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Homeblown retort
Use an oil bath @ ~150C to distill the water.
11-9-2011 at 11:02
by: Bot0nist
Can small quantities of nitrocellulose detonate?
Try on a steel anvil. Concrete isn't smooth or hard enough IIRC.
10-9-2011 at 13:28
by: Bot0nist
Can small quantities of nitrocellulose detonate?
I didn't reduce it to a powder. It was in smallish pieces and pressed with a c-clamp. I didn't det w ...
9-9-2011 at 20:31
by: Bot0nist
On the peroxidation of acetone using fenton's reagent
I don't know.
I have heard of using sulfuric. Couldn't citric or sulfuric be recovered without to m ...
9-9-2011 at 17:22
by: Bot0nist
Benzoic Acid from Benzoin Resin
Utfse please. Hector2000 has a thread titled "oxidation of styrene" on this very site.
9-9-2011 at 17:18
by: Bot0nist
On the peroxidation of acetone using fenton's reagent
I don't
understand. Fentons is just a solution of peroxide with an Fe catalyst, right? Cheaper bec ...
9-9-2011 at 15:18
by: Bot0nist
Can small quantities of nitrocellulose detonate?
Blasty, sorry, I must of missed that question in the other thread. The nitrocellulose that was able ...
9-9-2011 at 07:02
by: Bot0nist
I'm with Neil, I've drank the stuff in France. Nothing but crappy tasting, strong booze. No psychotr ...
9-9-2011 at 06:19
by: Bot0nist
Can small quantities of nitrocellulose detonate?
I doubt it will DDT, even when compressed and confined unless you are dealing with very large amount ...
9-9-2011 at 04:47
by: Bot0nist
Be the first kid on the block with a incendiary FrisbeeĀ®
[rquote=221340&tid=17278&author=The WiZard is In]
At this moment I am not sure what la card ...
8-9-2011 at 09:53
by: Bot0nist
Homeblown retort
[rquote=221292&tid=17474&author=Acetic Acid]Questions: What's a REALLY easy substance to dis ...
8-9-2011 at 09:40
by: Bot0nist
Be the first kid on the block with a incendiary FrisbeeĀ®
[rquote=221332&tid=17278&author=tang powder]awesome.
make the phosphorous coating out of ...
8-9-2011 at 09:02
by: Bot0nist
extract nitrocelulose from ping pong balls
[rquote=221329&tid=17443&author=Hennig Brand]

I believe cellulose trinitrate and cellul ...
8-9-2011 at 07:03
by: Bot0nist
high temperature filter for liquid/phase separation
Careful with molten chlorates. They are very reactive oxidizers and can decompose explosively. Any c ...
8-9-2011 at 05:39
by: Bot0nist
extract nitrocelulose from ping pong balls
[rquote=221275&tid=17443&author=Rosco Bodine]Nitrating mixtures that won't really mix very w ...
7-9-2011 at 11:43
by: Bot0nist
extract nitrocelulose from ping pong balls
I agree with Rosco on the practicality if cellulose nitrate as an explosive. Many other cheap altern ...
7-9-2011 at 10:34
by: Bot0nist
A path to nitrocellulose your mother never told you about

"How can you make NC without any dehydrating agent?" - Use anhydrous HNO<sub> ...
6-9-2011 at 20:30
by: Bot0nist
extract nitrocelulose from ping pong balls
This was a simple and quick write up using things you could get at WalMart in one trip, and is the w ...
6-9-2011 at 14:30
by: Bot0nist
Is it necessary to freeze organisms before you extract chems from them?
Depends on what your trying to extract and its stability. Also, freezing some plant matter help with ...
5-9-2011 at 20:22
by: Bot0nist
extract nitrocelulose from ping pong balls
Yes, I suppose they would differ. I have always used NH<sub>4</sub>NO<sub>3</su ...
5-9-2011 at 17:26
by: Bot0nist
Simple synthesis of cellulose hexanitrate.
I am sure you could have found this by searching a bit, but I'm feeling generous. This is a fun synt ...
5-9-2011 at 13:32
by: Bot0nist
extract nitrocelulose from ping pong balls
Even though the cellulose nitrate synthesis is a relatively safe nitration it is not without its dan ...
5-9-2011 at 10:45
by: Bot0nist
This sounds interesting. Maybe a paste of bicarbonate and water as opposed to a solution. I don't be ...
5-9-2011 at 05:24
by: Bot0nist
extract nitrocelulose from ping pong balls
[rquote=221075&tid=17443&author=bearcreek] A mix of ping pong ball, KNO3, NH4NO3 & ammon ...
5-9-2011 at 04:46
by: Bot0nist
extract nitrocelulose from ping pong balls
Its hard to detonate cellulose hexanitrate. Good to keep safety in the front of your mind though.
4-9-2011 at 08:34
by: Bot0nist
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