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Variac Heating Up
So, how many volts are you hitting the NiChrome wire with to get it to glow yellow?
2-12-2019 at 11:19
by: G-Coupled
Is this Hotplate Stirrer good?
[rquote=627313&tid=154516&author=Sulaiman][rquote=627311&tid=154516&author=G-Coupled ...
2-12-2019 at 09:38
by: G-Coupled
Variac Heating Up
RedDwarf speaks sense - I would listen.

What is the load you're running with the Variac?
2-12-2019 at 08:52
by: G-Coupled
Is this Hotplate Stirrer good?
The Aliexpress one doesn't mention its power anywhere that I can see - it could be grossly underpowe ...
2-12-2019 at 08:46
by: G-Coupled
Is this small vacuum pump good for buchner funnels?
[rquote=627283&tid=154283&author=draculic acid69]No matter where I look fritted glass funnel ...
2-12-2019 at 06:25
by: G-Coupled
Is this small vacuum pump good for buchner funnels?
Those 20 dollar Amazon pumps sound pretty good from some of the reviews.

January 5, 20 ...
1-12-2019 at 13:45
by: G-Coupled
Variac Heating Up
AC current is [i]what[/i] now? o_0

What is the Variac rated at, and what are you powering with it ...
1-12-2019 at 13:31
by: G-Coupled
Pan Rescue: The Case of Burnt Oatmeal
[rquote=627248&tid=154508&author=AJKOER][rquote=627244&tid=154508&author=unionised]I ...
1-12-2019 at 08:54
by: G-Coupled
Lab Stands + Questions
[rquote=627243&tid=154480&author=Sulaiman]I have tried a few types of clamp...[/rquote]

N ...
1-12-2019 at 06:46
by: G-Coupled
Pan Rescue: The Case of Burnt Oatmeal
Piranha Solution - Go Big or Go Home!:cool:

[Edited on 1-12-2019 by G-Coupled]
30-11-2019 at 17:05
by: G-Coupled
She could check out Khan Academy's YouTube channel that has Python tutorials:

[url=https://www.yo ...
30-11-2019 at 17:00
by: G-Coupled
My new 1 pound TNT
[rquote=627184&tid=154501&author=wessonsmith][rquote=627178&tid=154501&author=Petn19 ...
30-11-2019 at 16:47
by: G-Coupled
How strict are you about using distilled water vs nondistilled/faucet water in your reactions?
[rquote=627205&tid=154458&author=chemist1243]it does not matter unless the procedure specifi ...
30-11-2019 at 16:45
by: G-Coupled
Never be complacent around hot conc nitric acid!
Them's some harsh reaction conditions - what was the experiment, as a matter of interest?
30-11-2019 at 16:24
by: G-Coupled
Suggestions of getting a lab heating source
Clean when hot and blue - IDK about how clean they are running cooler with a more yellow flame. Open ...
30-11-2019 at 16:19
by: G-Coupled
14/20 Reflux (Dimroth) Condensers?
Oh yeah - I'd like to know what's up with that, too. :)

Are they Chinese glass?
30-11-2019 at 16:16
by: G-Coupled
vaginal yeast infection for nitrostyrene reduction to mescaline
Oh, I'm sure The Mail on Sunday would *love* to hear about stimulants made using vagoo fungi. :D
30-11-2019 at 16:04
by: G-Coupled
Removing coating in photo lenses
Interesting - can you get some cheapo modern 35mm lenses to practice this on first? I suppose one co ...
30-11-2019 at 16:01
by: G-Coupled
Pan Rescue: The Case of Burnt Oatmeal
Has anyone tried Sodium Metasilicate as a cleaner for grease/fat/cooking residues?

It's supposed ...
30-11-2019 at 15:52
by: G-Coupled
How strict are you about using distilled water vs nondistilled/faucet water in your reactions?
So, the Fe poisons the phenomenon which produces the phosphorescence effect? That's interesting.

29-11-2019 at 11:54
by: G-Coupled
Archive of permanently deleted nile red videos not even available on patreon
BitChute also uses torrents to seed videos. :cool:
29-11-2019 at 09:13
by: G-Coupled
Suggestions of getting a lab heating source
[rquote=627074&tid=154482&author=vibbzlab]I did post it here. :D

I think you are so into ...
29-11-2019 at 08:52
by: G-Coupled
Do u guys make glacial acetic acid from 5% vinegar?
Cool - you must've purified it quite a ways if it froze near the temps that pure GAA does.
29-11-2019 at 08:44
by: G-Coupled
An odd smell from some acetone
[rquote=627066&tid=154497&author=TheMrbunGee]Or maybe Your hotplate is the source of smell?[ ...
29-11-2019 at 05:50
by: G-Coupled
Suggestions of getting a lab heating source
So you think that 100usd antslab 350W thing ...
29-11-2019 at 05:45
by: G-Coupled
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