synthesis on (DATE REDACTED)
30.15 grams of hydrazine sulfate
18.43 grams of sodium hydroxide
105ml of 95% ethanol (put 55ml first, then the 30 ml later and finally 25ml)
and 40ml of nickel nitrate solution that I made (with indeterminate amount of dextrin)
as of writing. Filtered and added around 250ml of ice cold distilled water and 100ml of 95% ethanol. Filtration is taking a while. Hopefully it will
come out dextrinated and require no crushing.
Note: I believe some hydrazine fumes were created. No harm was done. But this is something you need to be extremely aware of. It is possible that
gravity filtration is the superior choice in this case, as vacuum filteration doesn't seem to be doing this fast enough. You employed emergency
protocols of flushing that ethanolized hydrazine down the toliet. No harm happened. You will be A-OK.
Further note: Actually no, it was likely not hydrazine. Hydrazine has an ammonia scent and you know ammonia. It did smell like ethanol, but it might
have contained it. So your reaction was still good as it prevented any possible problem.
result was extremely finely powdered stuff. Just perfect!
Final yield after drying: 11.88 grams
Next synthesis (and hopefully final): (DATE REDACTED)
39 grams of hydrazine sulfate (all my remaining supply).
23.9 grams of sodium hydroxide
150ml of 95% ethanol (with 75ml added first, followed by the rest).
75 to 80ml of nickel nitrate solution.
This time no vacuum filteration (and outside!). Do it purely via gravity. Also in two containers as you will be putting in alot more stuff this time.
Gravity filtration takes hours when washing with the 250ml of water and 110 ml of ethanol.
Final yield after drying: 15.72 grams
Extra note on this one. The burn is not as quick. There might be something off with this batch. Some testing is required when making blasting caps
with it. If the 2nd batch successfully detonates a booster like ETN then it is good enough. Testing is needed to see its power in confinement. If it
goes DDT in a pen body with similar power, then that is all good and well. If it can set off a booster then it won't matter, but until then, the first
batch is vastly superior.
It could have been the choice of filteration.
To do: Do another filteration of the batch (now separated into two bits) via vaccuum filteration. Give it plenty of both water and alcohol.
Further notes after drying from second cleaning. Situation has improved. Perhaps not as much as the first batch, but still significantly better. For
future synthesis. Follow the first method. It is possible that too much ethanol was used, or that too much/too little nickel nitrate.
Final yield after cleaning and tests is 13.25 grams.
NOTEs: Next time DO NOT dextrinate it. It is unnecessary and might actually make it impossible to go full DDT.
FURTHER NOTES FOR SCIENCEMADNESS: Do not use plastic pen bodies as detonator caps. They won't work! |