so if you point me at the defect , I'll see it .
Where is it ?

About the SPICE , that was specifically regarding Twospoons virtual model earlier , and I suppose misdirected frustration ,
since at least you do tell me where you see a problem , even if it isn't a problem :D.....instead of saying just that my computer is smarter than your computer and my computer says it won't work ....just because it says so .....but giving no further details :D

[Edited on 19-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

IrC - 18-2-2006 at 19:05

The standard dropping resistor for neon bulbs is 150K to 180K 1/4 watt for 117VAC, but 1/2 watt would be better from a design standpoint. I think the size is why they use 1/4 watt instead. For 240 VAC 300K to 320K would be fine.

[Edited on 19-2-2006 by IrC]

Rosco Bodine - 18-2-2006 at 19:22

You know the really best looking panel lamps which
I have ever seen are made up custom jobs which
mount a high output narrow angle LED at a precise
distance behind a round fresnel lens where the
beam sort of " pops " in front like it was a virtual source
hanging in space a few mm in front of the surface !

I've never seen 'em sold , but I've made up a few of
them as a sort of " makers mark " indicators on custom equipment I have built .

After looking at the RC timing network and the signal level
which is available for switching Q4 , I don't think the NPN
is nearly as good a choice of switch as would be another
Mosfet . The base of the NPN is just trying to drink from
too small a stream of current there going to the timing capacitor and it will have marginal base current available
when the timing adjustment pot is set to provide the longest
duration startup pulse . The simple fix is just to put a Mosfet there to be Q4 and that's exactly what I'm going
to do to fix this .

Another possibility is putting a 555 there to do the timing ,
and get positive and predictable switching , whether the NPN or the Mosfet gets to be driven by the 555 . I like
555's , they are really versatile and perfect for scenarios like this one , so that's what is my inclination . Looks like this one
just won't be staying chip free , but a 555 is pretty basic .

[Edited on 19-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Rosco Bodine - 20-2-2006 at 00:09

On the 19th day of clicking keys and calculations ,

I think I just nailed it .

I was trying to get the job done using no chips
if possible , but every thing I looked at was
just inferior to using 555's for the timing ,
so now that problem is hopefully solved the simplest
way . Wish every time I run into needing a
non-inverted output I didn't have to scratch build
a timer using an op-amp , or use a dual 555 .
Anybody else like to see a 10 pin package evolution
version of the of the 555's , with dual outputs ,
inverting and non-inverting so you could use
which output you need .....or both ?

I believe I have this thing supplied in a way that
it will initialize and power up logic stable , in under
2 milliseconds , perhaps 3 at the most , with sufficent
reserve in the high voltage " virtual battery " capacitor
to maintain the 555's operation and the timing status
until steady state operation matures with the first complete
cycle . If I did my math right , no decimals out of place ,
it should work fine with the values I have assigned .

Anyway see if this revision looks better ,
because I do believe this one nails it .

AC Power Handler for Magnetic Stirrer Motor  555's.jpg - 120kB

Lambda - 20-2-2006 at 01:12

Personally, I would go for an all Transistor/MOSFET approach seeing you put so much emphasis on rigidness and reliability. There are many Mono-stable and Bi-stable Mulivibrator designs out there that use only 2 or 3 Transistors and Polystyrene or Mica Caps with very precise timing. If you however insist on using Chips, why not go for the all in one Chip approach. There is a whole array of pre-designed Motor Control Chips, just waiting for this job. But then you will be deviating from your previous design Philosophy, and Unique approach. Hell, you can even "Match" Transistors for minimal temperature drift and precise timing applications. Keep it as simple as possible, then the least can go wrong. You have now just introduced more than 30 Transistors into you design. Unless you use MIL spec. 555's, you will be introducing temperature and reliability boundaries.

Rosco Bodine - 20-2-2006 at 01:44

There used to be a dual CMOS version of the 555 ,
maybe LM7556 .....IIRC , but I haven't seen any being dumped as cheap surplus , or I would have used those
and not have to dump so many watts in the transformerless
power supply in the drop from 170 Volts to 10 Volts for
the timers .

