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Awful ETN yields [rquote=628998&tid=154677&author=XeonTheMGPony]Some actual information would be nice, like h ... |
22-3-2020 at 21:13 by: Brightthermite |
Short question / quick answer - Thread Could not find this in any of the other threads, is ETN hygroscopic at all? Has anyone else had expe ... |
21-3-2020 at 19:59 by: Brightthermite |
Help with CHP Flawed Soul, did you get the yield you were expecting using this method? And just for the sake of in ... |
20-7-2019 at 21:59 by: Brightthermite |
Help with CHP More cooling then. Would leaving the lid open allow the solution to evaporate off and leave the salt ... |
29-6-2019 at 11:37 by: Brightthermite |
Help with CHP I wasnt aware that it reacts with Al thank you. I try to keep a layer of plastic rap in between thin ... |
27-6-2019 at 18:53 by: Brightthermite |
Help with CHP
[file]76094[/file] [file]76096[/file] [file]76098[/file] |
26-6-2019 at 22:21 by: Brightthermite |
Help with CHP
[file]76084[/file] [file]76086[/file] [file]76088[/file]
[file]76092 ... |
26-6-2019 at 22:18 by: Brightthermite |
Help with CHP Hey everyone I am new to this forums but have been tinkering with this kind of stuff for awhile. I r ... |
26-6-2019 at 22:16 by: Brightthermite |