Sciencemadness Discussion Board

So my house was raided today.

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Ephoton - 18-12-2010 at 09:27

were im from you dont even have to fall down the stairs.

one two cent piece to the other :)

"did you just see him hit me"

the other

"sure did we had better defend our selves."

franklyn - 18-12-2010 at 21:37

For eye witness corroboration ( out of hearing range )
there is the ploy
" HEY SLOB you got dirt on my gun - WIPE IT OFF ! "


DexterJack - 14-1-2011 at 18:37

WOW. Remind me to never move to Australia. Glassware?!?! Here in the US you can order anything under the sun and worse comes to worse you'll get a letter from customs telling you that someone ordered something not acceptable to your address.

If law enforcement tries to enter your house without a warrant, put a couple bullets in each of their head and say you thought they were impostors, you couldn't be charged for murder since they are trespassing.

Bismuth - 15-1-2011 at 00:37

Major flaw: Guns are not readily available in Australia and if you do possess one, it is illegal to use it for self defense purposes. If you write on your application form "for protection", you are automatically disqualified for a period of time for obtaining one.

astroturf - 15-1-2011 at 02:52

Quote: Originally posted by Bismuth  
Major flaw: Guns are not readily available in Australia and if you do possess one, it is illegal to use it for self defense purposes. If you write on your application form "for protection", you are automatically disqualified for a period of time for obtaining one.

Yes but because we don't have every joe blow running around with a gun, we don't need to protect ourselves very often. ;)

vulture - 15-1-2011 at 10:19


If law enforcement tries to enter your house without a warrant, put a couple bullets in each of their head and say you thought they were impostors, you couldn't be charged for murder since they are trespassing.

Advocating murder (self-defence is never premeditated) is not acceptable on this forum, so please desist from doing that or take your shit somewhere where fucked up people like to fantasize about shooting LE.

unionised - 16-1-2011 at 05:16

Quote: Originally posted by DexterJack  
WOW. Remind me to never move to Australia. Glassware?!?! Here in the US you can order anything under the sun and worse comes to worse you'll get a letter from customs telling you that someone ordered something not acceptable to your address.

Would anyone familiar with the law(s) in Texas care to comment on that assertion.

peach - 16-1-2011 at 07:20

I have pictures of everything I'm getting up to on Facespazz, for others to see. I think facebook set them all to private after all the stalking problems, but I then reset my to public - for maximum voyeuristic pleasure.

People have commented on all the equipment and piles of powder. The funniest was an old school friend I haven't spoken to in a decade who's first words with me since then were;

"Mate?? Are you running a crack factory? It's either that or making bombs for the taliban"

I am well aware of the impression even simple bits of glass make on most of the public. A lot of them started dropping the sciences at GCSE level, and even at A-Level the most advanced piece of glass we used was a Liebig - once. So piles and piles of jacketed reactors, coil condensers, tubes, pumps, cylinders, balances, foil, powder, bottles and odd smells sends them into sensory overload.

It is something to consider, that someone who used to own this kind of thing would be considered a learned man, attempting to better themselves and the world at large by discovery; as opposed to 'tuning in and dropping out' with Bellenders or Neighbores. Now.... "crack factory or bombs" :D

Personally, I'd far rather the police trolled my facespazer account, called round, took some stuff, chatted with me and then I got it back than hiding out, having them put the front door through at 4am and all the things I've spent around a decade collecting going into incinerators and bins. That'd hurt me a lot. When times are really hard, the only thing that can distract me and cheer me up is doing something with it in the garage.

[Edited on 17-1-2011 by peach]

bbartlog - 16-1-2011 at 13:10

f law enforcement tries to enter your house without a warrant, put a couple bullets in each of their head

As a practical matter, the police are fairly likely to kill you if you try this. And even in cases of genuine confusion and mistaken identity, shooting police will probably get you a long jail sentence; look up the Cory Maye case for an example (there are others). Although there is legal precedent for using deadly force to assert your rights, the odds of actually winning with such a defense in court are really pretty small.
Finally, in many cases in the US the police will have a no-knock warrant, which means you don't know whether they have a warrant at the point they're busting down your door, but likely they do.

psychokinetic - 16-1-2011 at 13:19

Quote: Originally posted by peach  
A lot of them started dropping the sciences at GCSE level, and even at A-Level the most advanced piece of glass we used was a Liebig - once. garage.

