So I did some work on this today. First things first. Thank you M1Tanker. You were right the red laser pointer does have a significant source
polarization. I removed a polarizing film from the optical path and swapped my detector for the source as suggested. Now I have clean sinuisoids
without filtering.
So I added a constant voltage power supply for the laser pointer, so glad I did, now my FFT filter has a constant setting!
Anyways, now I took some results as the instrument stood without fine tuning the soft-ware for the new alignment. It's pretty buggy still, but now I
have eliminated two or three huge issues. So again thank your M1Tanker. I can see polarization!
Here are the results:
Without a sample here are the observed rotations: 0.52*, -0.60*,0.22*,-0.27*(Average: 0.033, STDEV = 0.5)
With a 20% sucrose solution: : +7.83*, +9.67*, +9.36*, +8.08*, (Average: 8.74, STDEV = 0.9)
The mean value gives me a specific rotation of 43.7 (+/-4.5)*, which is reasonable.
The instrument is obviously not consistent but now that I have a consistent sinuisoid I can do curve fitting rather then my calculus based approaches
to finding peak locations.
As suspected the variance of the orientation is 2X that of measurements, because the routine is run twice to take a measurement. So it is my algorithm
that is off.
[Edited on 31-5-2015 by smaerd]
Edit - also I got the green laser pointer but when I shorted the switch on the circuit and subjected it to the 3.3V source. I'd subjectively say it's
100-200 times brighter then the red laser, but knowing the human eye is ~5-10x more sensitive to green then red, this is probably a 50mW laser. It too
is polarized. It is bright enough that I would be concerned for my eyes if it were to be shined there. I'm afraid to even try it on my amplification
circuit, it would likely saturate it and I'd need to use a 50kOhm trimmer pot on the second stage, too finicky for my blood knowing how the ideal FFT
filter is.
[Edited on 31-5-2015 by smaerd] |