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Amateur route from R-OH to R-Cl
Depends on the R group. A tertiary alcohol can usually be converted to a chloride just with cold co ...
27-10-2020 at 07:26
by: DraconicAcid
Experiment report: Cobalt Molybdate, amazing colors and a collloidal mystery
So if I understand this correctly, mixing a cobalt source with a molybdate will give some cobalt mol ...
22-10-2020 at 13:11
by: DraconicAcid
How to recrystallize high solubility substances?
[rquote=647095&tid=155813&author=Fyndium]I also presume that crashing out works both ways - ...
22-10-2020 at 08:39
by: DraconicAcid
Why are odd elements rarer that even elements ?
[rquote=646972&tid=156347&author=Mateo_swe]Cant this be related to the electron shells?[/rqu ...
20-10-2020 at 08:26
by: DraconicAcid
Reagent Co-opt
Damn. I'm three hours north of Victoria, but it's the wrong Victoria.
19-10-2020 at 20:01
by: DraconicAcid
The Short Questions Thread (4)
[rquote=646791&tid=25055&author=j_sum1]Anyone able to give any enlightenment as to what this ...
18-10-2020 at 17:19
by: DraconicAcid
Why are odd elements rarer that even elements ?
I have a vague feeling that this could probably be explained by the existence of nuclear orbitals, b ...
18-10-2020 at 12:50
by: DraconicAcid
Identification of unknown metal
[rquote=646520&tid=156323&author=j_sum1]I understand that oxidation states of 3, 4, and 5 ar ...
14-10-2020 at 20:29
by: DraconicAcid
Plasma Sculptures
The plasma is at very low pressure, so it can be at a very high temperature without affecting the gl ...
12-10-2020 at 10:52
by: DraconicAcid
Estimating boiling points at reduced pressure
I think this is what ...
9-10-2020 at 07:43
by: DraconicAcid
T-Shirt Size (for secret santa)
I think I've bloated into a L during the pandemic.
7-10-2020 at 18:24
by: DraconicAcid
Need help interpreting 3-FEA H-NMR results
I'm guessing that because the N is protonated, it will be strongly deshielded.

Hydrogens on N sel ...
7-10-2020 at 18:23
by: DraconicAcid
Need help interpreting 3-FEA H-NMR results
The broad peak is definitely the one on N, quite possibly protonated.
7-10-2020 at 17:18
by: DraconicAcid
Chemical colour references
The amine complexes of copper and nickel will be stable long-term.
6-10-2020 at 08:41
by: DraconicAcid
Are Flamin' Hot Cheetos really that bad?
Cheetos, Cheezies, and other artificially-cheddar-flavoured things are best when literally flaming, ...
5-10-2020 at 21:10
by: DraconicAcid
Where does electromagnetic radiation come form?
[rquote=645893&tid=12408&author=pneumatician]expected parroting of the official bullshit in ...
5-10-2020 at 19:20
by: DraconicAcid
H-NMR Multiplicity of aldehyde hydrogen on 3-fluorobenzaldehyde
[rquote=645890&tid=156260&author=AvBaeyer]The multiplicity is a result of long distance coup ...
5-10-2020 at 18:28
by: DraconicAcid
Questions on Eutectics
If I keep the mixture just slightly below its fre ...
5-10-2020 at 12:31
by: DraconicAcid
H-NMR Multiplicity of aldehyde hydrogen on 3-fluorobenzaldehyde
Yes, you can sometimes get what is called "W-coupling".
4-10-2020 at 22:55
by: DraconicAcid
Where does electromagnetic radiation come form?
[rquote=645810&tid=12408&author=pneumatician][rquote=645767&tid=12408&author=Draconi ...
4-10-2020 at 22:54
by: DraconicAcid
For those distilling at home, how do you feed water into your condenser?
I have been known to attach the hoses to a couple of funnels, clamped to a stand. I can fill the ho ...
4-10-2020 at 14:29
by: DraconicAcid
Where does electromagnetic radiation come form?
[rquote=645765&tid=12408&author=pneumatician][rquote=155634&tid=12408&author=setback ...
3-10-2020 at 17:38
by: DraconicAcid
2020 Secret Santa [tell everyone how it went]
Kangaroo jerky? Nice.

Now I'm worried I'm going to let my person down......
3-10-2020 at 14:14
by: DraconicAcid
Synthesis of Creatininium Tetrachlorocuprate
[CuCl3]- apparently does.
2-10-2020 at 17:45
by: DraconicAcid
Synthesis of Creatininium Tetrachlorocuprate
Oh, yes, those. Sorry, I was thinking of KCuCl3 and NH4CuCl3, which are supposed to be intense red. ...
2-10-2020 at 17:25
by: DraconicAcid
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