I tried to tie into that supply in a way that wouldn't make the ripple worse than it is bound to be , figuring the 555's are stable enough to ride the waves that get across the zener .
There's a lot of difference between 1/3 and 2/3 of the rails ,
so the huge hysteresis there should keep the logic state
latched , even with a crude and noisy supply like I have
improvised to keep from buying a 3 dollar transformer :D
But there's too much delay in the power up of a separate
DC supply , so I couldn't use that approach anyway . The
duration of the startup event is so short , and begins occurring at the instant power is applied , so unless the
mains to the motor were delayed until the logic stage was
powered up and the chips initialized , a conventional power
supply could not be used .

I looked at all the motor controller chips before beginning
this effort , since none of the motor chips have the capabilities of doing this from a purely hardware level .
You have to program an EEPROM to essentially be a BIOS
for your motor control system , and even then there's things
you can't do with the turn of a pot , that I can do here .

I have used 555's before in motor controls which are associated with refrigeration compressors , to sense
power interruptions as a " missing pulse detector " which
monitors the 60 Hz , and if the compressor is running when
any interruption occurs , the 555 assumes a compressor stall
before the event , and times the compressor out for two minutes , before allowing it to cycle again and see if the
current it is getting is within specs . So I don't see any
problem with using 555's in a motor control circuit , since
there already are numerous commercial devices which use the 555's in motor controls and they have no problems .

Edit above : LM7556 was the number for the dual CMOS
version of the 555 .

Anyway if it bothers you to think of a chip going into a
control system like this ......just try to think of a 555 as
a transistor with a few extra pins and a college education ,
a transistor array that will do what you wish a transistor
would do , but can't do that concert singing solo :D

[Edited on 20-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Lambda - 20-2-2006 at 08:54

OK, wants you are spinning it's apparently impossible to deviate you off course. The 556 is indeed the dual version of the 555 and can be purchased via CONRAD Electronics International Mail Service for 1.51 Euro.

Conrad Electronics International Home:

Electronics/& Metering --> Components ---> Active Components ---> IC's ---> IC's - Linear ---> Timer IC's ---> ICM 7556 IPD

In Audio Amplifiers it's fairly common to use power up delay circuitry which only turns on the final stage after the whole System has charged up sufficiently, so nothing new here.

You can also use a Transformer with a primary of 110/220 volts input and a 110 Volts and 6-12 Volts secondary output. Now we are talking International, with only one flip of a "Shift Switch" on the back side of the Magnetic Stirrer (50/60 Hz included).:)

I have uploaded ~100MB of Books and Motor Control Circuitry Designs to Madhatter's FTP services.

I cant Sing, so you will have to go on a Solo Tour by yourself.:D

[Edited on 20-2-2006 by Lambda]

Rosco Bodine - 20-2-2006 at 12:31

Originally posted by Lambda

In Audio Amplifiers it's fairly common to use power up delay circuitry which only turns on the final stage after the whole System has charged up sufficiently, so nothing new here.

Yeah that's a nice feature in high power audio amps
having the filtered relays to eliminate speaker pops
that would appear during switching transients .
Of course it would be possible to get more elaborate
and go that route , but you couldn't hide the fraction of a second perceptible switching delay which would appear
at the toggle to the user , and the effect would be
" strange " to someone who doesn't know why they
have to stand there growing older by a hundred milliseconds
just bored and waiting for the stirrer to finally decide to
start turning :D A fast gun or a son of a gun could clear
a room full of trouble and be reloading in half that time :D


You can also use a Transformer with a primary of 110/220 volts input and a 110 Volts and 6-12 Volts secondary output. Now we are talking International, with only one flip of a "Shift Switch" on the back side of the Magnetic Stirrer (50/60 Hz included).:)

Hey this circuit is Euro adaptable , just double the Ohm and Watts value for the the 3 power resistors below the bridge to allow for the increased voltage , use a higher voltage capacitor . Also double the Ohm value or double the Watt rating of the 6.8K gate resistors for the output Mosfets , and use 1 Watt pots on the main adjustments , and a higher voltage varistor for the higher voltage motor .......that's it .


