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Gunpowder (Potassium Chlorate) from Bleach
This reaction is notorious for very low yields. You should better look into chloride electrolysis if ...
4-12-2020 at 05:02
by: Antigua
Do not keep illegal drugs for personal use in your house, if you do chemistry as a hobby
[rquote=650131&tid=156392&author=karlos³][rquote=650124&tid=156392&author=Antigua]W ...
29-11-2020 at 12:50
by: Antigua
Do not keep illegal drugs for personal use in your house, if you do chemistry as a hobby
Wow, that is unusual. I wonder whether it's anything chemistry related :o
29-11-2020 at 11:05
by: Antigua
Do not keep illegal drugs for personal use in your house, if you do chemistry as a hobby
I'm aware, what I meant is that many problems emerge (especially with education institutes like coll ...
29-11-2020 at 08:45
by: Antigua
Do not keep illegal drugs for personal use in your house, if you do chemistry as a hobby
[rquote=650110&tid=156392&author=karlos³]Yeah I remember the case with Lippert Lehrmittel t ...
29-11-2020 at 07:36
by: Antigua
Do not keep illegal drugs for personal use in your house, if you do chemistry as a hobby
What was your sentance, if I could ask? And is it common for suppliers (at least in Europe) to repor ...
28-11-2020 at 14:06
by: Antigua
Do not keep illegal drugs for personal use in your house, if you do chemistry as a hobby
You're in luck, atara ;)
And deathunter, what do you mean? Karlos is the last person that could be ...
27-11-2020 at 14:42
by: Antigua
Styrene to Acetophenone
Wouldn't you just get benzaldehyde or maybe some styrene oxide formed? How would you get acetophenon ...
24-11-2020 at 16:31
by: Antigua
Brominating granules containing mostly Sodium Dichloro-S-Triazinetrione
Didn't Tom from Explosions and Fire use a similar compound? I think it was the hydantoin then. Anywa ...
24-11-2020 at 10:28
by: Antigua
Testing for KCN
Maybe that could be of use to you? ...
20-11-2020 at 05:32
by: Antigua
The meaning of an old German term
I'm not a German at all, but isn't kugelrohr like a Rotovap apparatus? And zehn is 10, so something ...
15-11-2020 at 09:12
by: Antigua
2020 Secret Santa [tell everyone how it went]
Maybe, just maybe they'll send you a photo of their face after getting the present?
I'm pretty sur ...
15-11-2020 at 08:41
by: Antigua
The Short Questions Thread (4)
[rquote=648445&tid=25055&author=SHADYCHASE54]I want to convert the acetanilide back to the a ...
6-11-2020 at 11:00
by: Antigua
Eye-opening lab seizure
[rquote=648441&tid=156466&author=karlos³][rquote=648294&tid=156466&author=Antigua][ ...
6-11-2020 at 10:47
by: Antigua
The Short Questions Thread (4)
[rquote=648407&tid=25055&author=SHADYCHASE54]Hello I have a quick question regarding how to ...
6-11-2020 at 07:31
by: Antigua
Decarboxylation of L-tryptophan in DMSO
Wow, these are some really good results. You can buy capillary tubes for no more than 10USD per 200 ...
5-11-2020 at 08:59
by: Antigua
Eye-opening lab seizure
[rquote=648293&tid=156466&author=itsallgoodjames][rquote=648263&tid=156466&author=te ...
5-11-2020 at 06:31
by: Antigua
Is the mad science report newsletter ready to be added to prepublication
Looking much better! I've only got a couple of comments.
1. Should we really consider things like ...
3-11-2020 at 01:21
by: Antigua is now ready for orders. Buy esters
I'm in awe! Congratulations, the prices are VERY approachable as well.
1-11-2020 at 15:20
by: Antigua
What are some interesting uses for lithium metal
If you've got access to any subzero temperatures you could do some LEGAL Birch reductions, it's a ve ...
1-11-2020 at 05:07
by: Antigua
Latest chemical order?
How in the hell did you get 20g of PdCl2 for 25$??? :o
31-10-2020 at 11:36
by: Antigua
Quality Glassware breaking Easy by Cold Air! How to Avoid this?
Are you sure this glass isn't fake, non-boro? It sounds very, very weird for it to crack at such mil ...
31-10-2020 at 11:08
by: Antigua
Rare and hard to obtain chemicals for sale
Oh, good to see you here. I can assure that this guy is a responsible seller, can't count how many t ...
27-10-2020 at 16:14
by: Antigua
The disappearance of cheap ebay laboratory glassware
Chemland ships glass cheaper than the Chinese and it's got more than you could think of. Just take a ...
25-10-2020 at 13:58
by: Antigua
Ammonia from aluminium/magnesium + water?
I haven't done any research on that topic, but possibly something like NurdRage did with sodium and ...
25-10-2020 at 13:21
by: Antigua
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