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Low denisty organic fluids for making immiscible bi-layers.
Maybe use inert gas instead?
19-3-2020 at 03:06
by: DavidJR
Pretty Pictures (2)
Yeah I've done that to an erlenmeyer on a hotplate. I was also trying to dry sieves.

Much better ...
17-3-2020 at 05:10
by: DavidJR
Distinguishing plastics without analysis?
I think that's almost certainly polystyrene. IMO polystyrene containers are basically trash and shou ...
16-3-2020 at 16:08
by: DavidJR
Nitrogen Triiodide HELP ME!
If the staining is iodine I'd expect it to slowly sublimate away.
7-3-2020 at 13:28
by: DavidJR
Sulphur candles
[rquote=631909&tid=154958&author=woelen]The easiest way to conveniently make SO2 is dripping ...
4-3-2020 at 16:08
by: DavidJR
Very toxic inorganic compounds
Huh, I had it in my mind that tellurium compounds would be more toxic than the corresponding seleniu ...
3-3-2020 at 14:31
by: DavidJR
I quit using cannabis to be a safer chemist.
[rquote=629907&tid=154197&author=stoichiometric_steve]... identifying root causes to a psych ...
3-3-2020 at 14:26
by: DavidJR
Easy to obtain standards for titrations and other analytical methods
In order to use sodium carbonate as a primary standard you really have to oven dry it first even if ...
29-2-2020 at 09:35
by: DavidJR
Lead distillation
Wouldn't vacuum distillation be easier? It would lower the temperature requirements considerably.
25-2-2020 at 01:17
by: DavidJR
Does anyone know if these are borosilicate or not?
You "Scored this for $2"? Sorry but just buying proper beakers from a lab supplier is way cheaper an ...
13-2-2020 at 14:50
by: DavidJR
Ordering things like mercury or dicyclopentadiene from LiMac Science?
Nope, I've bought items from them that are now marked with ((!)). I'd guess it's maybe some shipping ...
10-2-2020 at 06:47
by: DavidJR
Ordering things like mercury or dicyclopentadiene from LiMac Science?
Back when I could order from Sigma Aldrich I got some dicyclopentadiene from them. Unfortunately I c ...
9-2-2020 at 15:15
by: DavidJR
Ordering things like mercury or dicyclopentadiene from LiMac Science?
9-2-2020 at 13:55
by: DavidJR
Ordering things like mercury or dicyclopentadiene from LiMac Science?
I asked them for a quote for some things from their second catalogue but they were all pretty expens ...
9-2-2020 at 13:43
by: DavidJR
Unsuccessful Grignard with PhMgBr - what did I make?
It is also possible to just use water alone without any mineral acid. However this tends to result i ...
8-2-2020 at 14:27
by: DavidJR
Bromo-DDT, p,p-dibromo-diphenyl-1,1,1-trichloro-ethane
I never found permethrin to work all that well on fleas. Also, it is found in flea collars etc inten ...
8-2-2020 at 11:50
by: DavidJR
Best materials for chemical work surfaces?
[rquote=630719&tid=154832&author=morganbw]For an amatuer, I would have no problem using an A ...
8-2-2020 at 11:43
by: DavidJR
Best materials for chemical work surfaces?
Maybe. Also epoxy benches are used but these are expensive.
8-2-2020 at 11:34
by: DavidJR
Unsuccessful Grignard with PhMgBr - what did I make?
Dehydration is fast for tertiary alcohols in general. Why don't you test the product with bromine wa ...
8-2-2020 at 04:05
by: DavidJR
Test for acrolein
What about Brady's reagent to at least see if it's an aldehyde?
7-2-2020 at 13:49
by: DavidJR
Best materials for chemical work surfaces?
I believe commercial fumehoods use ABS as ...
7-2-2020 at 13:46
by: DavidJR
Best materials for chemical work surfaces?
Stainless steel isn't exactly stainless in a lab environment. I wouldn't make a fume hood out of it ...
6-2-2020 at 17:34
by: DavidJR
Bromo-DDT, p,p-dibromo-diphenyl-1,1,1-trichloro-ethane
Neonicotinoids are nice because they are biodegrad ...
6-2-2020 at 17:31
by: DavidJR
Sulfur dioxide
I don't think it'll do anything serious after a small exposure. Probably worth making more of an eff ...
6-2-2020 at 17:24
by: DavidJR
Bromo-DDT, p,p-dibromo-diphenyl-1,1,1-trichloro-ethane
[rquote=630610&tid=154828&author=woelen]Interesting to see that a compound can have such a s ...
6-2-2020 at 12:02
by: DavidJR
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