I have uploaded ~100MB of Books and Motor Control Circuitry Designs to Madhatter's FTP services.

Yeah thanks for those . I have enough reading there to keep me busy for years :D


I cant Sing, so you will have to go on a Solo Tour by yourself.:D

On some of the " industrial control " applications I like to
keep control circuits purely hardware logic where possible
and stick with linear chips . Everybody remembers the
" millenium bug " worries and what programmables might
be affected there's no point in making basic control
circuits more complex than they need to be , just make
'em smart enough to do the job .....and too dumb to argue:D
It's the chauvinism of satisfied chip masters everywhere ,
enjoying the waltz of the flowers with satisfaction that these
obedient little minions know their place :D

[Edited on 20-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Lambda - 20-2-2006 at 16:13

OH man, ... Rosco !, ... you are just too bad, ... just too bad man. ;)

How do I deal with this spinning wheel without cutting myself on those fine threads.

So now, ... you want to go IC, ... how about going PIC ? (don't read "Dick").

Eric's PIC Page:


I have many Motor Control designs using PIC's, so just call the shots, and I will Shoot. You can tell (Program) this monkey to do anything, and if the climb doesn't suit you, then just reprogram. You can preset a variety of programs, all to chose from, depending on what is desired. Maybe you want your Hotplate to rise in temperature at 8 Degrees per 7 Minutes up to 73 Degrees, and gradually want the Stirrer to decline in speed from 600 rpm to 300 rpm during this period etc.

Now, I hope you won't get grey hairs over this one, ... will you. You can also start off by taking a few of mine, that will give you a "Head Start".:P

Rosco !, ... you are just too bad, ... just too bad man.:D

Rosco Bodine - 20-2-2006 at 16:34

LOL , I don't want an RS232 interface on my damn soldering iron :D

I want pure hardware logic all the way on this thing .

There was a news item today about a 62 year old
great grandmother having a baby .....

and I couldn't help thinking ,
" I wonder who's the lucky father ? " ....

I should be safe on that count , but there's always
the off chance of being the guilty party , you know
how these things go :D with paternity tests and all :D

Lambda - 20-2-2006 at 17:53

Now, ... this is very nice of you, thank you for congratulating me on my new born baby.:D

Rosco Bodine - 20-2-2006 at 18:19

My wife chuckled at the news and said later we
will probably hear that the woman was arrested
after it was learned the father was age sixteen ,
one of a procession of frequent visitors who
" came for milk and cookies " from the " nice old lady ":D

So how is it that a woman of her age becomes pregnant ,
well it must be like playing the piano , it just takes
practice .....practice ....practice , until you get there :D

The news did say she already had TWELVE children ,
so it would seem she has had plenty of practice :D

Anyway , not to get totally off-topic here ......there are
available TTL input points provided now with the circuit at its present evolution , the gate of Q4 being the most obvious
point where modulation from a feedback signal could be
applied to " servo-lock " a set speed which is tachometer
regulated . Any sort of programmed time and speed profile
which may be wished could be input to the gate of Q4 .
And there are other ways in which the circuit could be
accessorized with extended functions , but would not
be crippled with any of those options " NOT enabled " .
I wanted a circuit which would give good performance
inherently , good enough stand alone for just about anything , but also could be adapted to enhanced functions with later " add ons " , like servo-locked tachometer based speed control or timed period sequenced speed profiles .
I would make those functions switched options on a
separate controller stage , a separate functional " block "
from the power stage I have shown here . Those options
and their schematic would be on page 2 , not yet written ,
and connected to page 1 by 3 or 4 wires if you follow my
meaning .

[Edited on 21-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Twospoons - 20-2-2006 at 20:04

I preferred your turn on delay with just the cap and transistor (or you could use a fet).

And in defence of SPICE: its just a another tool in my design arsenal. Like any tool it has its place and its limitations.

Do you use a calculator, or do you work out square roots in your head? (I estimate in my head, then use a calculator - if there's a big discrepancy I do it again!)

