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As I can remember, toluene forms nitrates only with highly concentrated HNO3 and H2SO4,and they are, ...
27-1-2010 at 07:15
by: mfilip62
Thanks nitro,didnt know that word in english so I didn't want to
sound like smartass!:D

You di ...
27-1-2010 at 04:48
by: mfilip62
Glycerine was added REALLY slowly in ice bath and constantly stirred,allmost no heat to be measured. ...
26-1-2010 at 17:04
by: mfilip62
You neutralize acids like before but then dump white NG/water emulsion in toluene and stirr a bit.
26-1-2010 at 12:16
by: mfilip62
I got some idea about NG that may be crazy
or great and simple...

What about toluene!?

Is it ...
26-1-2010 at 10:04
by: mfilip62
catalyst for TetramericAcetonePeroxide
3-1-2010 at 15:17
by: mfilip62
catalyst for TetramericAcetonePeroxide
Does anybody know how to make SnCl2 and SnCl4 !?

O.K. principle is straight forward.
When you ex ...
3-1-2010 at 14:42
by: mfilip62
Best and worst smelling chemicals?
Vanilla extract and nitoglicerine are my favourites!
H2S is not bad at all for me,it is pretty fine ...
3-7-2008 at 16:23
by: mfilip62
Mud problem in AN
12AX7(or pulverscent!?) TKANK YOU WERY WERY MUCH!!!!

This methode of yours is soo effective I cou ...
23-6-2008 at 15:05
by: mfilip62
Mud problem in AN
:D:D:D HS2000 is a gun, not a fertilizer!!!!!!!!:D:D:D
One of the our rare export products!

Kriv ...
7-6-2008 at 04:03
by: mfilip62
Mud problem in AN
I am not taotally sure,but i think that expect HS2000 that is one of the rare Croatian export produc ...
29-5-2008 at 12:37
by: mfilip62
Mud problem in AN
Thanks 12AX7(or pulverscent!?)
Looks like fine metehode,but i must read it few more times becouse e ...
27-5-2008 at 10:03
by: mfilip62
Mud problem in AN
Lately I started to filtrate my annual batches of ammonium nitrate solution from KAN,comercial ferti ...
23-5-2008 at 04:45
by: mfilip62
ETN-cann it replace TNT in the future!?
Thanks Electric!

O3 you act youreselve as an ignorant antediluvian fool!!!:mad:

Try not to ofe ...
28-8-2007 at 15:11
by: mfilip62
ETN-cann it replace TNT in the future!?
As I understanded DDT is formated by decomposion of ETN and this is wery unstable explosive!

What ...
26-8-2007 at 15:28
by: mfilip62
ETN-cann it replace TNT in the future!?
Hy folks,

Any of you tried this relatively new usable explosive!
I know that most of you are fam ...
21-8-2007 at 12:58
by: mfilip62
The WORST BOOKS Ever Written
[quote][i]Originally posted by Quince[/i]
Help for what? Like the great physicist Steven Wein[b]be ...
7-7-2007 at 08:58
by: mfilip62
Unconventional Shaped Charges
Are shaped charges good for digging up holes in the ground about 1-2m deep!(wine bottle SC for examp ...
24-4-2007 at 11:08
by: mfilip62
Fuel-Air Explosives
If you try to grind carbide you will definitly spoil it!
I tried once to putt grinded carbide insid ...
15-2-2007 at 10:39
by: mfilip62
Unconventional Shaped Charges
Nitro,are you saying that hemispheric liner with hole in it would be better?!?!

How thick (for ex ...
15-2-2007 at 05:56
by: mfilip62
Fuel-Air Explosives
I agree with you nitro-genes butt when you buy
presurized gas here you actually just rent gas cont ...
14-2-2007 at 10:32
by: mfilip62
Fuel-Air Explosives
Yeah,acetilene looks like good idea!
I have better one,butt it will be too expensive,too powerfool ...
14-2-2007 at 07:25
by: mfilip62
Fuel-Air Explosives
You theory sounds perfect butt it is still a teory!!!!
I understand that you want to help, butt pos ...
13-2-2007 at 09:29
by: mfilip62
Fuel-Air Explosives
[quote][i]Originally posted by nitro-genes[/i]

Yes, I use electric firing on occasion as well. :) ...
12-2-2007 at 11:34
by: mfilip62
Fuel-Air Explosives
Oh yes,and there is no need for some special electronic like EBW firing you can just use two detonat ...
11-2-2007 at 09:32
by: mfilip62
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