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Winter sun looks dark
Anyone who thinks it does anything other than eye damage should be exposed as a dumbass. I remember ...
29-1-2014 at 20:46
by: Random
Winter sun looks dark
Well then enjoy the sight.
29-1-2014 at 16:33
by: Random
Winter sun looks dark
Exactly as bfesser said and also you aint gonna feel nything until its too late anyway.

So keep s ...
29-1-2014 at 16:24
by: Random
Pd/H2 reduces aldehydes to alkanes or alcohols?
How does one explain hydrogenation of unsaturated ketone to rheosmin which doesn't ger further hydro ...
27-1-2014 at 16:15
by: Random
Reduction of levulinic acid
What about aluminum isopropoxide it is used to reduce ketones
27-1-2014 at 16:11
by: Random
Detritus from "chem haters"
[rquote=315185&tid=26413&author=GoldGuy]Why are ppl so scared? I dont get it... It's like th ...
25-1-2014 at 16:34
by: Random
Name that rock
Guys how do you identify rocks? Is there some kind of protocol for that? I never understood how one ...
24-1-2014 at 16:46
by: Random
Good idea to make my own catalyst?
[rquote=316123&tid=28600&author=elementcollector1]For organic reactions, I often hear of pal ...
24-1-2014 at 16:01
by: Random
Synthesis of sodium thiocyanate.
But I asked for cyanate not cyanide
19-1-2014 at 19:09
by: Random
Synthesis of sodium thiocyanate.
Anyone has some new information on this subject? Would cyanate react with sulphur while heating it t ...
17-1-2014 at 19:21
by: Random
Little things that surprised you in chemistry
[rquote=315325&tid=28474&author=Zyklonb]Also how bright Mg ribbon burns, I had seen it a few ...
17-1-2014 at 18:27
by: Random
My iron salts collection
Iron benzoate is insoluble in water and can be easily prepared from solue iron salt and sodium benzo ...
15-1-2014 at 08:48
by: Random
My iron salts collection
Color and properties of this product are highly dependant on the ratios of reactants. Also there mig ...
13-1-2014 at 18:44
by: Random
My iron salts collection
You can also try to make ferrofluid.
12-1-2014 at 06:59
by: Random
My iron salts collection
[rquote=315069&tid=28468&author=Toluene]Thanks Radom, is then any way to synthesis the citra ...
11-1-2014 at 17:39
by: Random
My iron salts collection
Iron citrate might be easily attacked by moulds as many other citrate salts

Iron ammonium citrat ...
11-1-2014 at 16:28
by: Random
Resulting compound from a reaction with formaldehyde in methylations?
Does this also work on phenols?
10-1-2014 at 16:27
by: Random
Unusual copper ([+I, +II] complex?
I wonder if Cu2+ can oxidize H2SO3 to H2SO4 and itself get reduced to Cu+. It would be interesting w ...
8-1-2014 at 19:08
by: Random
How to extract ethylene glycol from car liquid
Franklyn that would be terribly unprofitable.
8-1-2014 at 13:04
by: Random
Probably just too busy with life, even the simplest inorganic experiments take me 3 hours in the lab ...
7-1-2014 at 07:15
by: Random
Benzoic Acid, Carbamid>Benzamid>Anilin?

Do you have any details?
6-1-2014 at 15:20
by: Random
Pictures of members.
Congrats botonist, also lookin real good, nice beard and hairstyle. Which buzzcut length do you use?
6-1-2014 at 05:36
by: Random
Ethyl Isopropyl Ether
Yeah, so magnesium is my best bet then. I might try it once I find a way to make alkyl chlorides wit ...
4-1-2014 at 17:13
by: Random
Benzoin condensation with thiamine
I read on wikipedia page of thiamine that it can be used instead of sodium cyanide. Might be useful ...
4-1-2014 at 17:02
by: Random
Ethyl Isopropyl Ether
[rquote=314061&tid=28240&author=bfesser]Try <a href=" ...
4-1-2014 at 16:22
by: Random
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