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Det Cord w/ ETN There are many kinds of det cord. From heavy duty thick RDX onces, to ... |
28-10-2013 at 21:34 by: Ral123 |
About toxicity of explosives [rquote=305091&tid=26962&author=underground][rquote=305089&tid=26962&author=woelen]T ... |
28-10-2013 at 05:38 by: Ral123 |
Effect of Water on Detonation Very interesting I didn't know water is that much better then air. Certainly it decreases reliabilit ... |
26-10-2013 at 22:56 by: Ral123 |
Critical diameter Critical diameter is what will make many charges fail. Contrary to popular believe, it's mostly depe ... |
24-10-2013 at 11:09 by: Ral123 |
Trinitrotoluene preparation I tried to make MNT with 60% nitric. It required fast stirring. Anyway I ended up with a runaway, a ... |
23-10-2013 at 09:09 by: Ral123 |
Burster charge for FAE, ignition risk? You are not a military corporation to be able to make FAE weapon. All you can do is a charge with th ... |
23-10-2013 at 02:37 by: Ral123 |
Temperature of deflagration to detonation transition ETN melts before it deflagrates or whatever. From my tests melt cast ETN performs poorly unless at i ... |
20-10-2013 at 12:05 by: Ral123 |
Exploding Bridge Wire Detonators, EBW, EBW's, Bridge-Wire, Slapper If that "detonator" is left on a warm place(let's say the back of a car in a hot summer day) the ETN ... |
19-10-2013 at 00:05 by: Ral123 |
More usefull explosives when making RDX Waste a ton of N2O5 enriched HNO3 and a some other exotic precursors to obtain special HMX free RDX ... |
18-10-2013 at 06:03 by: Ral123 |
anyone know power difference between Pb and Ag azide? So the Pb(N3)2 has almost infinite stability at STP, and the limiting factors for it's predictable b ... |
17-10-2013 at 11:25 by: Ral123 |
anyone know power difference between Pb and Ag azide? Why is the silver azide "more powerful" is this weight or volume basis? Is the compressibility taken ... |
17-10-2013 at 03:37 by: Ral123 |
Failing to detonate ? The booster is the same, no matter how much is the anfo. Just little charges may need confinement. |
14-10-2013 at 02:10 by: Ral123 |
Failing to detonate ? [rquote=303251&tid=26675&author=snooby]@underground:
First of all I dont think you will e ... |
14-10-2013 at 00:27 by: Ral123 |
Failing to detonate ? [rquote=303137&tid=26675&author=underground]A while ago i was trying to detonate 100gr of AN ... |
13-10-2013 at 07:34 by: Ral123 |
Ammonium TRI-nitrate --- The old, new oxidizer [rquote=303051&tid=26664&author=VladimirLem]Hi there [b]again*[/b]
*[i]damn im so pissed of ... |
12-10-2013 at 07:36 by: Ral123 |
AP vs TNP (grab some popcorn) Thanks, entertainment is first with my channel.
[rquote=302657&tid=26591&author=hyfalcon]N ... |
9-10-2013 at 11:17 by: Ral123 |
AP vs TNP (grab some popcorn) Both hammered in the tube with a risk of accident. Both at reasonable for hobbyist density. The tube ... |
9-10-2013 at 09:53 by: Ral123 |
AP vs TNP (grab some popcorn) With thick safety glasses, behind the camera screen I didn't feel too intimidated by this energy dep ... |
9-10-2013 at 09:30 by: Ral123 |
AP vs TNP (grab some popcorn) I was curious, we all know some R.E. figures from wikipedia or other sources, but what happens in pr ... |
9-10-2013 at 09:12 by: Ral123 |
EM Topical Compendium — Discussion So you write for wikipedia? Thanks, once I've spend so much time on wiki. You can use directly infor ... |
8-10-2013 at 08:58 by: Ral123 |
Explosive stable to over 500ºC: BTDAONAB Thanks, I'm not to good with chemistry. If that 550C is so far beyond it's comfortable temperature, ... |
5-10-2013 at 04:45 by: Ral123 |
Explosive stable to over 500ºC: BTDAONAB How is a CHNO explosive so stable? It has double N=N bond in the middle, kinda reminds me of azides. ... |
5-10-2013 at 01:57 by: Ral123 |
TNT - chlorate composition NH4ClO4 mixtures would have good energy density, specially with Al added, but brisance suffers heavi ... |
4-10-2013 at 07:34 by: Ral123 |
TNT - chlorate composition I despise hygroscopic energetics. Why would you use expensive KClO4 with HDN, to make one? Why ruin ... |
3-10-2013 at 08:19 by: Ral123 |
Energetic material video review Thanks for the opinion. Now I have a bunch of AP left I wonder if it would be nice to make AP vs TNP ... |
2-10-2013 at 08:06 by: Ral123 |
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