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Sand baths [rquote=636137&tid=19089&author=Refinery]Could gallium be good for heating bath?[/rquote]
F ... |
15-5-2020 at 10:52 by: mackolol |
Buying chemicals in Poland "OTC" [rquote=636140&tid=152908&author=Tellurium]
Are they still active? Because no one responded ... |
15-5-2020 at 10:50 by: mackolol |
2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid from resorcinol Interesting procedure, does it have to have two hydroxy groups to react like that with KHCO3?
15-5-2020 at 10:43 by: mackolol |
Recycling sulfuric acid from ETN synthesis [rquote=635952&tid=155260&author=Microtek]
In the EU, sulfuric acid above ca. 50% concentra ... |
14-5-2020 at 09:35 by: mackolol |
Hotplates I strongly recommend just buying cheap electric kitchen hotplates, I would even say, that these are ... |
14-5-2020 at 03:01 by: mackolol |
Buying chemicals in Poland "OTC" I never ordered from these sites to be honest. I never paid attention to Onyxmet and n2o3 always see ... |
14-5-2020 at 02:53 by: mackolol |
Buying chemicals in Poland "OTC" [rquote=635966&tid=152908&author=DavidJR][rquote=635963&tid=152908&author=outer_limi ... |
13-5-2020 at 12:04 by: mackolol |
Dimethylation of tryptamine via formaldehyde/STAB [rquote=635971&tid=23682&author=TheMrbunGee][rquote=635958&tid=23682&author=karlos³ ... |
13-5-2020 at 11:58 by: mackolol |
Buying chemicals in Poland "OTC" I believe that Pol Aura does, they even have english version of the site, but I don't know how is it ... |
13-5-2020 at 06:43 by: mackolol |
Chemical uses for 3-MMC Hilarious, I always wonder, is it legal for big companies to sell drugs as chemicals or to produce t ... |
13-5-2020 at 05:50 by: mackolol |
Dimethylation of tryptamine via formaldehyde/STAB
from miamiechin
5-Methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, 5-MeO-DMT
5-methoxy-tryptamine freeba ... |
13-5-2020 at 05:35 by: mackolol |
Does excess hydrochloric acid evaporate? It evaporates too and I would even say that first, because HCl is a gas dissolved in water (in this ... |
12-5-2020 at 07:29 by: mackolol |
100% Nitric acid? I doubt that the acid will be 100%, but it may be somewhere around 90%<. During distillation som ... |
12-5-2020 at 00:21 by: mackolol |
Storage of lead azide [rquote=635814&tid=155222&author=XeonTheMGPony]Unstable no, that sensitive yes.
I dry it ... |
11-5-2020 at 23:41 by: mackolol |
Which brand is best? [glassware] [rquote=635828&tid=155366&author=G-Coupled]lol, it won't be 'Polish' glassware if it's from ... |
11-5-2020 at 23:22 by: mackolol |
Breaking bad chemistry + fireworks from Mexico question Shouldn't it be white phosphorus formed from red P as draculic acid said? How toxic is white phospho ... |
11-5-2020 at 10:45 by: mackolol |
Which brand is best? [glassware] I have cheap Polish glassware from China, company named "Chemland".
It's good enough although it ... |
11-5-2020 at 10:38 by: mackolol |
Storage of lead azide [rquote=635788&tid=155222&author=XeonTheMGPony]
The lead styphnate is stored in pure dist ... |
11-5-2020 at 09:09 by: mackolol |
KMnO4 and glycerine, no reaction It's quite hard to promote that reaction. Sometime ago I tried it with my chemistry teacher for the ... |
11-5-2020 at 08:20 by: mackolol |
Alternative Solvents and New Solvents - General Discussion [rquote=635757&tid=9757&author=njl]This is a topic I'm very interested in. Whenever I get to ... |
10-5-2020 at 23:34 by: mackolol |
What wets mercury? Water can't wet mercury. It's similar as with all metals.
I don't really know what do you mean by s ... |
10-5-2020 at 05:36 by: mackolol |
Procedure for Coumarin - different product, what is it? All I have done in my life that is anywhere close to coumarin is umbelliferone - 7hydroxycoumarin. I ... |
10-5-2020 at 04:13 by: mackolol |
My problem with pure fuming hno3 [rquote=635706&tid=155352&author=MineMan]How do you blow dry air through it without spraying ... |
10-5-2020 at 03:59 by: mackolol |
My problem with pure fuming hno3 As far as I remember there is no need to use RFNA in pentaerythritol nitration and you can do it usi ... |
9-5-2020 at 12:20 by: mackolol |
My problem with pure fuming hno3 When making energetic materials especially nitrations, always cool them during the reaction.
Even ... |
9-5-2020 at 02:03 by: mackolol |
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