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Displaying elements collection in a non-standard way
Could be something like this.


Each element has its cubicle, big enough to ...
25-3-2019 at 04:24
by: Ubya
Anhydrous Zinc Chloride Attempted Synthesis

dry media reaction, if not in the molten state have always low yeld ...
22-3-2019 at 04:11
by: Ubya
Pretty Pictures (2)
yesterday (a few hours ago) was my birthday, my best friend gave me this as a gift, Autunite sample, ...
21-3-2019 at 17:52
by: Ubya
Recycling the sulfuric acid.
in ether production sulphuric acud doesn't decompose, distillation should be able to remove any vola ...
21-3-2019 at 01:23
by: Ubya
sharing Awesome Chemical Pictures (Read first comment)
[rquote=605779&tid=146675&author=Chem Science][rquote=605774&tid=146675&author=Ubya] ...
20-3-2019 at 09:25
by: Ubya
sharing Awesome Chemical Pictures (Read first comment)
There's already a thread to post pr ...
20-3-2019 at 04:33
by: Ubya
Working out concentration
[rquote=605758&tid=146624&author=captainC11][rquote=605648&tid=146624&author=Charlie ...
20-3-2019 at 04:30
by: Ubya
Working out concentration
not that easy, you need to know what is the solution first, liquid volumes are not additive (for exa ...
18-3-2019 at 16:19
by: Ubya
How to ask my professors for chemicals and equipment?
[rquote=605621&tid=146306&author=Herr Haber]
I once offered sex for Dimethylaniline to a fr ...
18-3-2019 at 14:53
by: Ubya
Is Cody's method of extracting iodine from seaweed cost efficient on that scale?
Most of the ash content is sodium chloride, and precipitating copper iodide is really clever IMO. I ...
17-3-2019 at 17:56
by: Ubya
unknown DCM azeotrope
i looked at my other can of solvent, and looking by its composition and a few azeotrope tables i thi ...
16-3-2019 at 17:36
by: Ubya
Everything you wanted to know about Aspirator "pumps" but were afraid to ask

EDIT : my brain just melted...
if there is a ...
15-3-2019 at 09:57
by: Ubya
Everything you wanted to know about Aspirator "pumps" but were afraid to ask
i've never heard of any amateurs using steam vacuum aspirators, a water one already needs some kind ...
15-3-2019 at 06:21
by: Ubya
Preparation of ionic phosphide from red P
[rquote=605314&tid=146474&author=SWIM]Moletox mole and gopher killer is 2% zinc phosphide.
14-3-2019 at 09:57
by: Ubya
unknown DCM azeotrope
the lable of the can is 100% wrong. if i had only DCM and toluene i shouldn't have a water miscible ...
14-3-2019 at 08:15
by: Ubya
unknown DCM azeotrope
I've been trying to purify some DCM out of paint stripper.
the formula for the can i found is not t ...
14-3-2019 at 05:57
by: Ubya
Problem with Zeeman AAS
Brainiac75(YouTube) played with some big magnets, he used custom jigs to put big magnets together sa ...
14-3-2019 at 03:38
by: Ubya
Reducing copper hydroxide
[rquote=605262&tid=139113&author=Housane]I did the modified test as in thought empouriums vi ...
14-3-2019 at 03:26
by: Ubya
HCl + H2O2 + Glass powder = vigorous bubbling/decomposition of H2O2 - Why?
[rquote=605196&tid=146283&author=mackolol]With that big excess of HCl to fe2o3 you're gettin ...
13-3-2019 at 09:25
by: Ubya
Electrorefining of Tin
[rquote=605219&tid=146431&author=Fulmen]Is it pure enough to convert to β-tin? [/rquote]

13-3-2019 at 09:14
by: Ubya
Is potassium 40 ever isolated ?
[rquote=492011&tid=76720&author=SWIM]Worst case scenario it still ought to be easier than se ...
13-3-2019 at 05:11
by: Ubya
Electrorefining of Tin
those are some cool looking metal crystals. if i have the patience to purify some lead-tin alloy i h ...
13-3-2019 at 04:01
by: Ubya
How to ask my professors for chemicals and equipment?
in my university they are pretty strict with bureaucracy, last semester they didn't find lab assista ...
11-3-2019 at 04:33
by: Ubya
How to ask my professors for chemicals and equipment?
asking is not illegal, but probably they won't be able to help.
maybe if you get to be friend with ...
10-3-2019 at 12:51
by: Ubya
Culturing of a red flourecent bacteria/algae
of course you need nutrients, water is just a medium, you need to know if what you have is algae or ...
4-3-2019 at 00:50
by: Ubya
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