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Laws Affecting Legitimate Amateur Science
You may or may not have noticed my decline in relevant posting. The reason for this is primarily fea ...
23-8-2005 at 02:33
by: Ramiel
fermentation question
A brew going rotten is not affected overmuch by how much oxygen your brew has ‘access’ to. If yo ...
3-8-2005 at 00:03
by: Ramiel
Noob questions about nitration
None that one could <html><a href=" ...
4-7-2005 at 22:10
by: Ramiel
Noob questions about nitration
I was reffering to acids in general. Note well that certain superacids can 'acidify' CH< ...
3-7-2005 at 08:25
by: Ramiel
Noob questions about nitration
This is a roundabout way of answering your question, but how do you think acids can have wildly nega ...
1-7-2005 at 07:14
by: Ramiel
DPPP and other issues.
Is that really Hideki?! It would be some kind of justice if we enforced Wikipedia against him... kin ...
3-5-2005 at 00:33
by: Ramiel
DPPP and other issues.
DPPP or <html><i>How your friend Ramiel dropped you in the shit.</i>

Recently, ...
3-5-2005 at 00:11
by: Ramiel
Download an open forum backup!
Both backups downloaded.
30-4-2005 at 06:25
by: Ramiel
Reduction of NO3 salts
Wow, what a bother to get pure nitrite.. NO<sub>2</sub>? Though, if you wanted to be su ...
27-4-2005 at 05:28
by: Ramiel
Carbon is still the king.
I use the carbon reduction of potassium nitrate to get all of my needed nitrite. I've found th ...
25-4-2005 at 00:05
by: Ramiel
But then there is the problem of a run of shirts, and mailing costs... why not just set up a secret ...
17-4-2005 at 09:21
by: Ramiel
H2o2 + Kmno4
Yea, the peroxide will reduce the permanganate to [!Mn<sup>2+</sup>] Mn<sup>4+&l ...
13-4-2005 at 17:57
by: Ramiel
Can't make CuO
Thank you uberluminal. What kind of setup did you have? is the current density important, I've ...
7-4-2005 at 21:09
by: Ramiel
unstable equilibrium....
The universe is a stable equilibrium...
Remember that the earth isn't a closed system.. so wit ...
7-4-2005 at 06:46
by: Ramiel
What is the most ignorant thing you have ever done while conducting an experiment?
These are all good stories.
One of the most dangerous thing's i've done is to load firecr ...
6-4-2005 at 19:09
by: Ramiel
Poll: What is YOUR level of education??
Honours in Chem.

[Edited on 28-3-2009 by Ramiel]
30-3-2005 at 22:37
by: Ramiel
Polymer Clay Curing (formerly 'Boyle's Law')
Hey now, there's no need to become indignant. Perhaps you might imagine that these people can b ...
18-3-2005 at 23:48
by: Ramiel
Rocket propellant
RS: I've had some success with rich KNO<sub>3</sub> + Sugar mixes. Usually consiste ...
25-11-2004 at 05:39
by: Ramiel
Ethylene oxide synthesis
Thank you all for excellent answers.
The problem I see with a catalyst tube type setup isn't t ...
27-10-2004 at 16:31
by: Ramiel
Ethylene oxide synthesis
I would prefer not to create a new post, but:

I'm looking for a route to ethylene oxide.
Th ...
26-10-2004 at 18:53
by: Ramiel
Ethanol oxidation
I may as well hang my head and ask what's bothering me.

I've been trying to make ethano ...
27-8-2004 at 17:17
by: Ramiel
Ethanol production from anything other than yeast
Stop this please, you three. Marvin - your response <html><i>is</i></html> a ...
23-8-2004 at 03:34
by: Ramiel
Distillation of Cider.
IMVHO, The important thing with pot stills is heating it at just the right rate. Since you can' ...
10-8-2004 at 16:24
by: Ramiel
Distillation of Cider.
This is not true. I have operated a reflux still and a 'pot still' (in which the so-called ...
6-8-2004 at 00:17
by: Ramiel
abuse of member registration
I like the idea of a quiz like JC suggested. If I could put in my two pence, how about a chemistry r ...
3-8-2004 at 16:46
by: Ramiel
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