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Uranium Chemistry, A Quora Responce
Uranium gets a bad rap, being widely regarded as exotic and dangerous. As a fellow "amateur chemist" ...
19-1-2015 at 07:38
by: SimpleChemist-238
The Dollar Store Chemistry Challenge
Any ideas for organic chemistry? ethyl acetate to Ethy and sodium acetate, then combustion of the et ...
18-12-2014 at 19:09
by: SimpleChemist-238
The Dollar Store Chemistry Challenge
The alcohol is legal in the states as long as the distillery is not in font of a park and you are no ...
18-12-2014 at 18:48
by: SimpleChemist-238
My School, "WAR on drugs!" Caffeine Today
The actual letter failed to copy so here it is.

These drinks are designed to give the consumer ...
18-12-2014 at 18:44
by: SimpleChemist-238
My School, "WAR on drugs!" Caffeine Today
My area is West Palm Beach florida, I do not feel conferrable discussing my specific school for obvi ...
18-12-2014 at 18:40
by: SimpleChemist-238
The Dollar Store Chemistry Challenge
I got this idea from a friend, it is not my own. I only added to it.

A friend of mine came up wi ...
18-12-2014 at 18:28
by: SimpleChemist-238
My School, "WAR on drugs!" Caffeine Today
Energy Drinks, Coffee and Sugary Drinks are Prohibited at School

Attached is a letter regarding s ...
18-12-2014 at 13:20
by: SimpleChemist-238
Urine Chemistry And William Prout

% of Total Nitrogen
Amino Acids
Uric A ...
14-12-2014 at 06:07
by: SimpleChemist-238
Urine Chemistry And William Prout
Lately I have been reading about biochemistry, the most recent is ATP and cell respiration. I am pre ...
10-12-2014 at 19:55
by: SimpleChemist-238
Chemistry Using ground Water
I have not been pour waste on ground. Thanks for the info. I use to know a chemist in back water Geo ...
10-12-2014 at 19:31
by: SimpleChemist-238
Chemistry Using ground Water
I might be moving to a area that has no city water and it is feed by ground water. This means that d ...
1-12-2014 at 05:40
by: SimpleChemist-238
Ideas for polymers that become solvent resistant after polymerization?
It would be interesting to see a polymer that could produce electric current like piezo crystals. Yo ...
19-11-2014 at 05:24
by: SimpleChemist-238
Where to buy equipment from?
Its florescent ability and interesting characteristics of it and its salts. 10grams or so. I would p ...
15-11-2014 at 13:06
by: SimpleChemist-238
Where to buy equipment from?
When I started amateur chemistry I used home science tools but there stock is limited and the chemic ...
15-11-2014 at 09:12
by: SimpleChemist-238
what do you use to store iodine/bromine
I long time ago I stored iodine crystals in a closed glass jar with other samples in a storage cabin ...
13-11-2014 at 05:56
by: SimpleChemist-238
The Condensation Reaction Of Salicylic Acid And Acetone
Bisphenol A was first synthesized by the Russian chemist A.P. Dianin in 1891.[13][14] This compound ...
11-11-2014 at 06:46
by: SimpleChemist-238
The Condensation Reaction Of Salicylic Acid And Acetone
Is this the compound that would be the product of the reaction of salicylic acid and acetone? Any id ...
10-11-2014 at 19:23
by: SimpleChemist-238
The Condensation Reaction Of Salicylic Acid And Acetone
Based on some information on the web ( I do no yet have a text book) a condensation reaction is the ...
10-11-2014 at 18:50
by: SimpleChemist-238
Acetic Acid Synth. Easy Home Version.
When I require ethyl acetate, I don't like to spend large amounts of funds on large quantity's of re ...
7-11-2014 at 05:30
by: SimpleChemist-238
Natural Science
A great song about the world of science
3-11-2014 at 16:51
by: SimpleChemist-238
Looking to give away lab glass/equipment. Specifically Dallas/Fort Worth
I am in florida, anything left? I am interested in organic chemistry equipment, any flasks or distil ...
29-10-2014 at 16:39
by: SimpleChemist-238
Bad news and getting a new lab
Well I am moving and I need to bring my lab with me. This means moving the equipment and chemicals I ...
16-10-2014 at 09:07
by: SimpleChemist-238
Easy source or synthesis of formaldehyde
How did you make the coper coil? It seems like a ok method.

[Edited on 30-9-2014 by SimpleChemist- ...
30-9-2014 at 11:05
by: SimpleChemist-238
Easy source or synthesis of formaldehyde
Thank you for the info. The Trioxane methode sound intresting
30-9-2014 at 10:29
by: SimpleChemist-238
Easy source or synthesis of formaldehyde
maybe using a acidic catalyst I can make it from Hexamethylenetetramine. Would the ammonia evolve f ...
30-9-2014 at 03:40
by: SimpleChemist-238
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