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Got an impurity in Copper Acetate Synthesis
Yeah I did a simple filtration and ended up with a very nice purple solution. I'm allowing it to slo ...
15-9-2016 at 00:23
by: Fidelmios
Got an impurity in Copper Acetate Synthesis
So I found that it is indeed Copper hydroxide. I will try to separate them by gravity filtration.

13-9-2016 at 13:59
by: Fidelmios
Copper Acetate
Is there a way to separate the Copper Hydroxides out? I sorta made a large batch and don't want to w ...
13-9-2016 at 13:57
by: Fidelmios
Pretty Pictures (2)
Yeah my current potassium ferricyanide crystals aren't coming out yet. It's like they're neither gro ...
11-9-2016 at 18:09
by: Fidelmios
Got an impurity in Copper Acetate Synthesis

9-9-2016 at 16:30
by: Fidelmios
Got an impurity in Copper Acetate Synthesis
I forgot myself my lords. I shall flail myself many times and do 30 NMR analyses for penance.

Ser ...
9-9-2016 at 16:15
by: Fidelmios
Got an impurity in Copper Acetate Synthesis
Hello again,

I feel like I make these threads every month with a new problem. This month is Coppe ...
9-9-2016 at 14:13
by: Fidelmios
Copper Acetate from Copper Sulfate
okay so I used a fan to evaporate off the excess Water and Acetic Acid. Most of it is gone, but I've ...
5-9-2016 at 20:20
by: Fidelmios
Copper Acetate from Copper Sulfate
So I went about Neme's method, in a much smaller amount, and with a much larger amount of Acetic Aci ...
1-9-2016 at 00:32
by: Fidelmios
Need help setting up a PID temperature Controller
Not yet, I had a but of a problem finishing my secondary circuit. I sorta messed up and burnt out my ...
27-8-2016 at 00:33
by: Fidelmios
Copper Acetate from Copper Sulfate
Hey again all,

So I was doing some of my crystallizations, and I am using up my supply of 10 lbs ...
27-8-2016 at 00:27
by: Fidelmios
Need help setting up a PID temperature Controller

Here is a video kinda confirming my schematic. Since ...
5-6-2016 at 22:02
by: Fidelmios
Need help setting up a PID temperature Controller
It also came with a japanese? manual, and a temperature probe
5-6-2016 at 20:46
by: Fidelmios
Need help setting up a PID temperature Controller
Hey all, this is an update. I've taken the casing off here are the results ...
5-6-2016 at 14:09
by: Fidelmios
Need help setting up a PID temperature Controller
Thank you very much, I think my question is, since my heat lamp already plugs into the wall outlet, ...
4-6-2016 at 21:30
by: Fidelmios
Very cheap beaker warmers
I went out to my local GoodWill and bought two for two dollars each. Great heat, but very poor when ...
4-6-2016 at 16:54
by: Fidelmios
Need help setting up a PID temperature Controller
Hello all,

I am starting to get into crystal growing with a tad more quality with my results. As ...
4-6-2016 at 16:49
by: Fidelmios
Copper Sulfate impurities?
Okay, so fast forward a few days and the solutions are still blue green, and damn murky. I even trie ...
27-5-2016 at 00:14
by: Fidelmios
List some BAD chemistry YouTube videos
Never made the claim he did those things. I said its a dumb idea, because it IS a dumb idea. I get t ...
26-5-2016 at 23:32
by: Fidelmios
Question on this neat crystallization
Neat! That is very interesting thank you Hegi
25-5-2016 at 23:23
by: Fidelmios
List some BAD chemistry YouTube videos
Not sure if mentioned but the infamous Crazy Russian Hacker made an air conditioning unit out of a 5 ...
25-5-2016 at 23:20
by: Fidelmios
Copper Sulfate impurities?
I'm pretty sure the impurities are gone now. (hopeing)
25-5-2016 at 17:39
by: Fidelmios
Copper Sulfate impurities?
Hello all,

So I've been doing crystallizations of Copper sulfate for over a month now, and I have ...
25-5-2016 at 16:42
by: Fidelmios
Question on this neat crystallization
That was my question, it doesn't look like a double salt, so idk what I made.
19-5-2016 at 14:41
by: Fidelmios
Question on this neat crystallization
The camera does not do this mass justice. The Ferrous Sulfate ones on the left are almost transparen ...
19-5-2016 at 10:28
by: Fidelmios
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