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thf oxidation
Skippy's method works also with the 1,4-butandiole, but I doubt that it is easier to get for yo ...
5-1-2005 at 16:02
by: Mephisto
3,4,5-trimethoxy-beta-nitrostyrene synthesis
[b]enima:[/b] Do you have a reference for 1b? The mono-methylation of syringaldehyde with TMP to TMB ...
3-1-2005 at 15:53
by: Mephisto
Sodium sulfate
Your Cu(OH)2 decomposed by heat to black CuO.

Anyways, I wonder, that you can buy CuSO4 but not N ...
30-12-2004 at 03:15
by: Mephisto
how to produce Cu2O at home
[b]FrankRizzo:[/b] No, that’s not right. Cu (+IV) appears only with fluorine. Mixing dissolved CuS ...
30-12-2004 at 02:36
by: Mephisto
Needed books
I've just uploaded [b]»Metal-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions«[/b] (by François Diederich ...
18-12-2004 at 10:30
by: Mephisto
Römpp names calcium oxide, magnesium powder and 3 Å molecular sieves being suitable for IPA.
15-12-2004 at 05:54
by: Mephisto
What happened to rhodium and Hive
This password argument is a good point. It depends, whether the passwords are saved as plain text or ...
15-12-2004 at 04:10
by: Mephisto
What happened to rhodium and Hive
If the alternative to this "risky" hosting is no web-presence, than that's a poor cho ...
14-12-2004 at 22:29
by: Mephisto
The Hive needs COMPETENCE
[quote]What we do need is donations to cover the hardware costs of a professional server. In additio ...
14-12-2004 at 17:08
by: Mephisto
Something interesting from NH4HCO3...
[quote] I've bought some NH4HCO3, ammonium bicarbonate, and I want to know if can be made somet ...
12-12-2004 at 15:53
by: Mephisto
Sulfuric acid from CuSO4
I think other vitriols are more suitable for this. FeSO4 x 7 H2O for example. It decomposes at lower ...
6-12-2004 at 11:41
by: Mephisto
What happened to rhodium and Hive
[b]mophead:[/b] PMed you. I hope you've got the necessary capacity for such a hosting.
4-12-2004 at 09:21
by: Mephisto
What happened to rhodium and Hive
I've made a mirror of on 16-08-04. The compressed RAR-archive is now on axehandle� ...
2-12-2004 at 11:53
by: Mephisto
1-chloro-2-propanone (chloroacetone)
In many cases TCCA doesn't behave like predicted. The oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehy ...
26-11-2004 at 07:21
by: Mephisto
I'm afraid TCCA will substitute OH on position 4 in vanillin through Cl. And I couldn't fi ...
25-11-2004 at 15:47
by: Mephisto
Styrene - coppersalt complexes
Too bad, Ullmann gives no source to this statement.

I found an example, which you might think is ...
24-11-2004 at 13:42
by: Mephisto
Methods of Chlorination of Primary non Benzylic Alcohols
Wow, that's a real good finding, especially as TCT (TCCA) is OTC available. If they don't ...
23-11-2004 at 17:08
by: Mephisto
ebook i would like to put online but it´s not possible..
Saerynide: How do you call it, making three same posts and even a fourth one after chemoleo and me m ...
23-11-2004 at 08:50
by: Mephisto
ebook i would like to put online but it´s not possible..
1. Most of them are already on the ftp.
2. [b]No triple-posting![/b]
3. Axehandle didn't sha ...
23-11-2004 at 07:40
by: Mephisto
To get rid of H2O in Cu(acetate)2.H2O
Huh, so what's the problem? The monohydrate will lose it's crystal-water completely at 100 ...
23-11-2004 at 07:20
by: Mephisto
Picric acid: different instructions
> Does this mean that in 100grams(=100ml)of water,only 0.81gram of Pa can be solved at 10°?

Y ...
13-11-2004 at 16:17
by: Mephisto
Styphnic acid and lead styphnate
[b]SAM4CH[/b]: 1-2) That's a typical mistake if you calculate the amount of sulfuric acid only ...
13-11-2004 at 08:12
by: Mephisto
Picric acid: different instructions
[b]Smoer:[/b] Yes, it doesn't matter which of both methods you use. It doesn't harm to tak ...
12-11-2004 at 15:04
by: Mephisto
Picric acid: different instructions
I also carried out the ASA+KNO3+H2SO4 method successfully.

Since you're from Belgium, it ...
12-11-2004 at 13:17
by: Mephisto
aromatic sidechainchlorinations - Toluene - Benzylchloride, Benzalchloride, Benzotrichloride and followup reactions yielding Ben
Can really everybody smell Benzaldehyde? It's the same smell like HCN and a certain part of peo ...
11-11-2004 at 04:52
by: Mephisto
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