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(PBR)Polybutadiene Rubber
PBR tackifier /binder for plasticizing crystaline energetics is as close as a store that carries bir ...
12-10-2010 at 04:18
by: grndpndr
Ammonium Dinitramide?
I came across this chemicals basic charteristics while perusing a series of multiple topics hosted b ...
12-10-2010 at 03:27
by: grndpndr
Coordinated Map Directed Fire Support (CMDFS)
Like it or not indirect GPMG fire IS obsolete,thers no discussion in any reputable military forums o ...
16-9-2010 at 12:37
by: grndpndr
Coordinated Map Directed Fire Support (CMDFS)
I said the Mg42 has very little bearing on the mechanical operation of the mag 58 or M60 that is FAC ...
4-9-2010 at 16:11
by: grndpndr
Unconventional Shaped Charges
[rquote=186512&tid=10575&author=grndpndr] Maybe an 'adult' pissing contest where instead of ...
3-9-2010 at 04:21
by: grndpndr
Unconventional Shaped Charges
[rquote=186518&tid=10575&author=grndpndr][rquote=186513&tid=10575&author=hissingnois ...
3-9-2010 at 00:22
by: grndpndr
ammonium nitrate rocket fuel
The use of AN in various rocket propellants is very exciting! Im anxios to make a file of whats avai ...
2-9-2010 at 23:56
by: grndpndr
Coordinated Map Directed Fire Support (CMDFS)
LMAO!! Indirect fire with MGs?!? Afraid that isnt the GD secret weapon you imagine ya fuckin yard b ...
1-9-2010 at 22:55
by: grndpndr
Unconventional Shaped Charges
[rquote=186513&tid=10575&author=hissingnoise]You're a gas, grndpndr. . .

Liter ...
31-8-2010 at 12:09
by: grndpndr
Unconventional Shaped Charges
Maybe an 'adult' pissing contest where instead of lenghth we compare how many pages spell it one wa ...
31-8-2010 at 10:50
by: grndpndr
Unconventional Shaped Charges
Theres nothing unconventional about 99% of any of the sc effects in any of the 30 plus pages I can ...
31-8-2010 at 02:23
by: grndpndr
Coordinated Map Directed Fire Support (CMDFS)
Send your idea up the chain of command im sure it will attract attention maybe just not the kind yo ...
31-8-2010 at 01:19
by: grndpndr
Coordinated Map Directed Fire Support (CMDFS)
1, that method while effective in certain situations 100 yrs ago was coupled with
liquid cooled b ...
30-8-2010 at 13:48
by: grndpndr
Picric acid sensitivity
Regardless of safety it is a very litigious society.With that in mind i dont know if its wise from a ...
30-8-2010 at 12:50
by: grndpndr
Picric acid sensitivity
Exactly what my post was intended to describe, a beauracracy run amuck supoposedly concerned with t ...
29-8-2010 at 17:21
by: grndpndr
Picric acid sensitivity
picric acids far from the first or last material organic or otherwise
that the government will dea ...
29-8-2010 at 11:14
by: grndpndr
Exotic Oxidizers
Surplused ammo from the former yugoslavia is corrosive as has been mentioned in 7.62 nato and 7.62x3 ...
20-8-2010 at 15:42
by: grndpndr
Unconventional Shaped Charges
I must have really hurt your feelings to dredge up such an old post.
All due respect but Im afraid ...
19-8-2010 at 20:10
by: grndpndr
Questions about PICRIC?....
[rquote=184893&tid=14237&author=pjig]I wonder if it could be mixed well while in a melted st ...
10-8-2010 at 22:20
by: grndpndr
Picric acid: different instructions
Interesting patent,thanks for bringing it to my/our attention.One of my first reactions upon readin ...
9-8-2010 at 08:00
by: grndpndr
Picric acid: different instructions

Thanks for your patience Roscoe.I understand your reasoning Roscoe and of course appreciate the h ...
8-8-2010 at 23:17
by: grndpndr
Questions about PICRIC?....

I ran across a qoute suposedly from a french patent circa 1885 #167,512. An explosive made by mix ...
8-8-2010 at 22:15
by: grndpndr

If the last was posted from memory you either saw the movie far to many times or have an enviable ...
8-8-2010 at 14:06
by: grndpndr
Unconventional Shaped Charges
Seems the ANNMSA would certainly be safer and judgujng by axts results seems to posess adequate bri ...
8-8-2010 at 13:00
by: grndpndr
Picric acid: different instructions
I was familiar with the eutectic trimonite using the mononitro/pa IIRC the mononitro having a lower ...
8-8-2010 at 11:50
by: grndpndr
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