And then in first year of university you're taught how meth is actually made, and you are using condensing apparatus weekly.

I'm pretty sure it scared a few folk out, though. That's ok, more room for me. *stretches out*

frobber777 - 2-3-2011 at 20:25

(moved this to another topic I thought was more appropriate)

[Edited on 3-3-2011 by frobber777]

HHammerHeadD - 27-3-2011 at 05:34

sounds like the edifice of the DNC these days...ASSUMING EVERYTHING ...facts or no facts.\
they really do have their brains hangin out their sphinxters...

Mister Junk Pile - 29-4-2011 at 09:01

"Yes but because we don't have every joe blow running around with a gun, we don't need to protect ourselves very often."

That's funny. This is probably true but the United States crime rate likely has nothing to do with the availability of legal weapons to legal owners. I am starting to believe more and more that a lot of the U.S.'s crime rate could be due to the "mixture" of racial and ethnic groups in this country (aside from, of course, violence induced by drug prohibition). It seems like in every other country where that is an issue the violence is sky high. Is there a case where there is a significant "mixture" of ethnic groups where the violence is lower than normal or just average? Perhaps the Muslims in Europe? In a way I would like to discount this "theory" but I can't seem to do so. The premise makes sense to me. Humans are "naturally" xenophobic stemming from evolutionary processes.

I'm thinking the violence need not necessarily be between two ethnic groups but perhaps the mixture creates conditions that instigate violent behavior?

Anyway, my point is, I feel PERFECTLY safe in the US with people having guns. I never even worry about it. Why? Because I know that if someone was going to kill me they would do so with a stolen weapon (whether it was legal or not) and often people are less likely to "mess with" you if you could potentially have a weapon. I've had people tell me this before (yes, "criminals").

quicksilver - 2-5-2011 at 07:17

Number of functional firearms in the USA as defined by Federal mandates of firearm per se' regardless of year mfg, condition, or design is 336 million (ATF figures combined w/ Lott Study). Modern firearms (est) being approx: 267 million. Number of functional firearms in the world: estimate is four to six times that number with copyright of AK47/74/100 licensed product leading all other types by vast numbers. The most common firearm in the world IS the AK & variants. China is thought to have 200+million AK licensed variants alone if production & export figures are accurate.
The point is that with such vast numbers of firearms in existence - period.....That such things (objects) exist & must be contended with as they are not simply going to "go away". The contention that objects with really no "shelf life" can be controlled is disputed by the "war on drugs" theme of controlling (in a sense) a chemical (or human activities such as gambling or prostitution that are volitional).

A study addendum to this was the ease of availability in countries with strict controls. Studies were made in the UK, Mexico, Japan; all having strict legislative controls and the model of drugs of abuse similarities held. If the individual "knew" someone or what neighborhood to purchase - the object was available. Crime (especially Organized Crime) has made a business out of providing things people want.
Much to it's annoyance, firearms in Japan are roughly the same difficulty to obtain as drugs. Where more corruption exists, such as Mexico, the availability of firearms is staggeringly high.

Sólo se necesita un poco de dinero para conseguir lo que usted necesita.
This is "Mordida" & it's certainly very common.

[Edited on 3-5-2011 by quicksilver]

anotheronebitesthedust - 7-5-2011 at 23:41

Quote: Originally posted by Mister Junk Pile  
I am starting to believe more and more that a lot of the U.S.'s crime rate could be due to the "mixture" of racial and ethnic groups in this country

It probably has more to do with poverty and the fact that unregulated capitalism results in very few people holding the majority of the wealth. When people work just to be able to pay someone else's mortgage it must seem a lot like slavery.

From my experiences in life I've come to the conclusion that people are products of their environments. Happy comfortable environments produce happy comfortable people, and vice versa.

Violating you inside your car

franklyn - 28-10-2013 at 21:56

The average hack lawyer will charge to tell you to just pay the fine.
It is true , it is a losing proposition in time and money to assert
that you are right. But that doesnn't make it RIGHT ! Here is why
GOOD attorneys are so expensive. Watch this instead of a
movie sometime.
Particular to automobile traffic in Texas , but these principles of
law are widely applicable.


