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Wiring Vacuum Pump
Black-Grey 1 = 26.0 Ω
Black-Grey 2 = 25.8 Ω
Black-White = 16.0 &# ...
19-7-2011 at 15:17
by: bfesser
Wiring Vacuum Pump
I just picked up an unused ULVAC G-10DA(S) pump from a local surplus shop. It has a Panasonic motor ...
16-7-2011 at 09:26
by: bfesser
another way to form sodium carbonate?
What happened to <strong>the <em>art</em> and <em>science</em> of amat ...
24-4-2011 at 10:23
by: bfesser
what kind of pump for water aspirator?
[rquote=207509&tid=16105&author=GreenD]Look up sump pumps... really - this is more of a goog ...
21-4-2011 at 18:38
by: bfesser
Total synthesis for beginner
[rquote=207503&tid=16044&author=ScienceSquirrel]If bfesser wants a simple problem to show ho ...
21-4-2011 at 18:34
by: bfesser
Total synthesis for beginner
Every time I see the thread title I think to myself, "Ooh! A serious thread on total synthesis." T ...
21-4-2011 at 09:35
by: bfesser
Pretty Pictures (1)
Mg is exceedingly cheap and easy to come by. 10% Na yield <em>is</em> worth sharing.
19-4-2011 at 09:15
by: bfesser
Atoms and harmonics
Perhaps the title of this thread should be 'Crackpot Pseudoscience'. :P

What type of 'excitement' ...
15-4-2011 at 13:23
by: bfesser
toluene storage
They're prone to static discharge?
8-4-2011 at 14:04
by: bfesser
toluene storage
Short term storage in polyethylene would probably be fine, but it may become brittle after long term ...
7-4-2011 at 17:46
by: bfesser
Vacuum dessicator
It's desiccator. Not dessicator.
5-4-2011 at 07:24
by: bfesser
Chemistry-related item on Google
I've always wanted to brew espresso over my Meeker burner... but I still don't have a propane regula ...
1-4-2011 at 12:00
by: bfesser
this is what?
Pilot plant glassware? Or small scale manufacturing.
22-3-2011 at 19:19
by: bfesser
Japanese nuclear reactor problems
[rquote=204633&tid=15782&author=The WiZard is In]Say ... anyone other then myself remember t ...
19-3-2011 at 09:16
by: bfesser
Japanese nuclear reactor problems
I have just one more asinine comment:

Perhaps they should have invested in developing <em>& ...
18-3-2011 at 12:29
by: bfesser
How can I separate a fine precipitate from water?
Boil the mixture.
16-3-2011 at 10:27
by: bfesser
Japanese nuclear reactor problems
Has anyone else noticed the sudden increase of listings for potassium iodide on eBay since these eve ...
16-3-2011 at 07:41
by: bfesser
Ampoule sealing inside the glove box
Put a rubber tube on the neck of the ampoule while in the glovebox and clamp it. Then remove from t ...
13-3-2011 at 17:45
by: bfesser
Identification of glassware
Hard to tell from a photo, but that frit doesn't look too fine. Gravity might be enough. Flash pum ...
5-3-2011 at 21:58
by: bfesser
Heating Flammables in Test Tubes
When I was young I had many glass tubes explode in my hands and face. As long as you use reasonably ...
5-3-2011 at 21:52
by: bfesser
Can someone help me identify the use of this?
A picture would help greatly.
5-3-2011 at 18:23
by: bfesser
Presenting: The super ghetto DIY pH meter.
Can't wait for the sequel! :D
4-3-2011 at 18:23
by: bfesser
Methanol from Windshield Washer Fluid
[rquote=203394&tid=15614&author=nervSreck]please excuse my stupidity, i didn't even take hig ...
4-3-2011 at 18:21
by: bfesser
Triple point of water cell for sale
Pictures would be excellent. Definitely interested, here!
4-3-2011 at 12:16
by: bfesser
Polverone; any comment?
28-2-2011 at 15:06
by: bfesser
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