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how to prepare CH3PCl2 in a practical way?
Why you made this thread? You started a thread about this topic 1 ½ months ago.

If you are reall ...
14-9-2004 at 05:49
by: Mephisto
Copper benzoate
Unfortunately I couldn't find anything about its properties, if it's that what is [i]usefu ...
13-9-2004 at 01:56
by: Mephisto
chloral hydrate synthesis
Garage chemist: Good luck for your synthesis.

BTW: I've upload the named patent on axe' ...
12-9-2004 at 07:00
by: Mephisto
chloral hydrate synthesis
[quote]When the ethanol has to be mixed with hydrochloric acid, how can the mix still be anhydrous? ...
12-9-2004 at 06:19
by: Mephisto
chloral hydrate synthesis
Garage chemist: For your next attempt to synthesize choral hydrate, there might be the following imp ...
12-9-2004 at 03:00
by: Mephisto
chloral hydrate synthesis
I don't know possible side-effects but it's not carcinogen. In my post above you can see t ...
11-9-2004 at 14:33
by: Mephisto
chloral hydrate synthesis
Maybe it helps you to see the equation. At least you see the formed intermediate.
[url=http://www.s ...
11-9-2004 at 12:18
by: Mephisto
Placement of very accurate scales.
Absorbing vibrations is very important, if the scales have the precision you said. Therefore most an ...
11-9-2004 at 11:28
by: Mephisto
FTP Server #2
I've found the scans of two German books about crystal-growing on my hard disk, which were send ...
7-9-2004 at 23:30
by: Mephisto
Enfocus Pitstop Professional
You can find the PitStop plugin for Adobe Acrobat Professional now on the ftp (/upload/PDF-Tool Enfo ...
26-8-2004 at 14:05
by: Mephisto
Book scanning.
Organikum: Nice to hear, you like my ebooks!:) Although I heard something from you, that sounds like ...
26-8-2004 at 12:16
by: Mephisto
FTP Server #2
Great! Thanks a lot.

BTW: [b]Is there a public account just for uploading?[/b]
17-5-2004 at 06:48
by: Mephisto
How to keep elemental bromine?
I have the same problem with diethylether. At first I only thought, that the bottle in which I bough ...
9-4-2004 at 03:47
by: Mephisto
Possible speedbumps ahead
How was this particular user identified? And how is it possible to prevent that in future (login via ...
2-4-2004 at 11:44
by: Mephisto
German essay about 18th century's chemistry
When I did some time ago a research in a library, I found a very interesting essay about Johann Chri ...
21-3-2004 at 02:04
by: Mephisto
lead thiocyanate synthesis????
There is a detailed prescription of its synthesis in Brauer [1]. But it's not difficult to figu ...
13-3-2004 at 16:12
by: Mephisto
Dimethylsulfate - synthesis
[i]Are you saying to use NaCl in place of Na2SO4 with H2SO4 and MeOH?[/i]

No. I was talking about ...
7-3-2004 at 03:26
by: Mephisto
Dimethylsulfate - synthesis
Marvin: Excellent work!

[i]I am under the impression that with methanol the sodium sulphate metho ...
6-3-2004 at 05:38
by: Mephisto
Dimethylsulfate - synthesis
A drying agent is necessary, because water shifts the equilibrium to the left side of the first reac ...
5-3-2004 at 05:31
by: Mephisto
Dimethylsulfate - synthesis
Next time I will dehydrate the methanol with some CaCl2 and boil off the water from the H2SO4. I thi ...
3-3-2004 at 15:14
by: Mephisto
Dimethylsulfate - synthesis
Marvin: The sodium sulfate was absolute anhydrous. I dried it 2 hours at 240 °C. The methanol was O ...
3-3-2004 at 03:18
by: Mephisto
Dimethylsulfate - synthesis
The 'DMSO to DMS way' is interesting. But I'm only interested in a synthesis with met ...
2-3-2004 at 12:25
by: Mephisto
And some information material
[list][*]If someone wants to give the DMS synthesis a try, he should read at first the Dupont DMS Bu ...
2-3-2004 at 04:01
by: Mephisto
Dimethylsulfate - synthesis
I want to know your opinion how it could be possible to improve this synthesis. I have tried a DMS s ...
2-3-2004 at 04:00
by: Mephisto
eBook (German): Brauer available now - complete

If you use more than one free-account at streamload, you had to clear cookies between chan ...
27-2-2004 at 05:12
by: Mephisto
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