Electrophilic substitution in presence of Lewis acids of FClO3 on aromatics has yielded some interesting compounds via introduction of -ClO3 groups.
Perchlorylbenzene, nitroperchlorylbenzene, etc. preparation is in US3067211, US3937627. Nitrogen heterocyclics also, US3332955 describes
N-perchlorylpiperidine from ClO3F, this compound has been known to explode on storage. The same have been made from Cl2O7 and cyclic nitrogen amines
in an inert solvent. Perchloryl aromatics are usually shock sensitive. 3-Nitroperchlorylbenzene is about as shock sensitive as lead azide, and said to
have a very high detonation rate. Not exactly inert either, even to one of the chemicals used to make them: a perchlorylbenzene/AlCl3 mixture does
nothing, then explodes after some time. With FClO3, alcohols said to turn into extremely explosive alkyl perchlorates.