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Benzotrichloride, Benzoyl Chloride, and Phthalyl Chloride - Illustrated Practical Guide
I buy a lot of Ajax Finechem products from Australia, including ZnCl2. But the ZnCl2 was quite large ...
10-5-2008 at 06:42
by: Sauron
But the past always influences the present.

Ask the Germans. Ask the Jews.

Ask the Palestinian ...
10-5-2008 at 06:07
by: Sauron
That's both vague and broad-brush. Anywayas I have said before, and which seems to surprise some, my ...
10-5-2008 at 05:04
by: Sauron
I am simply pointing out that hobbyists have little leverage.

Where I am I can buy all the I2 I w ...
10-5-2008 at 04:33
by: Sauron
Benzotrichloride, Benzoyl Chloride, and Phthalyl Chloride - Illustrated Practical Guide
Just a couple of corrections as quibbled.

The literature references are properly to JACS not JCS ...
10-5-2008 at 03:08
by: Sauron
Industry still can buy red P, white P, I2.

Academia and institutions as well.

Anyone with a Li ...
10-5-2008 at 02:46
by: Sauron
That varies from country to country. In some places red P is available, and so is Iodine. Where I am ...
9-5-2008 at 16:58
by: Sauron
Perhaps, but I wouldn't bet me last shilling on it.

Remember, these people racked up $450,000 sel ...
9-5-2008 at 06:49
by: Sauron
Can't do the time?

Don't do the crime!
8-5-2008 at 19:37
by: Sauron
New synthesis of Ethanol
As a practical matter one never distills straight from mash (16% or so) to high proof spirits, you f ...
8-5-2008 at 00:55
by: Sauron
New synthesis of Ethanol
A couple of tips:

1. There's an awful lot of dormant yeast that settles out of the mash, and even ...
7-5-2008 at 20:20
by: Sauron
New synthesis of Ethanol
The Tony Ackland website is

Very valuable information there ...
7-5-2008 at 09:25
by: Sauron
Gun control is a topic regarded as anathema by Polverone, so let's stay off it. We could go to U2U b ...
7-5-2008 at 07:48
by: Sauron
I see constitutional problems with RICO, which is a product of a Bobby Kennedy protege.

Many see ...
7-5-2008 at 06:59
by: Sauron
You must be paid by the word.

More lies from a demonstrated liar.

You don't make threats? Then ...
7-5-2008 at 05:47
by: Sauron
No, woelen, he is still calling me a cocksucker and/or a child abuser. I have no interest in communi ...
7-5-2008 at 05:05
by: Sauron
Extradition is impossible unless the crime is also a crime in USA. Since it is not, extradition is n ...
7-5-2008 at 04:59
by: Sauron
Oh, my. I do believe this fellow has threatened me with physical reprisal.

Is that proper forum c ...
7-5-2008 at 04:14
by: Sauron
US v.Barrett was indeed a criminal case some 26 years ago. The defendant did publish a recipe for PC ...
7-5-2008 at 04:00
by: Sauron
I just looked up Rice v.Paladin Enterprises (1977)

This was a civil, not criminal action and had ...
7-5-2008 at 03:01
by: Sauron
This thread is yet another round of troublemaking and paranoia mongering by the thread a ...
7-5-2008 at 01:10
by: Sauron
LSD25 was inciting paranoia with his sky-is-falling bogus legal balderdsh in the now closed ENTRAPME ...
6-5-2008 at 20:51
by: Sauron
New synthesis of Ethanol
In Thailand it is all driven by the de facto monopoly of Suramaharaj Co., (King's Liquors) which use ...
6-5-2008 at 20:26
by: Sauron
New synthesis of Ethanol
I was addressing woelen, but, if both of you say 40 proof/20% then maybe it is so. It's just that I ...
6-5-2008 at 19:13
by: Sauron
New synthesis of Ethanol
Woelen, surely you mean 80 proof (40%) vodka?
6-5-2008 at 04:37
by: Sauron
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