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Kitchen Hot Plates
because soap emulsifies the oil, making it soluble in water

I'm pretty sure the emulsion will sti ...
12-4-2013 at 10:42
by: confused
Kitchen Hot Plates
i dont think so, the bubbles is the gaseous state of the substance that you are i do ...
12-4-2013 at 09:38
by: confused
Kitchen Hot Plates
you mean something like this?
part 1
part 2 http://www. ...
12-4-2013 at 07:05
by: confused
Kitchen Hot Plates
I have one, but the statement still comes via mail at the end of the month...thats when they kick up ...
12-4-2013 at 05:17
by: confused
Exploding toroidal votices
dont think that the gases would stay together due to the different densities of the gases...but i ma ...
12-4-2013 at 03:37
by: confused
Kitchen Hot Plates
...i dont mind it, but my parrents don't approve of me spending so much cash(even if its just shippi ...
12-4-2013 at 03:23
by: confused
lithium oxidation
No idea, it could be that they use some thin film of oil to protect lithium always seems to ...
10-4-2013 at 04:59
by: confused
Son getting in to chemistry.. glassware or apparatus suggestions?
just a thought, make sure you have a few glass bottles for storing any acids that you synthesize pre ...
9-4-2013 at 23:54
by: confused
The short questions thread (3)
possible, but that would require alot of heat above above 840 °C
8-4-2013 at 05:29
by: confused
The short questions thread (3)
i got mine at a store selling pottery supplies, usually used as a glaze
8-4-2013 at 05:25
by: confused
The short questions thread (3)
limewater to test for CO2?
synthesis of Sodium/Potassium hydroxide with reaction between sodium/pot ...
8-4-2013 at 05:20
by: confused
The short questions thread (3)
...wouldn't a mercury tilt swtich contain mercury?
8-4-2013 at 04:47
by: confused
The short questions thread (3)
im trying to obtain some mercury metal would a mercury tilt switch or mercury thermometer contain mo ...
7-4-2013 at 07:35
by: confused
The short questions thread (3)
but doesn't the PTFE liner prevent nitric acid fumesfrom passing through the cap?
7-4-2013 at 07:31
by: confused
Dilute nitric acid flows out in middle of cinema...
when i transport my chemicals, i usually make just the one trip specifically for the chemicals and d ...
7-4-2013 at 07:09
by: confused
distilling without grease glass joints
probably not reccomended, but is it possible to distill without the grease?

you can try silicon g ...
7-4-2013 at 06:24
by: confused
The short questions thread (3)
should be ok for nitric acid...not sure about the pressure though, where are you storing it and what ...
4-4-2013 at 20:30
by: confused
The short questions thread (3)
how badly would a round bottom flask be stressed if it was heated directly on a hotplate without an ...
4-4-2013 at 10:08
by: confused
what size glassware to get?
How does one do analysis with the equipment?
4-4-2013 at 09:48
by: confused
what size glassware to get?
mostly synthesis, would 250ml be considered ok for that?
4-4-2013 at 09:43
by: confused
what size glassware to get?
Hi guys,
Recently I have been considering ordering a distillation setup to start off my glassware c ...
4-4-2013 at 09:03
by: confused
Hi guys, been lurking here for quite awhile...seemed time to make an acc. Currently studying molecul ...
4-4-2013 at 08:33
by: confused

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