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Anyone have a Linux or OS X machine w/32 GB RAM?
By "almost" first principles I mean that most of the model parameters are system-independent and com ...
9-10-2015 at 08:57
by: Polverone
Anyone have a Linux or OS X machine w/32 GB RAM?
And willing to install software and run some calculations on it?

I have been working with a forme ...
8-10-2015 at 16:33
by: Polverone
Site Backup
Archive updated again. Archive is now current through 23 September 2015.

http://www.sciencemadnes ...
27-9-2015 at 11:59
by: Polverone
The Hive back online at Erowid
This is excellent news. Any chance of getting a full database dump? I don't really want to tax the s ...
23-9-2015 at 19:18
by: Polverone
Professional Difficulties - Pay Sub-Forum
I don't call for donations prominently because the good people of Sciencemadness paid for many years ...
29-7-2015 at 14:12
by: Polverone
Quantum Mechanics/Wave Mechanics in Chemistry Beginners Thread
Are you perhaps using McQuarrie and Simon's <i>Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach</i& ...
10-7-2015 at 12:48
by: Polverone
Anyone have access to a computer cluster?
I am posting here because smaerd said it was ok to discuss in the public thread. He is looking at a ...
3-7-2015 at 15:47
by: Polverone
having trouble with "some' OF THE LIBRARY DOWNLOADS.
Please give an example of a file you can download and a file you can't download. I will check the pr ...
16-6-2015 at 11:04
by: Polverone
Is there any experiment to produce carbon-neutral steel?
So called "direct-reduced iron" is made from iron ore and methane, and the process is already in use ...
31-5-2015 at 14:29
by: Polverone
Dear moderator
Sorry, only spam and blatantly illegal material gets deleted. I have instead randomized your passwor ...
20-5-2015 at 16:04
by: Polverone
Sears potassium permanganate 6lb
I bought quite a bit of it from the local Sears about 10 years ago. The purity and form seemed about ...
20-5-2015 at 15:53
by: Polverone
img tags now converted to attachments
It has been brought to my attention that the forum is suffering image rot as externally hosted image ...
15-5-2015 at 13:16
by: Polverone
Site Backup
Archive updated again. Unfortunately forgot to revisit this thread before preparing it so the search ...
12-5-2015 at 15:37
by: Polverone
chloral hydrate synthesis
Transformation of trichloroethylene to chloral via hypochlorous acid appears to be patented, and the ...
19-4-2015 at 12:18
by: Polverone
Vanadium extraction?
I would try using the alloy it as the anode in an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide. The vanadium ...
14-4-2015 at 12:55
by: Polverone
Make Potassium (from
There is a good description of the process here: ...
8-4-2015 at 15:19
by: Polverone
Is old picric acid gauze found in first aid kits really that dangerous?
I don't know where the terror comes from but I have seen several scientists express great fear over ...
22-3-2015 at 11:48
by: Polverone
How to apply constant force on a molecular structure?
You're not going get to a "drumming" effect from what I've proposed. Each calculation starts from a ...
8-3-2015 at 12:15
by: Polverone
Org. chem book based on pKa-s
You might be thinking of Michael B. Smith's <i>Organic Chemistry: An Acid-Base Approach</i& ...
7-3-2015 at 15:36
by: Polverone
How to apply constant force on a molecular structure?
I don't know about Hyperchem specifically but it sounds like you are doing a molecular mechanics/mol ...
6-3-2015 at 11:35
by: Polverone
Unitized Experiments in Organic Chemistry by Brewster and Vanderwerf
Magpie has graced us with accounts of several preparations taken from the pages of Brewster's Unitiz ...
22-2-2015 at 21:46
by: Polverone
Approximate Molecular Orbital Theory by Pople and Beveridge
This one is only interesting for theoreticians, programmers, and historians.

Before John Pople di ...
22-2-2015 at 02:42
by: Polverone
Coming out to your chemistry teacher as a home chemist
I was lucky in that my high school chemistry teacher was extremely enthusiastic about chemistry. Her ...
17-2-2015 at 15:50
by: Polverone
Perchloric Acid and Perchlorates by Alfred Schilt
Dr. Bob provided me with raw scans for this book more than a year ago. I have, shamefully, not under ...
15-2-2015 at 20:03
by: Polverone
response to the spams
Hi Loptr,

Sorry I haven't kept up with this thread lately. I appreciate your offer. I would be gl ...
10-1-2015 at 14:06
by: Polverone
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