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Picric acid: different instructions
DNP and TNP can visually construct similar crystallization architecture. The simplest method to dete ...
8-1-2012 at 09:49
by: quicksilver
RDX E method
I never had any success with trioxane for a hexamine substitute (in this context). It's a shame as w ...
7-1-2012 at 06:15
by: quicksilver
UCLA prof and UC system face felony charges after lab accident
Many years back I had decided to carefully discern what was an "accident" and what was "negligence". ...
6-1-2012 at 11:06
by: quicksilver
Have you told anyone about the forum?
Tesla Coils, Microscopes, & an enormous amount of books crowd my home. It would come as no surpr ...
4-1-2012 at 16:16
by: quicksilver
Zero tolerance for meth cooks kewls and other troublemakers?
Both species endanger home science hobbies; I think most all agree. High energy experiments demand a ...
4-1-2012 at 15:51
by: quicksilver
UCLA prof and UC system face felony charges after lab accident
This is an interesting subject. I have almost gotten into a habit of reading labels. On food product ...
4-1-2012 at 11:48
by: quicksilver
fluorine based pyrotechnic
I believe it was in Henderson (NV) there was a military flare production facility in which a tragedy ...
4-1-2012 at 11:29
by: quicksilver
Let's Make This an Ethical New Year
In my opinion and as what I would consider logical, the dissemination of knowledge would only be une ...
3-1-2012 at 07:43
by: quicksilver
Let's Make This an Ethical New Year
I believe the issues involved in the dissemination of knowledge is a responsibility we all share. Th ...
2-1-2012 at 11:19
by: quicksilver
Let's Make This an Ethical New Year
Several of you have known me for varying lengths of time. One or two have met me face to face. Sever ...
1-1-2012 at 11:49
by: quicksilver
UCLA prof and UC system face felony charges after lab accident
Safety training in modern industry is intertwined with licensing and mandatory. In any plant with mi ...
29-12-2011 at 07:23
by: quicksilver
Nipolite and gunpowder + PETN (replacing gunpowder)

Could the smokeless gunpowder used for modern, ...
27-12-2011 at 07:56
by: quicksilver
The Responsibility of Scientists as fellow Human Beings
[rquote=230651&tid=18295&author=IrC]I would say the innocent most at risk, and those most ab ...
23-12-2011 at 12:37
by: quicksilver
The Responsibility of Scientists as fellow Human Beings
[rquote=230637&tid=18295&author=IrC]He was talking about the study of science as found in na ...
22-12-2011 at 14:13
by: quicksilver
The Responsibility of Scientists as fellow Human Beings
This is a very interesting discussion.
There has been a great deal of material written on medical e ...
22-12-2011 at 10:25
by: quicksilver
Nipolite and gunpowder + PETN (replacing gunpowder)

Could the smokeless gunpowder used for modern, ...
20-12-2011 at 06:26
by: quicksilver
"How to train your dragon" - Fire of a Night Fury in reality?
IF you can get back issues of the Journal of Explos & Pyrotechnics, there is a great many featur ...
19-12-2011 at 14:32
by: quicksilver
Like to take a moment and point out some material (from "The Pentaerythritols by Barlow); I am parap ...
14-12-2011 at 15:42
by: quicksilver
As it turns out there may be some public dissemination (via the internet or crap-books) that deal wi ...
11-12-2011 at 14:22
by: quicksilver
Nipolite and gunpowder + PETN (replacing gunpowder)
[rquote=229250&tid=18183&author=KINTF]I've read that germans used special gunpowder(nitrocel ...
11-12-2011 at 14:04
by: quicksilver
CL-20 competes for one of the more expensive energetic materials in private and military industry (@ ...
2-12-2011 at 14:14
by: quicksilver
Use a standard oven.

This issue is not unique depending on where you live or the conditions on wh ...
2-12-2011 at 13:43
by: quicksilver
The Restriction of a Chemical Element
It seems this thread has gone in two directions. One is the legalistic element of why certain object ...
30-11-2011 at 10:39
by: quicksilver
Journal of amateur science
Realistically only a few people really make use of the SEARCH engine. If you read some of the posts, ...
30-11-2011 at 09:25
by: quicksilver
Old man driven out of business by the DEA
'Beavis and Butt-Head'-types, were coming into camping stores and buying everything they had on the ...
29-11-2011 at 12:28
by: quicksilver
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