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Pneumatic flame thrower
Experimentation with the choice of fuel particularly the highly volatile varieties
would prove inte ...
27-9-2010 at 18:03
by: franklyn
This may be useful
In references section ...
24-9-2010 at 13:14
by: franklyn
Coordinated Map Directed Fire Support (CMDFS)
Battle of Derapet involved by what I understand a 20 Aussie platoon + 20 Government Afghan troops
24-9-2010 at 12:28
by: franklyn
Silver and other metals from electronic scrap
A related thread here _

15-9-2010 at 17:34
by: franklyn
hydrazine nitrate and hydroxylamine nitrate
Adducts of Hydroxylamine which is itself energetic appear promising
candidates for propellants or ...
15-9-2010 at 01:28
by: franklyn
Toxic-gas liberating explosives
Mg3N2 + 2 CHF3 => 3MgF2 + 2 HCN

How much actual HCN is made given the temperature evolved is ...
14-9-2010 at 23:22
by: franklyn
Acetic anhydride preparation

Regarding this post on Ac2O formation. ...
14-9-2010 at 12:55
by: franklyn
Ethylene diamine perchlorate
Heterocyclics available as base adducts with oxy acid groups is extensive.
Examples of basic media ...
14-9-2010 at 12:07
by: franklyn
Ethylene diamine perchlorate
This patent dates to 1974 so this material has been around for a ...
9-9-2010 at 12:00
by: franklyn
Coordinated Map Directed Fire Support (CMDFS)
Unless you know what you're shooting at ( with whatever you prefer or have available )
and you have ...
9-9-2010 at 10:14
by: franklyn
A Pyridine adduct of Nitroform C5H5N • HC(NO2)3 => 6 CO + 2 N2 + 3 H2
should perform better th ...
9-9-2010 at 08:37
by: franklyn
Dissolving MnO2
For cleanup the methods already cited are adequate , for
true solvation without chemical reaction o ...
8-9-2010 at 08:04
by: franklyn
N2O dissolved in H2O2
Thanks but none of that refers to solubilities.
It has some appreciable solubility in water , data ...
8-9-2010 at 07:31
by: franklyn
Exotic Oxidizers
Inorganic Nitrate Hydrogen Peroxide Adducts & Methods for Their Preparation
US patent 200801905 ...
8-9-2010 at 07:24
by: franklyn
N2O dissolved in H2O2
What is the solubility of nitrous oxide ( N2O )
in hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2 )
or does this decomp ...
8-9-2010 at 05:09
by: franklyn
A more durable improvised detonating cord?
[b]@ Microtek[/b]

There's nothing to say that the H2 / Cl2 mixture cannot also additionally be
8-9-2010 at 05:01
by: franklyn
A more durable improvised detonating cord?
Hydrogen and Chlorine is photoactive and explosively reacts upon exposure to light in a 1 to 1 molar ...
7-9-2010 at 18:27
by: franklyn
An interesting way to find H2S04 strength
[rquote=186994&tid=14433&author=Microtek]I get dilution of 90 % acid with an equal weight of ...
7-9-2010 at 09:39
by: franklyn
Diethylene glycol dinitrate
[b]@ The WiZard is In[/b]

I had hoped for the whole publication but as you are doing
this piec ...
7-9-2010 at 09:19
by: franklyn
Diethylene glycol dinitrate
Apparently the insensitivity of the nitrate ester is a property that is
not also characteristic of ...
7-9-2010 at 00:36
by: franklyn
Coordinated Map Directed Fire Support (CMDFS)
Using machine guns as substitute artilery gives new meaning to death from above.
Which is likely to ...
6-9-2010 at 21:10
by: franklyn
An interesting way to find H2S04 strength
The procedure then would be start with equal measured weights of ice cold H2SO4
and H2O in separat ...
6-9-2010 at 20:28
by: franklyn
Where to get metals and their carbonates other t?
If price is no object

daily market values
[color=t ...
5-9-2010 at 11:11
by: franklyn
Ethylene diamine perchlorate
Referring to the previous posting above in this thread of this topic here _
http://www.sciencemadne ...
4-9-2010 at 16:28
by: franklyn
ALICE propellant
This paper has some relevance to propellant applications

[u]Atomic Layer Deposition of Oxidizer C ...
4-9-2010 at 12:06
by: franklyn
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