[Edited on 21-2-2006 by Twospoons]

Rosco Bodine - 20-2-2006 at 21:31

There's a need for biasing a transistor which will
be used as a switch so that it has positive feedback
to the gate , so when it begins to switch it will make
a positive transition just like a relay , and hold that state
at a lower signal level than was required to transition in the first place , behaving a corresponding way when making the reverse transition . This can be done using discrete components , on one transistor but better by using a complementary pair to create a bistable sort of
flip flop which toggles abrubtly to on or off and latches
there until a new transition signal level signal forces
a change of state . This is such a common task that
to save labor and the cost of using discrete components that chips like operational amplifiers and " timers " have been developed optimized for the task . The label
of " timer " is actually a misnomer for the 555 type chip
since that timer function is only one of the applications
where it is defined in function by what external components are selected . I more usually use it as
a switching device having defined level transition
states at 1/3 and 2/3 of the supply rails , a signal
comparator which drives a flip flop controlled output .
It is a logic device arrangement of a very basic but useful form , a sort of rudimentary analog to digital converter . This takes all the uncertainty out of the switching of
a single transistor which can fail to switch properly
under slowly changing or noisy signal conditions .
No chance of that happening with a flip flop , it has a binary output only , logic 0 or logic 1 state ......
fully off or fully on , and nothing in between .

I do use a calculator . The first scientific calculator I owned
was in about 1974 and it was a Texas Instruments Scientific with 1/2" Blue LED readout . It took four penlight batteries
to operate it , and IIRC in todays dollars it would have cost
over a thousand dollars at the time . But I often do the
familiar calculations in my head because I know the answer
in shorter time than it would take to key in the problem and
hit the equal key :D

[Edited on 21-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Rosco Bodine - 23-2-2006 at 11:11

I figured out a way to get a more compact
and standard file type output from the ECAD
software which I have been using to
generate schematics , which generally only
allows viewing and printing directly from the
proprietry ECAD software .

Update :

I found an even better way to get a PDF file output
directly using the freeware Acrobat PDF Writer
" virtual printer " which I discovered can print directly
to file from the CAD , so either the CAD print output is
already Post Script or it is a file type recognized by
the Adobe PDF Writer . And as a bonus the full color
file is half the size of the black and white file generated
by the more awkward method , using Ghost Script .

The color graphic file from the CAD is useful for showing most of the interconnections highlighted in red ,
and from your printer properties you can select to print everything in black if that is desired . The color
file I have attached now is half the file size and more versatile , so I am editing the old file and substituting the better smaller newer file .

[Edited on 24-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Attachment: AC Power Handler for Magnetic Stirrer Motor experimental prototype schematic final.PDF (26kB)
This file has been downloaded 840 times

Rosco Bodine - 24-2-2006 at 15:45

There is an idea which I have been looking at which
would likely improve the performance of the full power
" startup pulse " feature of the design I have been contemplating .

At the higher power settings , the need is lower for
a full power startup pulse to assist the motor with
extra starting torque , since the higher power setting
already provides higher starting torque when the power is applied . So what I am thinking is to use a dual 50K
control pot for the Main V. Adjust , with the back pot
used for the adjusting of the Full V. Starting Pulse Duration . And then the two settings would work
together towards an optimization of their interaction .
When the Main V. Adjust was set to its minimum ,
the Full Voltage Startup Pulse Duration would be set to its maximum , so that its duration would be adjusted
simultaneously with the need . A trimmer across
the 50K pot could adjust the total response range
for the Pulse Duration adjustment , and a trimmer in
series with the timing capacitor could be used to set
the minimum pulse duration . This arrangement
would be much more calibratable to the actual
performance of the motor and would give better
performance , smoother startups at various speeds
with less overshoot , and a much more closely
optimized adjustment , better control harmony and
response at different settings , especially when
the motor was being " jogged " , toggled on and off
at some intermediate speed setting .

