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For sale: Lithium Aluminum Hydride 99% (pelletized)
Please refrain from posting a bunch of stupidities before actually checking the prices of LiAlH4 in ...
3-5-2010 at 14:16
by: Nicodem
Beware eBay aluminum
[rquote=177085&tid=13792&author=The WiZard is In]
It's [i][b]aluminum paste[/b][/i] looking ...
3-5-2010 at 14:05
by: Nicodem
Propyl-Iodide Preparation?
Smaerd, if you want to do some experiment on preparative synthesis, please give us a list of chemica ...
3-5-2010 at 13:38
by: Nicodem
Achiving anhydrous-ness via difusion & dilution
But this would not be "achieving anhydrous-ness" as your tittle claims, as all it would do would be ...
3-5-2010 at 13:21
by: Nicodem
CEM Microwave synthesis of 3-acyl 2,4-dihydroxyquionline
Which compound? There are innumerable acyl substituents possible and you don't even bother telling. ...
3-5-2010 at 13:13
by: Nicodem
CHCl3 + CaCl2 - What happened?
[rquote=177153&tid=13799&author=laekkerBoy]I really can't figure out what happened. I would ...
3-5-2010 at 13:03
by: Nicodem
Propyl-Iodide Preparation?
Smaerd, that is different reaction from the one discussed upthread and it is (still) not clear if yo ...
2-5-2010 at 11:31
by: Nicodem
Methyl aryl ether demethylation of 4-Allyl-2-methoxyphenol - a LONG discussion
Please open referenceless threads only in the Beginners section where I'm moving this. Not taking ev ...
2-5-2010 at 10:58
by: Nicodem
Propyl-Iodide Preparation?
[b]Smaerd[/b], how about learning the basics of chemistry [i]before[/i] actually doing any experimen ...
29-4-2010 at 01:42
by: Nicodem
Ethyl formate MDA>MDMA
That is a [u]formylation[/u] and not a methylation. The product is therefore the corresponding N-alk ...
29-4-2010 at 01:16
by: Nicodem
Synthesis Phenol
[rquote=176322&tid=13629&author=bbartlog]Further, it appears to me that it is not necessary ...
22-4-2010 at 06:32
by: Nicodem
Synthesis Phenol
After posting this thread, I have learned that ...
21-4-2010 at 12:49
by: Nicodem
Aesthetically Pleasing Organic Molecules
I'm quite sure you all already heard about the [url=]nanoputi ...
20-4-2010 at 10:37
by: Nicodem
Aesthetically Pleasing Organic Molecules
[rquote=175893&tid=1578&author=Sandmeyer]Does anyone happen to have a scanned version of the ...
19-4-2010 at 23:11
by: Nicodem
Camphor: Any interesting experiment?
[rquote=175846&tid=13675&author=Sandmeyer]An obvious OTC reaction that comes to mind and giv ...
18-4-2010 at 09:34
by: Nicodem
CS2 prep in microwave
[rquote=175856&tid=13605&author=Sandmeyer]Eh? Who goes to library before setting up an exper ...
17-4-2010 at 02:16
by: Nicodem
Camphor: Any interesting experiment?
Personally, I very much like the idea of deriving heterocycles from chiral terpenes. Camphor is just ...
16-4-2010 at 12:17
by: Nicodem
CS2 prep in microwave
I honestly think you two are exaggerating. First of all, I don't think anybody sane of mind and with ...
13-4-2010 at 23:25
by: Nicodem
Organic Reaction with benzene
The answer is "none". As far as I know nobody ever succeeded in alkylating nitrobenzene using the Al ...
13-4-2010 at 07:26
by: Nicodem
Synthesis Phenol
LaekkerBoy, welcome... but please be aware that you will receive more useful replies if you show you ...
11-4-2010 at 14:23
by: Nicodem
Vaccume distilling to dryness? buffer?
[rquote=175421&tid=13625&author=overunity33]Turd, my post may have been unclear but your pos ...
11-4-2010 at 12:41
by: Nicodem
tetra butyl ammonium bromide
JohnWW, I still think the carbonium cations are something completely different and have no real simi ...
9-4-2010 at 12:46
by: Nicodem
tetra butyl ammonium bromide
[rquote=175203&tid=13431&author=JohnWW]Oh, but has anyone actually succeeded in ISOLATING (e ...
8-4-2010 at 13:58
by: Nicodem
KClO3 from lie,too easy! (?)
[rquote=174798&tid=13576&author=mfilip62]Of course it is KOH, I wrote KNO3 as mistake in hur ...
7-4-2010 at 07:56
by: Nicodem
tetra butyl ammonium bromide
[rquote=175031&tid=13431&author=JohnWW]The nucleophilic substitution mechanism propounded on ...
6-4-2010 at 01:35
by: Nicodem
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