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Iodine and tincture going List I NI3 is pretty stupid for as far as uses for I2 go. They are much more usefull for doing things like ... |
27-9-2006 at 14:24 by: Nerro |
Br to alkyl conversion? How does that work?
2CH3Br + 2Na -> 2NaBr + 2CH3.
2CH3. -> C2H6
As in, radical reaction ... |
27-9-2006 at 12:21 by: Nerro |
Br to alkyl conversion? Well it's probably possible to come up with something that can catalyse the reaction R-Br + R'-Br -& ... |
27-9-2006 at 10:41 by: Nerro |
Br to alkyl conversion? Well it's an -let's say- adaptation of the Friedel-Crafts Alkylation. The reaction is utterly unlike ... |
27-9-2006 at 10:16 by: Nerro |
Br to alkyl conversion? Might AlBr3 or FeBr3 do the job?
I imagine H3CBr + AlBr3 <==> H3C+ + AlBr4- followed by H3 ... |
27-9-2006 at 04:42 by: Nerro |
non fuming swimming pool acid? 5M H2SO4 =/= 10M HCl because the conjugate base of sulfuric acid is not a strong acid. HSO4- simply ... |
24-9-2006 at 05:32 by: Nerro |
non fuming swimming pool acid? No because only the first H will come off in any realistic situation. HSO4- is not that acidic in an ... |
23-9-2006 at 03:20 by: Nerro |
AC and DC Electrolysis I read a while back that a special (and pretty pricy) type of socks has been developed in the USA wh ... |
20-9-2006 at 09:13 by: Nerro |
Antioxidants @matei
So what stable radical would ascorbic acid form with an O. radical? And why is it so stabl ... |
20-9-2006 at 08:19 by: Nerro |
Toluene saponification? To Chemoleo;
With a metal like Na I wouldn't expect very much from complexing. Least of all with be ... |
20-9-2006 at 08:17 by: Nerro |
Science Question 18.5 GBq which is about 0.5 Curie... Because a Bq equals an emmision per second and a curie equals 3 ... |
17-9-2006 at 10:31 by: Nerro |
Wanna be invisible wow, that's just weird... I'm going to look into that for sure! |
16-9-2006 at 12:42 by: Nerro |
Wanna be invisible Oh btw, a substance through which c > c(vacuum) is bs. The refractive index would be negative, ho ... |
16-9-2006 at 11:47 by: Nerro |
Wanna be invisible If you can really make an object the size of a B-2 Bomber disappear you can bet your sweet little as ... |
16-9-2006 at 01:54 by: Nerro |
Acid Strengths - Sulfuric VS Hydrochloric Perhaps a measurement in a different solvent, like MeOH might tell you more about the acidity of som ... |
13-9-2006 at 13:59 by: Nerro |
TATP vs. MEKP 3g of TATP sure was enough to impress me thoroughly enough never to make TATP again... When the AP ... |
9-9-2006 at 08:14 by: Nerro |
bubbling a gas through a solution Bubbking through something like glasswool sometimes helps to keep te bubbles small and dispersed. |
8-9-2006 at 06:12 by: Nerro |
Anyone doing Protein Folding ? well, it's not exactly an infinate supply of possibilities. After all the energies vary with every w ... |
6-9-2006 at 09:43 by: Nerro |
Salts of protonated hydrogen. My mistake, I meant hydrogen with two extra neutrons. |
27-8-2006 at 09:53 by: Nerro |
Salts of protonated hydrogen. Are you sure they don't all say "<sup>3</sup>H<Sup>+</sup>"?
Which would ... |
27-8-2006 at 05:19 by: Nerro |
Another funny hoax Well, a strong gamme source encased in lead might produce showers of positrons and electrons
I ... |
25-8-2006 at 02:11 by: Nerro |
Nitrogen inflated tires ! Could oxidation of the inside of the tyre be a problem when the usual 21% oxygen is present? Maybe i ... |
25-8-2006 at 02:08 by: Nerro |
how to remove the acid ethyloxalate? What is the solubility of the calcium salt of ethyl oxalate? Or maybe you could precipiate the Ba sa ... |
23-8-2006 at 12:57 by: Nerro |
chlorine ingestion You could look up the local laws on chlorine concentrations in pools. If you calculate the amount yo ... |
23-8-2006 at 07:32 by: Nerro |
KMnO4 synthesis You might be able to get rid of the graphite in your MnO2 by heating the MnO2/C in a flame untill al ... |
18-8-2006 at 15:24 by: Nerro |
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