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High-order flash powder?
Dornier I saw those videos. He used 6 grams of flash, while my mixture is sensitive enough to only ...
18-9-2016 at 12:44
by: MineMan
High-order flash powder?
LL, the Ammotropin, to make this can the hexamine and AN be mixed together as a powder, or must they ...
18-9-2016 at 07:56
by: MineMan
High-order flash powder?
The NC I used was double base smokeless powder.

All, just had a sucsussful det of an Ammonal li ...
17-9-2016 at 19:48
by: MineMan
High-order flash powder?
[rquote=461258&tid=22930&author=Fulmen]The performance doesn't have to be that great if it's ...
16-9-2016 at 16:28
by: MineMan
High-order flash powder?
Good info! Philou, don't know how else to convince you, but 60 parts KCLO3 20Parts NM 10 parts Al po ...
16-9-2016 at 08:57
by: MineMan
High-order flash powder?
I completely agree, I think some primary's would be safer. But to transport a primary in the states ...
15-9-2016 at 17:27
by: MineMan
High-order flash powder?
Philou. Did you perform impact and friction tests on your potassium chlorate, sulfur and charcoal mi ...
15-9-2016 at 13:14
by: MineMan
High-order flash powder?
I think those targets only have a smaller percentage of chlorite in them. They are not the main oxid ...
15-9-2016 at 13:07
by: MineMan
Tetramine copper perchlorate help?
Ok. We look forward to the results.
13-9-2016 at 05:49
by: MineMan
Questions about AN Mixtures
Dillee. Can you expand on why t should be deeply OB negative...

I know a postage OB. 5perecent Al ...
12-9-2016 at 19:43
by: MineMan
High-order flash powder?
Bert thank you for the warnings. I would consider adding Red P to the ammonal mixture for increased ...
12-9-2016 at 19:27
by: MineMan
High-order flash powder?
Haha. Funny I was just thinking the same thing... Adding benzoate to flash powder. I would be fine ...
10-9-2016 at 12:54
by: MineMan
High-order flash powder?

Thank you for sharing your experiments. You say my flash powder, what size of Al are yo ...
10-9-2016 at 09:01
by: MineMan
Ag2C2.AGNO3 (DS)
Tricka90, I am disappointed with your question, from your previous posts it seemed like you were lea ...
10-9-2016 at 08:51
by: MineMan
High-order flash powder?
I was wondering if we could restart this this topic, if anyone had through experimentation found any ...
9-9-2016 at 16:04
by: MineMan
Questions about AN Mixtures
LL, very well said!
9-9-2016 at 10:10
by: MineMan
Why not EDDN?
LL, this is what I am curious about also... I hope Praxichys can answer this!
9-9-2016 at 10:06
by: MineMan
Why not EDDN?
Whoops my reply got placed in the quote...
8-9-2016 at 13:19
by: MineMan
Why not EDDN?
[rquote=460465&tid=68896&author=Praxichys]Silver isn't that expensive to use as a primary. Y ...
8-9-2016 at 12:58
by: MineMan
Why not EDDN?
[rquote=460449&tid=68896&author=Laboratory of Liptakov]For study recommend Gordon mixture. F ...
8-9-2016 at 10:23
by: MineMan
Tetramine copper perchlorate help?
Wow, Thank you PH Z!!!:o That must have taken you an hour to type!

Yes, several of those rules I ...
8-9-2016 at 10:02
by: MineMan
Short question / quick answer - Thread
Has anyone on this forum used dinitrogen pentoxide for nitration? Apparently it is the new thing, a ...
7-9-2016 at 16:13
by: MineMan
Tetramine copper perchlorate help?
Ahh, that is good to know that TACP should also not contact Al, as I was employing Al for an end plu ...
7-9-2016 at 14:38
by: MineMan
Hexamine Diperchlorate
I second LL TACP is much easier than ETN, and lower sensativity. How can it not be stored long?
7-9-2016 at 12:41
by: MineMan
New Energetic Materials - Current Research
Ok, any reports of experimental VOD or volume of gas produced?? Please keep us updated.
7-9-2016 at 10:54
by: MineMan
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