Peroxidation of commercial phorone
I recently bought 97% phorone at Sigma-Aldrich, which seems to be the only supplier of small quantities.
At first, the phorone was very pure, could easily be melted in a warm water bath and crystallized upon cooling(room temperature) in the form of long
yellow needles.
Solubility tests:
-Insoluble in 30% HCl
-soluble in commercial acetone
-exzellent solubility in 98% acetic acid
-Insoluble in commercial ethanol(absolute ethanol needed?)
The phorone does not crystallize at room temperature if surrounded by an aqueous (immiscible) phase.
I tried to peroxidize the phorone(1ml) by first dissolving it in 98% acetic acid (5ml=excess to prevent seperation upon addition of the
peroxidation-mix) and then adding a mix of 1ml HCl and 1ml 30%H2O2, but although the batch heated up very strong and this was then later repeated with
proper cooling, no precipitate occured.
Maybe the DPPP is very soluble even in aqueous solutions of acetic acid, like phorone.
-Or the reaction just failed.
So i added some ml of water to make it seperate along with the rest of unreacted phorone, but nothing remarkable happened.
The last experiment i did was to dissolve phorone in acetone and then tried to peroxidize both.
I was surprised that the phorone seemed to prevent peroxidation of the acetone(no AP-precipitate).