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Book of all radio active nuclei and their decay products
Is there a book out there that show a list off all radio active nuclei and their decay products.

14-2-2022 at 16:16
by: yobbo II
Cheap radioisotope sources

Old mantels that are used on gas lamps, petrol lamps etc. They contain Thorium
Look in flea marke ...
14-2-2022 at 16:13
by: yobbo II
Generating gases from OTC materials

CO2 from fermenting

CO from hot charcoal with air restricted (may get CO2 as well though)
10-2-2022 at 08:45
by: yobbo II
Separating Iridium from Gold ...
6-2-2022 at 10:21
by: yobbo II
LL8 from Dr. Liptakov

Cannot Copper Perchlorate be prepared using (say) Calcium Perchlorate and Copper Sulphate.
The Ca ...
14-1-2022 at 13:12
by: yobbo II
Sodium nitrate synthesis from salt
What do you do with the Ammonia?

14-1-2022 at 13:00
by: yobbo II
Alternative uses for an illegally owned Oxygen tank?

You could partaily fill it for welding or glass work.
Simply connect it to a fully filled bottle ...
4-1-2022 at 17:10
by: yobbo II
Vintage weighing scale

There is some strange glitch with the board.............


Obtained the weighing ...
1-1-2022 at 18:04
by: yobbo II
A high-temperature mini-furnace for temperatures above 2000 C.

I have one of those devices, a Hartmann & Braun, which was purchased from a German flea mar ...
30-12-2021 at 05:39
by: yobbo II
A high-temperature mini-furnace for temperatures above 2000 C.

Has this device a thermocouple ( or perhaps a thermopile(a numbe of thermocouples connected in se ...
28-12-2021 at 18:27
by: yobbo II
Nitric Acid and Silver Nitrate

Patent on making Nitric acid from AN and sulphuric. GB129305A

The secret is to pull some vac ...
25-12-2021 at 17:11
by: yobbo II
Latest chemical order?

In relation to dichloromethane, this stuff contains it. ...
21-12-2021 at 16:47
by: yobbo II
Shooting oxygen tank shows fire and no fuel ??

Some sort of system like this will measure temperatures if you can find an affordable one.

21-12-2021 at 16:40
by: yobbo II
How to remove these incrustations? Cleaning a GPU heatsink
Ultrasonic cleaner with added gentle abrasive (like sodium carbonate)?
16-12-2021 at 10:30
by: yobbo II
Latest chemical order?

You can purchase DCM + Methanol paint remover, 5L, in car accessory shops for about 30 Pounds in ...
16-12-2021 at 10:27
by: yobbo II
Drying agent- which one to choose?

See the book:

You can get it here ...
15-12-2021 at 12:09
by: yobbo II
Vintage weighing scale

Thanks for replys.
Hard to know if it is the actual scales or the talking point associated with ...
15-12-2021 at 11:55
by: yobbo II
Shooting oxygen tank shows fire and no fuel ??

You can make a thermal lance quite easily. A pipe full of steel wires. See UTUBE.

It would take ...
15-12-2021 at 11:48
by: yobbo II
A high-temperature mini-furnace for temperatures above 2000 C.

ZrO2 becomes conductive when heated up above 800C or so. That complicated a furnace made from thes ...
15-12-2021 at 09:50
by: yobbo II
A high-temperature mini-furnace for temperatures above 2000 C.

There is a link here showing Zirconia blocks. They range from 99% to 99.999%

https://www.americ ...
10-12-2021 at 18:42
by: yobbo II
Vintage weighing scale

OOOOO Very Funny!!!

I forgot the link. ...
10-12-2021 at 18:25
by: yobbo II
Vintage weighing scale
How accurate is this scale does anyone know?


10-12-2021 at 16:55
by: yobbo II
A high-temperature mini-furnace for temperatures above 2000 C.

Once you 'reinforce' the ZrO2 you will decrease its melting temp.
PURE ZrO2 has a melting temp. ...
10-12-2021 at 16:43
by: yobbo II
Making use of 12v psu for electrolysis

Down load this file and read the power supply section. There are some weird and wonderful ways t ...
2-12-2021 at 13:08
by: yobbo II
Titanium cathode passivation after stopping the cell

The Chromates thing again....

IMO they are not worth the bother. Your milage may vary.

Use ...
2-12-2021 at 13:05
by: yobbo II
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