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Is there a book describing how to obtain modern technologies from scratch?
[rquote=213943&tid=16777&author=XZVTTwNtpeu9swCk]Nowadays, industrialised humans use the pro ...
28-6-2011 at 22:55
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
A new source of free science books online
[rquote=212396&tid=16636&author=DJF90]Thanks, I was actually going to buy the linked book la ...
10-6-2011 at 00:16
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
A new source of free science books online
I debated whether this should go in the References section, but I reckon everyone should know about ...
9-6-2011 at 21:32
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
OTC methanol in Oz?
I got a litre of methanol from a speed shop north of Adelaide some months ago, no worries. I think ...
28-1-2011 at 19:53
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
DIY magnetic stirrer
[rquote=194401&tid=3056&author=Stasis][rquote=194178&tid=3056&author=Gearhead_Shem_T ...
9-12-2010 at 15:53
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
DIY magnetic stirrer
[rquote=194171&tid=3056&author=Stasis][rquote=194125&tid=3056&author=obsessed_chemis ...
5-12-2010 at 00:48
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
Britney Spears says she's Toxic, is your reaction?
This is a great idea. Perhaps it should have a sticky with it to give a suggested streamlined forma ...
10-10-2010 at 17:51
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
Thermometer mishap in Sodium Acetate soln :(
Mercury on it's own is not particularly dangerous ...
4-10-2010 at 04:10
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
Thermometer mishap in Sodium Acetate soln :(
OK, so my wife is out of town for two days, and I say to myself, "This is a great time to neutralise ...
27-9-2010 at 23:57
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
Getting to phenols
After we master the basics of purifying chems, I want to get into
polymer chemistry, phenolics in p ...
23-9-2010 at 00:13
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
New place to look for conc. acetic acid
I just found a new place for 30% acetic acid: in food-grade it's
used by cake decorators for "roya ...
22-9-2010 at 06:38
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
Pathways for a beginner
[rquote=187459&tid=14474&author=Magpie]Gearhead I know what you mean about producing yawns f ...
15-9-2010 at 21:04
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
Pathways for a beginner
[rquote=187426&tid=14474&author=entropy51]Have you seen the Golden Book of Chemistry Experim ...
13-9-2010 at 17:48
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
Pathways for a beginner
Over the past couple years I've been gathering a variety of OTC
chemicals and a small amount of gla ...
12-9-2010 at 20:42
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
Grouping of compatible chemicals for storage
I've been scratching my head over how to interpret this table from [u]Prudent Practices in the Labor ...
7-9-2010 at 17:35
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
"Bluo" optical brightener -- ferric ferrocyanide?
[rquote=186794&tid=14417&author=Rich_Insane]Try a little more carbonate. If nothing happens, ...
4-9-2010 at 19:40
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
"Bluo" optical brightener -- ferric ferrocyanide?
[rquote=186671&tid=14417&author=Mr. Wizard]I remember my old Chemcraft Chemistry set would u ...
2-9-2010 at 21:02
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
"Bluo" optical brightener -- ferric ferrocyanide?
I just bought a bottle of Pascoe's Bluo here in Australia in hopes
it contains ferric ferrocyanide, ...
2-9-2010 at 05:42
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
1934 Pop Sci Chemistry table & fume cupboard
[rquote=186608&tid=14392&author=Rogeryermaw]wow...that's all i can say about! pro ...
2-9-2010 at 01:01
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
Where to get metals and their carbonates other t?
Assuming you don't mean to prospect for metal ores to smelt, you can just walk around any urban neig ...
1-9-2010 at 01:45
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
Formply for chemistry table?
If you are tiling find the largest floor tile ...
31-8-2010 at 19:21
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
1934 Pop Sci Chemistry table & fume cupboard
Here's the PDF of the construction article.


31-8-2010 at 15:06
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
Updated Raymond B. Wailes index
(I've added more summaries of the experiments covered in the article; I'm about half way through wit ...
30-8-2010 at 05:14
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
1934 Pop Sci Chemistry table & fume cupboard
I've scanned & re-formatted a 1934 article from Popular Science on building a nice chemistry ben ...
29-8-2010 at 21:50
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
Formply for chemistry table?
I'm looking at getting a sheet of formply (a.k.a. hard face) plywood to build my lab bench (and mayb ...
29-8-2010 at 16:07
by: Gearhead_Shem_Tov
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