It is likely I will put this refinement on the design into
effect in the prototype , when the actual soldering begins .
Updating the schematic may take awhile since there possibly isn't room on the present page format to draw the changes ,
and the schematic may have to be redrawn as a horizontal page to allow room for clearly showing the changes .

[Edited on 25-2-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

Rosco Bodine - 25-2-2006 at 21:25

Because it is good practice on a prototype
to have provision made for flexibility in the
calibration of something like the startup pulse
circuit , so that a good bit of adjustment is
possible concerning the way it may operate ......

I have revised the schematic to allow for more
of a mix and range of adjustments to be possible
in order to cover the various possible ways in
which any misbehavior of that startup pulse circuit
may appear, to be able to adjust the parameters
in different ways to secure the intended response for the
function . These added adjustments may prove
to be unnecessary depending upon how the motor
responds , but the adjustments will be there in
the prototype if they are needed . Good data
from the actual tests for how the motor behaves
in response to starting at various power settings
will allow me to finalize the design in terms of
exactly what control arrangement and values are
needed , but for the prototype I will err on the
side of having more adjustment options and
range of adjustment , until I know from the tests
much more about what will be the optimum
configuration for this particular startup function .

Attachment: Variable AC Power Supply for Small PSC Motor.PDF (30kB)
This file has been downloaded 996 times

The_Davster - 20-6-2006 at 18:53

Just an interesting note about computer power supplies, they may say their max amperage is, for example 7A. I have been pulling 13 for 3 days out of there, and the supply is still working fine.

So take the maximum amperage with a grain of salt

The next generation of modified computer power supplies

The_Davster - 12-11-2006 at 13:00

Tired of blowing computer power supplies? I sure am. So I built this device which plugs into any ATX computer power supply.

I only paid about 30$ total, for the case, the electrode clamps, a switch and a couple binding posts. Everything else came out of computers and other equipment which I dumpster dived at uni.:D

Upper switch turns the unit on, the lower changes the voltage between 5 and 12V.

It is not variable current which would be ideal, but I lack the ability to build a variable current supply.

[Edited on 12-11-2006 by The_Davster]


Rosco Bodine - 16-11-2006 at 15:35

An ATX to Lab Power Supply converter box !

Great minds think alike :D

I have have been working on a very similar concept for
an affordable low voltage high current supply ....
only trying to make it variable voltage using some added
circuitry along with the mechanical switches .

One of the ways you can get a stepwise voltage reduction which will have some stability is to string
a series of schottky power rectifiers each on a
small to medium separate heatsink , and depending on the current you will get .3 to .7 volt drop across each
diode . Another method is just to string a coil of
heating element between ceramic insulators , and
use an alligator clip to latch onto the coil at different
distance points along the length to introduce more or less
resistance in the current path , and dump the voltage
drop as heat . If you use a Y with two alligator clips
and leave one of the clips connected as you make the
moved connections stepwise , before disconnecting
the first position clip , there will be no huge arcing from
breaking the circuit .

These are less elegant solutions than a solid state
voltage regulator adjusted by a control knob like
a volume control .......but whatever works , works ,
and every one of these uses the same electricity ,
whether it is fancy or simple .

Rosco Bodine - 18-11-2006 at 18:29

Update :


Having my fingers crossed and hoping I didn't overlook
any potential snare in the design concept ......

I think I have completed the conceptual design for
the 0-100% *adjustable output * solid state
" voltage regulator " , that can be powered from an ATX power supply , and which has been discussed at length
in whimsy in the " Damn I love whimsy " thread .

The adjustable version is * not * soooo complicated
once the design is figured out , after that it is just a matter of getting parts and soldering the wires . Don't
sell yourself short with that talk of not having the
ability , this is not an advanced level construction
difficulty ......even though of course it is an extremely
advanced design :D

Thanks to 12AX7 for challenging me to attempt the
design , and discussion of design considerations ,
and also to Twospoons . The schematic isn't drawn ,
but it is so very nearly identical to an existing circuit
that I may not even bother , but just scribble noted changes on the existing schematic in the application note
and work from there .

[Edited on 19-11-2006 by Rosco Bodine]

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