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Short question / quick answer - Thread
Does anyone know the optimum ZPP ratios for max VOD.

I have no experience with ZR KclO4 mixtures, ...
23-6-2017 at 13:59
by: MineMan
Good and easy way to gelatinize PLX?
Microtek. SADS is a somewhat weak primary... but TACP certainly is not. CHP is essentially the sam ...
23-6-2017 at 10:15
by: MineMan
Good and easy way to gelatinize PLX?
Yes, the CHP is a BIG breakthrough Chisolm. It DDTs in 4mm tube, I have never had a failure, I can ...
23-6-2017 at 09:39
by: MineMan
Good and easy way to gelatinize PLX?
[rquote=486193&tid=74934&author=MineMan]Thanks LL... I do have a professional crush on you b ...
23-6-2017 at 09:30
by: MineMan
Good and easy way to gelatinize PLX?
Thanks LL... I do have a professional crush on you btw. Yes SADS is the best primary I know of. My ...
22-6-2017 at 13:09
by: MineMan
Good and easy way to gelatinize PLX?
wow bro lets chill

but what do you want to know. I told you you cant use FP for PLX. But if you ...
21-6-2017 at 19:13
by: MineMan
Good and easy way to gelatinize PLX?
And yah LL pretty much has the best amateur detonator ever, or at least of the ones that have been s ...
21-6-2017 at 13:27
by: MineMan
Good and easy way to gelatinize PLX?
Also man, your FP sucks, 425 mesh. IDK, I want to help you out but you have three posts... and with ...
21-6-2017 at 13:23
by: MineMan
Good and easy way to gelatinize PLX?
Bert, your back!:D My heart has skipped a beat, my buddy Bert!!

Jo to the Seph. PLX with FP is ...
21-6-2017 at 13:20
by: MineMan
High-order flash powder?
Hmm Neon, I would doubt that is his most sensitive.. It seems to OB balanced.

I have set off a ...
21-6-2017 at 13:14
by: MineMan
High-order flash powder?
Can anyone remember or tell me vvideoupl sensitive ANNMAL recipe? All of his comments disappeared ...
18-6-2017 at 19:01
by: MineMan
Ag2C2.AGNO3 (DS)
Sent you some tips as well.. we will figure out a good safe solution for your application together.
1-6-2017 at 16:31
by: MineMan
Ag2C2.AGNO3 (DS)
yes dave. i think that would be the best option. Is there a market for that... as I have a comp th ...
1-6-2017 at 13:44
by: MineMan
Nano Aluminum Powder 100nm

31-5-2017 at 11:02
by: MineMan
Nano Aluminum Powder 100nm
I have acquired more NAl powder than necessary...

my shipper was superposed to divide the package ...
31-5-2017 at 10:53
by: MineMan
Estimated VOD
Thank you... your right, in large amounts it would a be, I will be in the other room lol. But its ...
5-5-2017 at 12:10
by: MineMan
Estimated VOD
Sorry LL.. it might be true! In fact I have detonated TACP and ANNMAL mixtures with it. You see, i ...
4-5-2017 at 16:47
by: MineMan
Short question / quick answer - Thread
[rquote=481907&tid=26572&author=XeonTheMGPony]quite a few in the energetic forum, just got t ...
2-5-2017 at 14:38
by: MineMan
Estimated VOD
[rquote=481960&tid=73706&author=PHILOU Zrealone]The scratches may come from the sand or from ...
2-5-2017 at 14:27
by: MineMan
Estimated VOD
I cannot say what this compound is, I have only shared the composition with dornier. But I can say ...
2-5-2017 at 14:24
by: MineMan
Short question / quick answer - Thread
Hi All,

Google has continued to become worse and worse of a search engine these last few months.. ...
29-4-2017 at 10:47
by: MineMan
Estimated VOD
The right side of the first picture is where the explosive was, the left side was flashpowder to ign ...
28-4-2017 at 19:08
by: MineMan
Estimated VOD
Can anyone give me an estimate VOD off of this witness plate test. I am testing a new primary explo ...
28-4-2017 at 19:07
by: MineMan
Loocking for some OTC Emulsifier for AN/Paraffine/Mineral oil ect. sytems
use soap for the emulsifier and red gaur gum for the thickener. some industry emulsions also have a ...
28-4-2017 at 18:54
by: MineMan
shaped charges safety and effective range of jet formed!!
FYI, Greenlight is correct, the jet is not molten! Rather the extreme force changes the material pr ...
23-3-2017 at 10:44
by: MineMan
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