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New Fume Hood
Excellent find zoombafu ! I'm jealous. I have a crappy home made one I use now for tame reactions, a ...
6-1-2012 at 19:29
by: Bot0nist
What is the most ignorant thing you have ever done while conducting an experiment?
Used to dip the back of matches into MEKP and touch fire to them while holding them. They would pop ...
6-1-2012 at 05:52
by: Bot0nist
Zero tolerance for meth cooks kewls and other troublemakers?

Lets not name names hiss :D
5-1-2012 at 10:52
by: Bot0nist
Have you told anyone about the forum?
[rquote=231768&tid=1525&author=Vogelzang]Look what this guy did. ...
4-1-2012 at 16:55
by: Bot0nist
Zero tolerance for meth cooks kewls and other troublemakers?
Whew, this is a tough one.

When I first joined here I was very intolerant of any drug related qu ...
4-1-2012 at 16:50
by: Bot0nist
My, er, Tootsie Moment?
Will hissingnoise stay with us too, or be replaced by Pulverulesant?
3-1-2012 at 18:48
by: Bot0nist
nitric acid shipping method
Very doubtful.

If you find a place. PM me!
3-1-2012 at 08:41
by: Bot0nist
fluorine based pyrotechnic
Try reading through, and inquiring in this thread. ...
3-1-2012 at 08:40
by: Bot0nist
Let's Make This an Ethical New Year
In regards to what I we call kewls. To me it is somebody, usually young, who is seeking recipes or k ...
2-1-2012 at 11:40
by: Bot0nist
K2C2O6 , NaBO3 and review of chlorate based oxidation
Is it potassium [b]peroxodicarbonate[/b]

[b]C<sub>2</sub>O<sub>6</sub>< ...
2-1-2012 at 11:21
by: Bot0nist
Recovery of K2SO4 from K2SO4/H2SO4/HNO3
337C for sulfuric, but anyways, just concentrate, cool slowly, and decant. Dissolve crystals in wate ...
2-1-2012 at 05:38
by: Bot0nist
Org Synth: Trymethylamine
[quote]Not to mention my keyboard does not have subscript functionality.[/quote]

You don't have ...
30-12-2011 at 17:43
by: Bot0nist
Copper Citrate Production
Maybe he needs a lot of Benedict's reagent.
30-12-2011 at 04:56
by: Bot0nist
taurine extraction?
Why not just weigh 10, or 100 pills and divide by X amount of pills, etc, to find out the mass of th ...
29-12-2011 at 18:50
by: Bot0nist
What to do of my life? Answer faster!
I soon posted an apology for flaming, AH. It was a rough week for me and he annoyed the piss out of ...
29-12-2011 at 16:30
by: Bot0nist
Cold extraction of piperine from black pepper
I think your making this harder than it needs to be, but give it some runs and post a write up.
29-12-2011 at 14:30
by: Bot0nist
Tired of reporting spam
Hehe, you mean Nicodem. But caustically hilarious.

[Edited on 28-12-2011 by Bot0nist]
28-12-2011 at 10:25
by: Bot0nist
Tired of reporting spam
[rquote=231113&tid=16937&author=hkparker]I think the current spam situation isn't detrimenta ...
27-12-2011 at 16:54
by: Bot0nist
Nitroglycerin discoloration
I have never been able to get "water clear" glyceryl trinitrate either. Even with reagent grade reac ...
27-12-2011 at 07:43
by: Bot0nist
Pt with Hf
Or the Pt crucible has non platinum impurities.

[Edited on 26-12-2011 by Bot0nist]
26-12-2011 at 05:45
by: Bot0nist
PLX type explosives
Small scale tests are the best way to start, and a well made compound cap, containing a sensitive se ...
24-12-2011 at 10:34
by: Bot0nist
Thankyou polverone
It has become a huge part of my "downtime" as well. Thanks Polverone. BTW, is the moniker supposed t ...
24-12-2011 at 08:10
by: Bot0nist
The Responsibility of Scientists as fellow Human Beings
Ever see the series, ancient aliens? lol. Thus thread is now way of topic, but what the hell. Merry ...
23-12-2011 at 10:04
by: Bot0nist
MgSO4 to sulfuric acid
Did you read the link. Look up the historical process used to first make sulfuric acid. Like the lea ...
23-12-2011 at 09:56
by: Bot0nist
The Responsibility of Scientists as fellow Human Beings
There are also many outlandish claims made throughout history that would be considered laughable in ...
23-12-2011 at 09:51
by: Bot0nist
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