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Toluene For Hydrogenation Reaction
[rquote=656074&tid=157130&author=njl]What is that kind of catalyst called? Is it just activa ...
10-3-2021 at 08:11
by: itsallgoodjames
Bad days in the lab or with glassware?
[rquote=655920&tid=24908&author=Fyndium]I've truly grown to hate magnetic stirrers.

It se ...
10-3-2021 at 08:00
by: itsallgoodjames
Where to get phosphorus pentoxide in Canada, and what's a reasonable price for it?
Basically what the title says. I need some P2O5 for making N2O5 for a few things in the future. I ...
10-3-2021 at 07:45
by: itsallgoodjames
Glacial acetic acid in Canada?
Try alphachem if you're in Ontario. I haven't bought any glacial acetic acid from them, but they se ...
2-3-2021 at 22:46
by: itsallgoodjames
How large amounts are separated?
If you're trying to separate large amounts of liquids, decant as much of the liquid as possible then ...
28-2-2021 at 17:59
by: itsallgoodjames
Mercury in Canada
[rquote=655515&tid=156300&author=Fyndium]150$/kg isn't so bad after all, but for market bulk ...
28-2-2021 at 17:57
by: itsallgoodjames
Mercury in Canada
[rquote=655506&tid=156300&author=B(a)P][rquote=655503&tid=156300&author=itsallgoodja ...
25-2-2021 at 18:51
by: itsallgoodjames
Mercury in Canada
[rquote=646275&tid=156300&author=B(a)P]I get 3 mm ones and they have about 0.5 g.
The ones ...
25-2-2021 at 16:18
by: itsallgoodjames
1000%+ of expected yield of cobalt from lithium ion batteries. Why?
I was unaware of that. I guess I'll have to go through some separation steps then. Kind of odd tha ...
16-2-2021 at 10:50
by: itsallgoodjames
1000%+ of expected yield of cobalt from lithium ion batteries. Why?
the copper didn't really seem to be damaged. My test thing also didn't show any copper. So it does ...
15-2-2021 at 17:07
by: itsallgoodjames
1000%+ of expected yield of cobalt from lithium ion batteries. Why?
[rquote=655089&tid=157057&author=Amos]You say you expected 20 grams of cobalt to be in the b ...
15-2-2021 at 16:04
by: itsallgoodjames
1000%+ of expected yield of cobalt from lithium ion batteries. Why?
Oh, I'll fix that. Sorry
15-2-2021 at 15:51
by: itsallgoodjames
1000%+ of expected yield of cobalt from lithium ion batteries. Why?
So I've been extracting cobalt from cell phone batteries. I found online a figure of 0.3 grams of l ...
15-2-2021 at 15:28
by: itsallgoodjames
Acid mixtures that dissolve gold

HClO3 isn't stable, at least not in any significant concentration. ...
13-2-2021 at 17:03
by: itsallgoodjames
What forum theme do you use?
I use the default, as it is the best one
11-2-2021 at 08:46
by: itsallgoodjames
Whenever I try to post in beginnings, I get the error
The system has failed to process yo ...
11-2-2021 at 08:43
by: itsallgoodjames
Can you store 95% sulfuric acid in HDPE for a long time?
If the bottle or the acid is getting discoloured, you want a new bottle. You can get shatter resist ...
10-2-2021 at 09:15
by: itsallgoodjames
Why when 3He captures a neutron, does it not turn into 4He, rather than 3H + H?
Nevermind, ignore this please
10-2-2021 at 08:51
by: itsallgoodjames
Cobalt selenite + photos
Wow, those are super vibrant colors. I should get some selenic acid. I wonder what hexammine nicke ...
9-2-2021 at 11:50
by: itsallgoodjames
Black Phosphorus Sources
[rquote=654707&tid=157016&author=pip]How much red phosphorus would you need? The availabilit ...
9-2-2021 at 11:45
by: itsallgoodjames
8-2-2021 at 10:41
by: itsallgoodjames
Sodium nitrite from barium nitrite
I don't have much experience with barium stuff, but if it's anything like CaSO4, it'd be a pain to f ...
6-2-2021 at 23:24
by: itsallgoodjames
Why when 3He captures a neutron, does it not turn into 4He, rather than 3H + H?
Basically what the title says. I can't seem to find any information about this. My only thoughts a ...
21-1-2021 at 08:03
by: itsallgoodjames
Ti substrate ThO2 anode for perchlorate cell. Good idea?
[rquote=653242&tid=156909&author=wg48temp9]Judging by the white colour of ThO2 in a bright l ...
17-1-2021 at 09:58
by: itsallgoodjames
hydrogen peroxide.
Generally for concentrating hydrogen peroxide above 35%, vacuum distillation is used. This is quite ...
15-1-2021 at 23:15
by: itsallgoodjames
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