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Oxalyl Chloride Challenge
I have tried a few syntheses of glyoxal, one of it being Polish patent oxidation of ethylene glycol ...
24-6-2020 at 03:21
by: mackolol
Effect of impure reagents on reactions?
I can tell you a nice example. Of course it's more of a curiosity. I'll copy this from wikipedia:

23-6-2020 at 13:15
by: mackolol
Oxalyl Chloride Challenge
[rquote=639047&tid=82462&author=clearly_not_atara]2018 atara: lots of complicated ideas

2 ...
23-6-2020 at 13:09
by: mackolol
Forbidden Knowledge!
For me chemistry is chemistry, you take it all or nothing. It includes drugs poisons bombs and tear ...
23-6-2020 at 05:13
by: mackolol
Mysterious orange-brown residue inside used glassware
Yeahh.. for sure dont eat it, dont sniff it neither inject it anywhere.
I'm pretty sure whatever it ...
22-6-2020 at 12:14
by: mackolol
Most toxic compound OTC?
Recently it came to my mind that most OTC and very toxic yet mutagenic and carcinogenic are toxins f ...
21-6-2020 at 11:12
by: mackolol
non noble corrosion resistant metal and alloys for storing or reacting corrosive chemicals
Chromium is very resistant. All chemical resistant alloys consist of chromium, but I don't know exac ...
21-6-2020 at 02:44
by: mackolol
how to pump nitric acid?
As for the aluminium, NO2 dissolved in water will corrode it quite significantly. Not all of the NO2 ...
19-6-2020 at 04:30
by: mackolol
Easy Colourful Quantum Dots
And what's the chemistry behind it. What chemical is formed by heating sugar with HCl and then neutr ...
18-6-2020 at 04:07
by: mackolol
what is your take on spending absurd amounts of money on this hobby?
or spend $20 if you 3D print the gearbox and use com ...
18-6-2020 at 04:05
by: mackolol
Why use a acetone bath in rdx synthesis?
The smell of acetone in that kind of bath would be owerwhelming. And what a terrible loss.
Just us ...
17-6-2020 at 13:11
by: mackolol
Pressure effect on decomp temp?
When heat is added to a substance, the molecules and atoms vibrate faster. As atoms vibrate faster, ...
17-6-2020 at 02:37
by: mackolol
Almost getting caught
And why did they check you? It isn't very common for the police to search for somebody's house if on ...
17-6-2020 at 02:27
by: mackolol
Almost getting caught
I haven't got caught, but I have some entertaining story.
Back in seconary school, my dad has boug ...
17-6-2020 at 02:23
by: mackolol
What is the cost to set up a lab or lab-like area?
Just concentrate on something simple that you want to do. For example I started from two beakers the ...
15-6-2020 at 05:36
by: mackolol
Dimethylation of tryptamine via formaldehyde/STAB
[rquote=638354&tid=23682&author=karlos³]Eh, you can just boil the quaternary ammonium salt ...
15-6-2020 at 01:43
by: mackolol
Electrolytic sulphur
And what are the advantages of such cathodes?
15-6-2020 at 01:40
by: mackolol
Most toxic compound OTC?
[rquote=638316&tid=155450&author=Mateo_swe]How about Salvinorin A?
It is the main active ps ...
14-6-2020 at 11:55
by: mackolol
Perchlorate cell additives for Pt anode
I have some information about catalysts for electrolytic chlorate production from Polish forum thoug ...
13-6-2020 at 07:14
by: mackolol
PETN and RDX doubts
[rquote=638233&tid=155571&author=Smoker Root]
Oh thank you. Can you cite a way of synthesis ...
13-6-2020 at 07:04
by: mackolol
Anti bike theft agent
[rquote=638231&tid=155483&author=Refinery]I see. I've heard that it smells "fishy". One of m ...
13-6-2020 at 06:57
by: mackolol
PETN and RDX doubts
[rquote=638173&tid=155571&author=Smoker Root]
3. In RDX synthesis it is widely used nitrati ...
13-6-2020 at 04:30
by: mackolol
Anti bike theft agent
[rquote=638118&tid=155483&author=Refinery]tert-Butyl Isocyanide it is, then.

If there is ...
13-6-2020 at 04:24
by: mackolol
Dimethylation of tryptamine via formaldehyde/STAB
[rquote=638226&tid=23682&author=Syn the Sizer]I am curious, I do not plan on trying to synth ...
13-6-2020 at 04:20
by: mackolol
Help in Identifying a compound
[rquote=638149&tid=155566&author=Eddie Current]How strong was your starting HNO3?

I'm not ...
12-6-2020 at 02:57
by: mackolol
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