NeonPulse - 8-11-2013 at 01:51

similar thing happened to me after buying some glassware from ebay.customs flagged it... months later plod comes asking about it looking to bust me for drug manufacture. lucky for me though there was not a full 5am raid carried out on my house, the just had a quick look around took some notes, asked why i had it and saw that i am an honest hard working family man with no history or links to drugs and left me to it. besides its not illegal to own certain glassware... YET! i have a feeling that soon enough it will be;) NP

chemrox - 8-11-2013 at 12:14

Quote: Originally posted by unionised  
Quote: Originally posted by DexterJack  
WOW. Remind me to never move to Australia. Glassware?!?! Here in the US you can order anything under the sun and worse comes to worse you'll get a letter from customs telling you that someone ordered something not acceptable to your address.

Would anyone familiar with the law(s) in Texas care to comment on that assertion.

I've never considered TX to be part of the US. I believe he was referring to the US constitution and states that practice consistently with it. TX is always trying to get around it. You still have the death penalty right?

chemrox - 8-11-2013 at 12:18

Quote: Originally posted by Mister Junk Pile  
"Yes but because we don't have every joe blow running around with a gun, we don't need to protect ourselves very often."

That's funny. This is probably true but the United States crime rate likely has nothing to do with the availability of legal weapons to legal owners. I am starting to believe more and more that a lot of the U.S.'s crime rate could be due to the "mixture" of racial and ethnic groups in this country (aside from, of course, violence induced by drug prohibition). It seems like in every other country where that is an issue the violence is sky high. Is there a case where there is a significant "mixture" of ethnic groups where the violence is lower than normal or just average? Perhaps the Muslims in Europe? In a way I would like to discount this "theory" but I can't seem to do so. The premise makes sense to me. Humans are "naturally" xenophobic stemming from evolutionary processes.

I'm thinking the violence need not necessarily be between two ethnic groups but perhaps the mixture creates conditions that instigate violent behavior?

Anyway, my point is, I feel PERFECTLY safe in the US with people having guns. I never even worry about it. Why? Because I know that if someone was going to kill me they would do so with a stolen weapon (whether it was legal or not) and often people are less likely to "mess with" you if you could potentially have a weapon. I've had people tell me this before (yes, "criminals").

Countries with strict gun control empower bullies and discriminate against the poor who can't afford private security and don't get police patrols for the sake of discouraging burglars or robbers.

AngelEyes - 11-11-2013 at 08:46

Quote: Originally posted by chemrox  

Countries with strict gun control empower bullies and discriminate against the poor who can't afford private security and don't get police patrols for the sake of discouraging burglars or robbers.

Where to start...
First off, the police should be patrolling everywhere - affluence should be no barrier.
It also seems like you're implying that lax gun control will weaken bullies and allow the poor to arm themselves - is that right?
Are you also of the opinion, like some right wing nutjobs I saw on the news after the Sandy Hook incident, that the way to address school shootings is to have armed guards at the schools rather than less guns?
And while we're at it, lax gun control is the main reason that mass shootings like that happen. Well, that and something else about America. I'm not sure what it is...but school genocides don't happen in any other countries (with the odd exception, Boko Haram for example) except in America. And there they happen once every year or two. And nothing ever gets done about it.

I can accept that civilians may wish to arm themselves...but no civilian ever needs full auto, or 50 cal, or some sort of M16-lite style weapon for home defence.

America's love affair with the gun is not an even partnership. America loves the gun...but the gun is just f*cking America. And the world looks on, both baffled and a little saddened.

User64 - 17-11-2013 at 19:57

So much confusion and misunderstanding in the last post I don't even know where to start, so I won't.

brayight - 21-11-2013 at 02:04

Agreed, hard to make sense of it. But certainly, owning an assault rifle isn't necessary in America and this fact seems to baffle the rest of the world. If I live in a small village in the English countryside, I might invest in an alarm system. I certainly won't invest in an M-4 to defend myself and my property.

User64 - 23-11-2013 at 14:40

That is the beauty of living in America that other countries have a trouble grasping. We are free to protect and defend ourselves, our property, our loved ones and in some cases complete strangers.

We are also free to do nothing and let someone else take care of us after a crime has been committed. If we are alive we can be a good witness. Law enforcement are under no obligation to prevent crime from happening to you, merely to investigate the aftermath. It's up to the individual to protect themselves, as it should be.

Some people just can't wrap their heads around freedom. We have a choice, for now.

bfesser - 23-11-2013 at 18:04

This thread no longer has anything to do with amateur science. [closed]

[Edited on 24.11.13 by bfesser]

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