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My video: Making 1,2-Dichloropropane
Hi guys,
I made some 1,2-Dichloropropane and uploaded to Youtube. ...
23-9-2017 at 15:57
by: vmelkon
Trouble with molten sodium hydroxide electrolysis
You can get rid of the water by melting the NaOH and waiting for a while. That should drive the wate ...
26-6-2017 at 21:46
by: vmelkon
Another Zoom Lens
Pretty impressive. I have been looking for this camera around Montreal but can't find it.
I can't f ...
27-2-2017 at 12:33
by: vmelkon
Wikipedia metric vs old stuff
[quote]A few anonymous bodies on a Science forum just aren't going to have the leverage to make a di ...
16-2-2017 at 05:28
by: vmelkon
Wikipedia metric vs old stuff
[rquote=474821&tid=72334&author=zwt]They already have a guideline for this: [url=https://en. ...
15-2-2017 at 16:50
by: vmelkon
Wikipedia metric vs old stuff
I don't know who is the manager or authority at wikipedia.
It seems to be community oriented.

Th ...
15-2-2017 at 08:48
by: vmelkon
Wikipedia metric vs old stuff
This post is about, not the wiki at sciencemadness.

With regards to wikipedia artic ...
15-2-2017 at 07:53
by: vmelkon
Alternatives to Nitrogen.
Heat copper powder in air and it will remove the O2, leaving you mostly N2 and Ar. To get rod of CO2 ...
13-2-2017 at 23:27
by: vmelkon
US Pyrex kitchenware not Borosillicate glass!
Yes, we know.

The part that I didn't know was that Corning sold off their kitchenware division. M ...
5-2-2017 at 06:26
by: vmelkon
Storage under water.
[rquote=473389&tid=72040&author=Chlorine]I've never had a problem with water evaporation. I' ...
4-2-2017 at 06:39
by: vmelkon
Canada - not receiving things
I ordered glass stoppers from China in Nov 29, 2016 from ebay and still have not received them. He g ...
3-2-2017 at 06:45
by: vmelkon
Help Buying Platinum Leaf
Swing a 15 hammer for 70*60*4= 16,800 strokes
th ...
24-11-2016 at 07:46
by: vmelkon
How to get Methyl Ethyl Ketone (Butanone) in California or suitable alternative?
I buy my Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-butanone) at Canadian Tire, 1 L is 12 or 14$.
Want some?
24-11-2016 at 05:57
by: vmelkon
Alcohol burner usefulness? Also, some glassware heating questions.
[rquote=466800&tid=70852&author=Melgar]They are useful, but you should really only have one ...
16-11-2016 at 09:58
by: vmelkon
Solid glass stopper or empty glass stopper?
Solid glass stopper or empty glass stopper?
Which one is better?

My glassware is 24/40 in size.
13-11-2016 at 05:56
by: vmelkon
NaNO3 turned black when evaporated at 400F??
Perhaps there were organic materials and they got oxidized by the hot NaNO3. I hear that activated c ...
25-10-2016 at 10:04
by: vmelkon
PDF dump!
What's a copper liner?
Your power source is a weird one. Maybe it has some fancy electronics in it ...
20-10-2016 at 16:03
by: vmelkon
What is electricity?
[rquote=464025&tid=70011&author=j_sum1]Whereas the charge flow and the rate at which an elec ...
17-10-2016 at 10:51
by: vmelkon
What is electricity?
[rquote=463955&tid=70011&author=phlogiston]Consider current in an electrolytic cell.
It is ...
16-10-2016 at 18:22
by: vmelkon
What is electricity?
Hello people,
There is a thread over at

The convers ...
16-10-2016 at 10:58
by: vmelkon
Potassium bisulfate
1. Neutralize the acid by adding K2CO3.
2. Dissolve and then recrystallize and wash the crystal ...
4-10-2016 at 12:33
by: vmelkon
Does sodium burn in CO2 atmosphere?
Does sodium burn in CO2 atmosphere?
Anyone tried it?
I always see demos with Mg and CO2 but never ...
11-9-2016 at 17:32
by: vmelkon
Diluting HCL produces heat
No, when you dissolve HCl in water, it is 100% dissociated. It is considered a strong acid.
Adding ...
7-9-2016 at 11:52
by: vmelkon
Propylene glycol in homemade ice cream
This is not a cooking forum.
7-9-2016 at 08:31
by: vmelkon
quicklime with a bunsen?
[rquote=459289&tid=68625&author=PHILOU Zrealone]Sunlight must be smarter than propane torch ...
31-8-2016 at 12:25
by: vmelkon
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