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call for participation: modernizing SM forum software
I'd like to offer assistance, if possible. I have previous experience with phpBB and a few other fo ...
12-2-2012 at 08:22
by: bfesser
[rquote=225352&tid=17828&author=Polverone]I warned him in the HI thread. He is not going to ...
12-2-2012 at 08:09
by: bfesser
Refining mercury from cinnabar
Just a thought, but it may be easier and safer to just find a local source.
12-2-2012 at 06:49
by: bfesser
Nicotine Extration. (At Home)
sciencefreak666, please put some effort into your spelling, capitalization, and use of symbols. In ...
12-2-2012 at 06:46
by: bfesser
'Polyethylene Glycol 3350 NF'
I recently underwent a laparoscopic appendectomy and was given a bottle polyethylene glycol (PEG) wi ...
7-2-2012 at 14:31
by: bfesser
Nicotine Extration. (At Home)
What won't!? Seriously, do some research of your own. Try a real library, not just half-assed Goog ...
7-2-2012 at 13:56
by: bfesser
The LeRoy "mystery illness?"
MSDB -- ???
TCE -- trichloroethene
EPA -- Environmental Protection Agency
HPV -- human papilloma ...
5-2-2012 at 07:59
by: bfesser
Nicotine Extration. (At Home)
Find a first edition copy of <em><a href="">Introduction to Or ...
5-2-2012 at 07:46
by: bfesser
1g Osmium and 1g Iridium for sale
It is also well known for causing damage to the cornea, with large exposure eventually leading to bl ...
8-1-2012 at 08:05
by: bfesser
eBay Chemicals--Ignored Seller IDs
<strong>Could a Moderator or Polverone please delete (detritus) this thread?</strong>

5-1-2012 at 17:18
by: bfesser
eBay Chemicals--Ignored Seller IDs
eBay allows users to specify sellers when using the search function. You can also specify sellers t ...
5-1-2012 at 06:29
by: bfesser
eBay Chemicals--Ignored Seller IDs
I thought this might be a little time saver for some of you who use eBay to acquire certain chemical ...
5-1-2012 at 06:14
by: bfesser
Anyone else like Wipeout?
[rquote=231962&tid=18424&author=Neil] do you rick-roll a person face to face?[/rquote] ...
5-1-2012 at 06:05
by: bfesser
4 Students Burned At Maple Grove Junior High
This was on the front page of one of the <a href=" ...
4-12-2011 at 08:26
by: bfesser
Wiring Vacuum Pump
I don't have any 15 μF capacitors on hand, but I found three 5 μF capacitors. I w ...
7-11-2011 at 09:52
by: bfesser
Royal Society frees up journal archive
Now I'll never be able to leave the house again--too busy reading papers.
6-11-2011 at 06:57
by: bfesser
NMR - Restricted Rotation
Rotation cannot occur around the N=C bond.
31-10-2011 at 14:07
by: bfesser
Oxidizing Naphthalene to Phthalic anhydride
Your product would likely be present as dipotassium o-phthalate. Try filtering to remove MnO<sub ...
31-10-2011 at 13:59
by: bfesser
Nickel and Titanium complexes
Test them to see if either forms a complex with 2-acetoxybenzoate.
28-10-2011 at 18:58
by: bfesser
Nickel and Titanium complexes
Please use available search engines or a library before posting.

Titanocene and Nickelocene are t ...
27-10-2011 at 17:00
by: bfesser
Something more powerful that HMX
Looks like copy pasta.
21-10-2011 at 14:15
by: bfesser
anonymous201 ...
21-10-2011 at 14:11
by: bfesser
Hydrogen iodide(HI)
Yeah, yeah. And there's free <a href="">cocaine in you ...
21-10-2011 at 13:57
by: bfesser
Making Lithium Carbide
Without even looking at data, I'd guess that Li is a much better conductor than a graphite pencil le ...
21-10-2011 at 13:53
by: bfesser
Hydrogen iodide(HI)
Original post has little to nothing to do with the title. Just another methamphetamine cook looking ...
21-10-2011 at 13:36
by: bfesser
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