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Gas combination that explodes upon light
Is there any minimal level of knowladge in chemistry needed for posting here?
what about the " ...
3-12-2005 at 09:19
by: Dr. Beaker
Strenght of oxidizers
I'll not waste my time any more on the issue of who's rude and what is a joke and what is ...
1-12-2005 at 12:06
by: Dr. Beaker
Strenght of oxidizers
I must agree with what unionised says, since redox, like many other types of reactions, are highly d ...
29-11-2005 at 13:21
by: Dr. Beaker
Strenght of oxidizers
what is your problem?
have you mixed your medications today?
have'nt the nurse to ...
28-11-2005 at 13:08
by: Dr. Beaker
Strenght of oxidizers
and some more on the subject...
some time ago I heard a seminar in our department and what catched ...
28-11-2005 at 09:30
by: Dr. Beaker
Strenght of oxidizers
I think a powerfull, possibly the strongest oxidizer might be KrF2 since the Kr-F bonds are even wea ...
28-11-2005 at 09:17
by: Dr. Beaker
Titanium di oxide
TiCl4 is a starting meterial to many Ti(IV) complexes that can be used as catalysts in various react ...
11-11-2005 at 14:49
by: Dr. Beaker
plausible mechanism with SbCl5
I think SbCl5 (strong lewis acid) abstract chloride from SOCl2 to produce SOCl+ which is highly ele ...
8-11-2005 at 16:38
by: Dr. Beaker
S* is the labeled one.
notice that Cl- is indeed a catalyst.
[img] ...
8-11-2005 at 15:09
by: Dr. Beaker
antimony pentachloride+chloride?
does'nt SbCl5 a very strong lewis acid?
In that case it will react with Cl- to create
SbCl6- ...
8-11-2005 at 13:44
by: Dr. Beaker
how to make Polypropylene in lab?
by using radical polymerization you can't usually have control over regio and stereochemisrty o ...
4-11-2005 at 02:59
by: Dr. Beaker
how to make Polypropylene in lab?
for the mean time...
some refferences of Ziegler and natta's original work:
1 a) K. Ziegler ...
3-11-2005 at 17:39
by: Dr. Beaker
how to make Polypropylene in lab?
this happens to be the research field of my PhD...:D
what king of pp you want to make?
iPP, sPP, a ...
3-11-2005 at 17:36
by: Dr. Beaker
nickel chloride
any other metal with higher reduction potential will be displaced by Ni.

Cu+2 +Ni --> ...
3-11-2005 at 17:19
by: Dr. Beaker
Drying Ammonia
Silica gel in considered an acidic medium.
it is used for chromatography, and such a basic ans pola ...
23-10-2005 at 16:33
by: Dr. Beaker
If only life were so easy
then all the difficult and complex centrifugs would be redundent...
and everyone with U deposite wi ...
7-10-2005 at 16:52
by: Dr. Beaker
prepairation of Br2 from sea water
regarding the 1st question: I don't use gasous chlorine but a chlorine solution (which is actua ...
14-9-2005 at 14:45
by: Dr. Beaker
prepairation of Br2 from sea water
yeh, but since I can get there in an hour drive it's the best source for me.
you can use ordib ...
14-9-2005 at 14:03
by: Dr. Beaker
prepairation of Br2 from sea water
Hi ppl.
wanted to share with you a nice way inwhich I obntaine Br2. It works nice for me, and I hop ...
13-9-2005 at 13:43
by: Dr. Beaker
thanx for the insights. that what I thout more or less. this can have very nice implication for me : ...
13-9-2005 at 09:51
by: Dr. Beaker
the affect of electric field on electrolytes
a conceptual question:
I knwo that desalination could be made by method called electrodialysis (
s ...
13-9-2005 at 08:21
by: Dr. Beaker
Uranium from phosphate ore?
I was surprised to find out that U metal is beenig sold freely, however, since I don't ...
11-9-2005 at 02:49
by: Dr. Beaker
Uranium from phosphate ore?
U're right there is indeed no U in steel, but there is U coated steels in the weapons industry: ...
10-9-2005 at 09:06
by: Dr. Beaker
thanx for the help, but
sadly:(, I've calculated in the mean time that actually I'll have to deal with TONS of the ...
10-9-2005 at 05:31
by: Dr. Beaker
some ideas that poped in my mind...
I guess acidic extraction and then chelating U+n (+3 probably) specie with large organic ligand that ...
9-9-2005 at 14:55
by: Dr. Beaker
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